Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific/fi

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This module handles generating the descriptions and categorization for Finnish category pages of the format "Finnish LABEL" where LABEL can be any text. Examples are Category:Bulgarian conjugation 2.1 verbs and Category:Russian velar-stem neuter-form nouns. This module is part of the poscatboiler system, which is a general framework for generating the descriptions and categorization of category pages.

For more information, see Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific/documentation.

NOTE: If you add a new language-specific module, you must add the language code to the list at the top of Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific in order for the module to be recognized.

local labels = {}
local handlers = {}

------- Nominal categories -------

labels["nominals by declension"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} nouns and adjectives categorized by their declension type.",
	breadcrumb = "by declension",
	preceding = "{{mainapp|Finnish declension}}",
	parents = {
		{name = "nouns", sort = "declension"},
		{name = "adjectives", sort = "declension"},

table.insert(handlers, function(data)
	local nomtype = data.label:match("^(.*)%-type nominals$")
	if nomtype then
		return {
			description = ("{{{langname}}} ''%s''-type nominals."):format(nomtype),
			preceding = ("{{mainapp|Finnish declension/%s}}"):format(nomtype),
			breadcrumb = {name = ("''%s''-type"):format(nomtype), nocap = true},
			parents = {"nominals by declension"},

------- Verbal categories -------

labels["verbs by conjugation"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} verbs categorized by their conjugation type.",
	breadcrumb = "by conjugation",
	preceding = "{{mainapp|Finnish conjugation}}",
	parents = {
		{name = "verbs", sort = "conjugation"},

labels["verbs that lack conjugation type"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} verbs that lack conjugation type.",
	parents = {"entry maintenance"},
	hidden = true,
	can_be_empty = true,

local ordinal_to_number = {
	first = 1,
	second = 2,
	third = 3,
	fourth = 4,
	fifth = 5,

for ordinal, number in pairs(ordinal_to_number) do
	labels[ordinal .. " infinitives"] = {
		description = "{{{langname}}} " .. ordinal .. " infinitives.",
		breadcrumb = ordinal,
		parents = {{name = "infinitives", sort = number}},
		can_be_empty = true,
	labels["long first infinitives"] = {
		description = "{{{langname}}} long first infinitives.",
		additional = "See [[Appendix:Finnish verb forms#First infinitive|this appendix]] for more information.",
		breadcrumb = "long first",
		parents = {{name = "infinitives", sort = 1}},
	labels["active " .. ordinal .. " infinitives"] = {
		description = "{{{langname}}} active " .. ordinal .. " infinitives.",
		breadcrumb = "active",
		parents = {ordinal .. " infinitives"},
	labels["passive " .. ordinal .. " infinitives"] = {
		description = "{{{langname}}} passive " .. ordinal .. " infinitives.",
		breadcrumb = "passive",
		parents = {ordinal .. " infinitives"},

labels["verbs by aspect"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} verbs categorized by their aspect.",
	breadcrumb = "by aspect",
	preceding = "{{mainapp|Finnish verb aspects}}",
	parents = {
		{name = "verbs", sort = "aspect"},

local aspect_spec = {
	{"automative", see_also = {"reflexive", "translative"}},
	{"causative", see_also = {"curative", "factive"}},
	{"continuative", see_also = {"frequentative"}},
	{"curative", see_also = {"causative", "factive"}, parent = "causative verbs"},
	{"factive", see_also = {"causative", "curative"}},
	{"frequentative", see_also = {"continuative"}},

for _, spec in ipairs(aspect_spec) do
	local spectype = spec[1]
	local capfirst = mw.getContentLanguage():ucfirst(spectype)
	local additional
	local parents = {}
	if spec.see_also then
		local additional_cats = {}
		for _, other_aspect in ipairs(spec.see_also) do
			table.insert(additional_cats, ("* [[:Category:Finnish %s verbs]]\n"):format(other_aspect))
		additional = "See also:\n" .. table.concat(additional_cats)
	if spec.parent then
		table.insert(parents, spec.parent)
	table.insert(parents, "verbs by aspect")
	labels[spectype .. " verbs"] = {
		description = ("{{{langname}}} %s verbs."):format(spectype),
		preceding = ("{{also|[[Appendix:Finnish verb aspects#%s|Appendix:Finnish verb aspects § %s]]}}"):format(
			capfirst, capfirst),
		additional = additional,
		breadcrumb = spectype,
		parents = parents,

local defective_types = {
	["kaikaa"] = true,

table.insert(handlers, function(data)
	local verbtype = data.label:match("^(.*)%-type verbs$")
	if verbtype then
		local parents = {"verbs by conjugation"}
		local addl
		if defective_types[verbtype] then
			table.insert(parents, "defective verbs")
		if verbtype == "kumajaa" then
			addl = "Some ''rohkaista'' -type verbs have a partially alternative conjugation, which is regarded as a poetic variant to the main conjugation. This category contains the entries where this alternative conjugation is indicated to exist."
		return {
			description = ("{{{langname}}} ''%s''-type verbs."):format(verbtype),
			preceding = ("{{mainapp|Finnish conjugation/%s}}"):format(verbtype),
			additional = addl,
			breadcrumb = {name = ("''%s''-type"):format(verbtype), nocap = true},
			parents = parents,

labels["colloquial verb forms"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} colloquial verb forms.",
	breadcrumb = "colloquial",
	parents = {"verb forms"},

------- Misc categories -------

labels["entries with inflection not matching pagename"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} entries which have an inflection table whose lemma form does not match the page name.",
	additional = "This is usually the result of incorrect or missing parameters.",
	breadcrumb = "inflection not matching pagename",
	parents = {{name = "entry maintenance", sort = "inflection not matching pagename"}},
	hidden = true,
	can_be_empty = true,

labels["Latinate surnames"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} surnames that are formed as if they were names from Latin (often with a suffix like {{m|fi||-(i)us}}).",
	breadcrumb = "Latinate",
	parents = {"surnames"},

labels["case suffixes"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} case suffixes.",
	breadcrumb = "case",
	parents = {"suffixes"},

return {LABELS = labels, HANDLERS = handlers}