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This is a private module sandbox of Wikitiki89, for his own experimentation. Items in this module may be added and removed at Wikitiki89's discretion; do not rely on this module's stability.

local export = {}
local temp = {}
local temp_d = nil
local extra = {}
local extra_d = nil

local single_subs = {
    ["і"] = "и",
    ["ї"] = "и",
    ["ѵ"] = "и",
    ["ѷ"] = "и",
    ["І"] = "И",
    ["Ї"] = "И",
    ["Ѵ"] = "И",
    ["Ѷ"] = "И",
    ["ѣ"] = "е",
    ["Ѣ"] = "Е",
    ["ѳ"] = "ф",
    ["Ѳ"] = "Ф",

local old_to_new = function(s)
    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, ".", single_subs)
    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ъи", "ы")
    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "[Ъъ][Ии]", "Ы")
    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "[Ъъ]$", "")
    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "[Ъъ]%f[^%a]", "")
    return s

function export.gen(frame)
    local args = frame:getParent().args
    local realword = (args[2] ~= "" and args[2]) or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().subpageText
    args["word"] = args["word"] or realword
    args["pos"] = args["pos"] or (args[1] ~= "" and args[1]) or "noun"
    args["Pos"] = mw.ustring.gsub(args["pos"], "^.", mw.ustring.upper, 1)
    args["new"] = args["new"] or old_to_new(realword)
    args["p"] = mw.ustring.gsub(args["p"] or "", "!", "|")
    args["h"] = mw.ustring.gsub(args["h"] or "", "!", "|")
    args["d"] = mw.ustring.gsub(args["d"] or "", "!", "|")
    -- local f = extra[args["pos"]] or extra_d; f(args)
    return require("Module:string utilities").format(temp[args["pos"]] or temp_d, args)

temp["adj"] = [===[==Russian==


# {\op}{\op}ru-pre-reform|{new}{\cl}{\cl}


temp["adv"] = [===[==Russian==


# {\op}{\op}ru-pre-reform|{new}{\cl}{\cl}]===]

temp["proper noun"] = [===[==Russian==

===Proper noun===
{\op}{\op}ru-proper noun+|old=1{p}|{word}{d}{h}{\cl}{\cl}

# {\op}{\op}ru-pre-reform|{new}{\cl}{\cl}


temp["noun"] = [===[==Russian==


# {\op}{\op}ru-pre-reform|{new}{\cl}{\cl}


temp["verb"] = [===[==Russian==


# {\op}{\op}ru-pre-reform|{new}{\cl}{\cl}]===]

temp_d = [===[==Russian==


# {\op}{\op}ru-pre-reform|{new}{\cl}{\cl}]===]

extra["noun"] = function(args)
    _, _, args["stem"], args["ending"] = mw.ustring.find(args["word"], "^(.*)(.)$")
    if args["s"] then
        args["stem"] = args["s"]
        args["d"] = "|" .. args["word"] .. args["d"]
    if args["e"] then
        args["ending"] = args["e"]
    args["p"] = args["p"] or (args[3] ~= "" and args[3]) or ""

extra["proper noun"] = extra["noun"]

extra["adj"] = function(args)
    _, _, args["stem"], args["ending"] = mw.ustring.find(args["word"], "^(.-)([ЪъЬьІіЇїЫыОоЕеЁёАаЯя][ЙйЕеЯя]?)$")
    args["p"] = args["p"] or (args[3] ~= "" and args[3]) or ""
    if args["p"] ~= "" and args["p"] ~= "Ь" then
        args["p"] = "ь"

extra_d = function(args)

return export