- This module lacks a documentation subpage. Please create it.
- Useful links: root page • root page’s subpages • links • transclusions • testcases • sandbox
local export = {}
local require = require
local affixusex_module = "Module:affixusex"
local parameter_utilities_module = "Module:parameter utilities"
local concat = table.concat
local find = string.find
local gsub = string.gsub
local insert = table.insert
local match = string.match
local sort = table.sort
local sub = string.sub
function export.affixusex_t(frame)
local parent_args = frame:getParent().args
local params = {
[1] = {required = true, type = "language", default = "und"},
[2] = {list = true, allow_holes = true},
["altaff"] = {},
["nointerp"] = {type = "boolean"},
["pagename"] = {},
local aftype = frame.args.type
if aftype == "" or not aftype then
aftype = "affix"
if aftype == "prefix" then
params.altpref = {alias_of = "altaff"}
elseif aftype == "suffix" then
params.altsuf = {alias_of = "altaff"}
local m_param_utils = require(parameter_utilities_module)
local param_mods = m_param_utils.construct_param_mods {
-- We want to require an index for all params. Some of the params generated below have separate_no_index, which
-- overrides require_index (and also requires an index for the param corresponding to the first item).
{default = true, require_index = true},
{group = {"link", "ref", "lang", "q", "l"}},
{param = "lit", separate_no_index = true},
{param = "arrow", type = "boolean"},
{param = {"joiner", "fulljoiner"}},
local has_exclamation_point = {}
local items, args = m_param_utils.parse_list_with_inline_modifiers_and_separate_params {
params = params,
param_mods = param_mods,
raw_args = parent_args,
process_args_before_parsing = function(args)
-- Remember and remove an exclamation point from the beginning of a term. We need to do this *before*
-- parsing inline modifiers because the exclamation point goes before a language prefix, which is split off
-- as part of parsing inline modifiers.
for i, term in ipairs(args[2]) do
if sub(term, 1, 1) == "!" then
has_exclamation_point[i] = true
args[2][i] = gsub(term, "^!", "")
termarg = 2,
parse_lang_prefix = true,
track_module = "affixusex",
local lang = args[1]
local data = {
items = items,
lang = lang,
sc =,
l = args.l.default,
ll = args.ll.default,
q = args.q.default,
qq = args.qq.default,
lit = args.lit.default,
local pagename = args.pagename or mw.loadData("Module:headword/data").pagename
-- Determine whether the terms in the numbered params contain a prefix or suffix. If not, we may insert one before
-- the last term (for suffixes) or the first term (for prefixes).
local affix_in_items = false
for i, item in ipairs(items) do
if item.term then
-- Careful here, a prefix beginning with ! should be treated as a normal term.
if has_exclamation_point[item.orig_index] or ((item.lang or lang):makeEntryName(item.term)) == pagename then
affix_in_items = true
if not item.alt then
item.alt = item.term
item.term = nil
-- Determine affix to check for prefixness/suffixness.
local insertable_aff = args.altaff or pagename
-- Determine affix to interpolate if needed.
local affix = args.altaff
if not affix then
if lang:hasType("reconstructed") then
affix = "*" .. pagename
affix = pagename
-- Insert suffix derived from page title or altaff=/altsuf= before the last component if
-- (a) nointerp= isn't present, and
-- (b) no suffix is present among the parts (where "suffix" means a part that matches the subpage name after
-- diacritics have been removed, or a part prefixed by !), and either
-- (i) {{suffixusex}}/{{sufex}} was used;
-- (ii) {{affixusex}}/{{afex}} was used and altaff= is given, and its value looks like a suffix (begins with -,
-- doesn't end in -; an infix is not a suffix)
-- (iii) {{affixusex}}/{{afex}} was used and altaff= is not given and the subpage title looks like a suffix
-- (same conditions as for altaff=)
-- Insert prefix derived from page title or altaff=/altpref= before the first component using similar logic as
-- preceding.
if not args.nointerp and not affix_in_items then
if aftype == "prefix" or (
aftype == "affix" and
sub(insertable_aff, -1) == "-" and
sub(insertable_aff, 1, 1) ~= "-"
) then
insert(items, 1, {alt = affix})
elseif aftype == "suffix" or (
aftype == "affix" and
sub(insertable_aff, 1, 1) == "-" and
sub(insertable_aff, -1) ~= "-"
) then
insert(items, #items, {alt = affix})
return "<span class=\"affixusex\">" .. require(affixusex_module).format_affixusex(data) .. "</span>"
return export