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This is a private module sandbox of Theknightwho, for their own experimentation. Items in this module may be added and removed at Theknightwho's discretion; do not rely on this module's stability.

local t = {
        "'bout ship",
            ["past2"] = "++",
        "'fess up",
            ["nolinkhead"] = "1",
        "Coug it",
        "Eagle up",
        "Greek it",
        "Irish up",
        "Jew up",
        "Naruto run",
            "Naruto running",
            "Naruto ran",
            "Naruto run",
        "SIM swap",
        "Southern blot",
        "abandon ship",
        "abate of",
        "about ship",
            "about ships",
            "about shipping",
            "about ship",
            "about shipped",
            ["past2"] = "about shipped",
        "absorb oneself in",
        "abstract away from",
        "abut on",
        "account for",
        "account of",
        "ache for",
        "act on",
        "act up",
        "ad lib",
        "add on",
        "add up",
        "age up",
        "aim at",
        "air ship",
        "air up",
        "alley cat",
        "alley crop",
        "allow for",
        "alpha dog",
        "alpha up",
            "alpha<,:alpha-ing,:alpha-ed> up",
        "ammo up",
        "amp up",
        "angle for",
        "answer for",
        "answer up",
        "ante in",
            "ante<,anteing> in",
        "ante up",
            "ante<,anteing> up",
        "apartment sit",
            "apartment sit<,,sat>",
        "apple up",
        "arc up",
        "arm up",
        "arrive at",
        "arse up",
        "art up",
        "ask for",
        "ask for it",
        "ask in",
        "asset strip",
            "asset strips",
            "asset stripping",
            "asset stripped",
        "auger in",
        "average up",
        "baby trap",
        "baby up",
        "back chat",
        "back in",
        "back up",
        "bad up",
        "badge in",
        "badge up",
        "bag up",
        "bail out on",
        "bail up",
        "bait up",
        "bake up",
        "bale up",
        "ball up",
        "ballast up",
        "balls on",
        "balls up",
        "bang on",
        "bang the drum for",
        "bang up",
        "bank on",
        "bank up",
        "bar hop",
        "bar up",
        "barbecue up",
        "bargain for",
        "bargain on",
        "barge in",
        "base off of",
            ["head"] = "[[base]] [[off of]]",
        "base on",
        "bash and grab",
            "bash<> and grab<>",
        "bash in",
        "bash someone's face in",
        "bash up",
        "baste up",
        "bat in",
        "batch up",
        "be a man",
            "be<is,,was,been> a man",
        "be based on",
            "[[be]]<is,,was,been> [[base on|based on]]",
        "be big on",
            "be<is,being,was,been> big on",
        "be good for",
            "be<is,being,was,been> good for",
        "be here for",
            "be<is,being,was,been> here for",
        "be in for",
            "be<is,being,was,been> in for",
        "be mum",
            "be<is,being,was,been> mum",
        "be on",
            "be<is,being,was,been> on",
        "be on at",
            "be<is,being,was,been> on at",
        "be one's own man",
            "be<is,being,was,been> one's own man",
        "be out for",
            "be<is,being,was,been> out for",
        "be seized of",
            "be<is,being,was,been> seized of",
        "be taken bad",
            "be<is,being,was,been> taken bad",
        "beam up",
        "bear down on",
            "bear<,,bore,borne> down on",
        "bear in",
            "bear<,,bore,borne> in",
        "bear in on",
            "bear<,,bore,borne> in on",
            ["head"] = "[[bear in]] [[on]]",
        "bear off from",
            "bear<,,bore,borne> off from",
        "bear on",
            "bear<,,bore,borne> on",
            ["past_ptc2"] = "born on",
        "bear up",
            "bear<,,bore,borne> up",
        "beard the lion in his den",
        "beat into a cocked hat",
            "beat<,,beat,beaten> into a cocked hat",
        "beat it",
            "beat<,,beat> it",
            ["past_ptc2"] = "beaten it",
        "beat like a jungle drum",
            "[[beat]]<,,beat,beaten> [[like]] [[a]] [[jungle drums|jungle drum]]",
        "beat on",
            "beat<,,beat,beaten> on",
            ["past_ptc2"] = "beat on",
            ["past_ptc2_qual"] = "US colloquial",
        "beat the crap out of",
            "[[beat]]<,,beat,beaten:beat[colloquial]> [[the]] [[crap]] [[out of]]",
        "beat the daylight out of",
            "beat<,,beat,beaten:beat> the daylight out of",
        "beat the daylights out of",
            "beat<,,beat,beaten> the daylights out of",
            ["past_ptc2"] = "beat the daylights out of",
        "beat the drum for",
            "beat<,,beat,beaten> the drum for",
        "beat the poop out of",
            "[[beat]]<,,beat,beaten:beat[colloquial]> [[the]] [[poop]] [[out of]]",
        "beat the rap",
            "beat<,,beat,beaten:beat[colloquial]> the rap",
        "beat the shit out of",
            "[[beat]]<,,beat,beaten:beat[colloquial]> [[the shit out of]]",
        "beat the stuffing out of",
            "[[beat]]<,,beat,beaten:beat[colloquial]> the [[stuffing]] [[out of]]",
        "beat the tar out of",
            "[[beat]]<,,beat,beaten:beat[colloquial]> the [[tar]] [[out of]]",
        "beat up",
            "beat<,,beat,beaten> up",
            ["past_ptc2"] = "beat up",
            ["past_ptc2_qual"] = "US colloquial",
        "beat up on",
            "beat<,,beat,beaten:beat> up on",
        "become of",
            "become<,,became,become> of",
        "bed in",
        "bed rot",
            ["past2"] = "~ted",
        "beef up",
        "beer up",
        "bell the cat",
        "bell up",
        "belly flop",
        "belly up",
        "belly up to the bar",
            ["head"] = "[[belly up]] [[to]] [[the]] [[bar]]",
        "belt up",
        "bet up",
            "bet<,,bet> up",
        "bid in",
            "bid<,,bid> in",
        "bid up",
            "bid<,,bid> up",
        "big up",
            ["past2"] = "big upped",
            ["past2_qual"] = "rare",
        "bill up",
        "bind up",
            "bind<,,bound> up",
        "bird dog",
        "bitch slap",
        "bitch up",
        "bite in",
            "bite<,,bit,bitten> in",
        "bite it",
            "bite<,,bit,bitten> it",
        "bite one's lip",
            "bite<,,bit,bitten> one's lip",
        "black cat",
        "black flag",
        "black top",
        "black up",
        "blanch up",
        "blank on",
        "blast up",
        "blaze on",
        "blaze up",
        "bleed like a pig",
            "bleeds like a pig",
            "bleeding like a pig",
            "bled like a pig",
            "bled like a pig",
        "bleed like a stuck hog",
            "bleed<,,bled> like a stuck hog",
        "bleed like a stuck pig",
            "[[bleed]]<,,bled> [[like a stuck pig]]",
        "blend in",
        "blend up",
        "blimp up",
        "block up",
        "blood in",
        "bloody up",
        "blot up",
        "blow a nut",
            "blow<,,blew,blown> a nut",
        "blow from a gun",
            "blow<,,blew,blown> from a gun",
        "blow in",
            "blow<,,blew,blown> in",
        "blow in the bag",
            "blow<,,blew,blown> in the bag",
        "blow one's lid",
            "blow<,,blew,blown> one's lid",
        "blow one's top",
            "blow<,,blew,blown> one's top",
        "blow one's wad",
            "blow<,,blew,blown> one's wad",
        "blow one's wig",
            "blow<,,blew,blown> one's wig",
        "blow up",
            "blow<,,blew,blown> up",
        "board up",
        "bob up",
        "bog in",
        "boil up",
        "bollix up",
        "bollocks up",
        "bolster up",
        "bolt in",
        "bolt to the bran",
        "bomb it",
        "bone up",
        "boob up",
        "booger up",
        "book in",
        "book it",
        "book on",
        "book up",
        "boot up",
        "booze up",
        "bop it up",
        "border on",
        "bore in",
        "boss up",
        "botch up",
        "bottle it",
        "bottle up",
        "bottom for",
        "bottom on",
        "bounce in",
        "bow down before the porcelain god",
        "bow in",
        "bowl up",
        "bowler hat",
            "bowler hats",
            "bowler hatting",
            "bowler hatted",
        "box in",
        "box the gnat",
        "box up",
        "brace in",
        "brace up",
        "brag on",
        "brass up",
        "breadcrumb up",
        "break bad",
            "break<,,broke,broken> bad",
        "break in",
            "break<,,broke,broken> in",
        "break into a run",
            "break<,,broke,broken> into a run",
        "break it",
            "breaks it",
            "breaking it",
            "broke it",
            "broken it",
        "break on",
            "break<,,broke,broken> on",
        "break the back of",
            "break<,,broke,broken> the back of",
        "break the web",
            "break<,,broke,broken> the web",
        "break up",
            "break<,,broke,broken> up",
        "breakfast in bed",
        "breast up",
        "breathe in",
        "breed in and in",
            "breed<,,bred> in and in",
        "breed up",
            "breed<,,bred> up",
        "breeze up",
        "brew up",
        "brick in",
        "brick it",
        "brick up",
        "bridge the gap",
        "bridge up",
        "bridle up",
        "brighten up",
        "bring down a peg",
            "bring<,,brought> down a peg",
        "bring down on",
            "bring<,,brought> down on",
        "bring in",
            "bring<,,brought> in",
        "bring it",
            "bring<,,brought> it",
        "bring on",
            "bring<,,brought> on",
        "bring to bed",
            "bring<,,brought,brought> to bed",
        "bring up",
            "bring<,,brought> up",
        "brisk up",
        "broil up",
        "bronze up",
        "broom up",
        "brown bag",
        "brown up",
        "bruise up",
        "brush something under the rug",
        "brush up",
        "bubble in",
        "bubble up",
        "buck for",
        "buck up",
        "buckle in",
        "buckle up",
        "bud up",
        "buddy up",
        "budge up",
        "buff up",
        "buffer up",
        "bug in",
        "bug up",
        "bugger up",
        "build a bridge and get over it",
            "build<,,built> a bridge and get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> over it",
        "build in",
            "build<,,built> in",
        "build on",
            "build<,,built> on",
        "build up",
            "build<,,built> up",
        "bulge the onion bag",
            "[[bulge]]<> the [[onion bag]]",
        "bulk up",
        "bull up",
        "bump on",
        "bump up",
        "bunch in",
        "bunch up",
        "bundle up",
        "bundy on",
        "bung it on",
        "bung on",
        "bung up",
        "bunk in",
        "bunk up",
        "bunker up",
        "bunny hop",
        "buoy up",
        "burn in",
            ["past2"] = "burnt in",
        "burn that bridge when one comes to it",
            "[[burn]]<,,burned:burnt> [[that]] [[bridge]] [[when]] [[one]] [[come]]s<comes,comes,came> [[to]] [[it]]",
        "burn up",
            ["past2"] = "burnt up",
        "burst in",
            "burst<,,burst:> in",
        "burst up",
            "burst<,,burst> up",
        "busk it",
        "bust a cap",
            ["past2"] = "~",
        "bust a gut",
            ["past2"] = "~",
        "bust a nut",
            ["past2"] = "~",
        "bust in",
        "bust on",
            ["past2"] = "~",
            ["past2_qual"] = "colloquial",
        "bust one's gut",
        "bust up",
            ["past2"] = "~",
            ["past2_qual"] = "colloquial",
        "butch up",
        "butt chug",
            "butt chug<,,>",
        "butt in",
        "butt up",
        "butter up",
        "button it",
        "button one's lip",
        "button up",
        "button up one's lip",
            ["head"] = "[[button up]] [[one's]] [[lip]]",
        "buy a pup",
            "buy<,,bought> a pup",
        "buy and pay for",
            "buy<,,bought> and pay<,,paid> for",
        "buy in",
            "buy<,,bought> in",
        "buy it",
            "buy<,,bought> it",
        "buy off on",
            "buy<,,bought> off on",
        "buy the dip",
            "buy<,,bought> the dip",
        "buy to let",
            "buy<,,bought> to let",
        "buy up",
            "buy<,,bought> up",
        "buzz in",
        "buzz up",
        "cable up",
        "cack on",
        "cack up",
        "caf up",
        "cafe hop",
        "caffeine up",
        "café hop",
        "cake up",
        "call 'em as one sees 'em",
            "[[call]]<> [['em]] [[as]] [[one]] [[see]]s<sees,sees,saw> [['em]]",
        "call a cab",
        "call a lid",
        "call for",
        "call in",
        "call it as one sees it",
            "[[call]]<> [[it]] [[as]] [[one]] [[see]]s<sees,sees,saw> [[it]]",
        "call on",
        "call someone everything but a child of God",
        "call them as one sees them",
            "[[call]]<> [[them]] [[as]] [[one]] [[see]]s<sees,sees,saw> [[them]]",
        "call to the Bar",
        "call to the bar",
        "call up",
        "camo up",
        "camp it up",
        "can it",
        "can't but",
            "can't<can't,-,couldn't,-> but",
        "can't help but",
            "can't<can't,-,couldn't,-> help but",
        "can't stand the sight of",
            "can't<can't,-,couldn't,-> stand the sight of",
        "cane it",
        "cannot but",
            "cannot<cannot,-,could not,-> but",
        "cannot help but",
            "cannot<cannot,-,could not,-> help but",
        "cap on",
        "cap up",
        "carb up",
        "care a fig",
            "care<caring,cares> a fig",
        "care a whit",
        "care for",
        "cark it",
        "carry on",
        "carry on",
        "carry out one's bat",
        "carry the bat",
        "carry the can",
        "carry up",
        "carry water for",
        "carve up",
        "case up",
        "cash in",
        "cash up",
        "cast on",
            "cast<,,cast> on",
            ["past2"] = "casted on",
        "cast up",
            "cast<,,cast> up",
        "cat nap",
        "cat sit",
            "cat sit<,,sat>",
        "catch a crab",
            "catch<,,caught> a crab",
        "catch as catch can",
        "catch it",
            "catch<,,caught> it",
        "catch on",
            "catch<,,caught> on",
        "catch sight of",
            "catch<,,caught> sight of",
        "catch step",
            "catches step",
            "catching step",
            "caught step",
        "catch the bus",
            "catch<,,caught> the bus",
        "catch the sun",
            "catch<,,caught> the sun",
        "catch up",
            "catch<,,caught> up",
        "catch wind of",
            "catch<,,caught> wind of",
        "cattle prod",
        "cattle up",
        "cause a stir",
        "cave in",
        "cell up",
        "chafe at the bit",
        "chain up",
        "chair up",
        "chalk up",
        "champ at the bit",
        "champ down on",
        "champ up",
        "chance on",
            "chances on",
            "chancing on",
            "chanced on",
        "change the leg",
        "change up",
        "channel hop",
        "char up",
        "charge up",
        "charm up",
        "chase up",
        "chat shit",
        "chat up",
        "chaw up",
        "cheat on",
        "cheat out of",
        "check in",
        "check on",
        "check up",
        "check up on",
        "cheek up",
        "cheer on",
        "cheer ship",
        "cheer up",
        "cheese up",
        "chew on",
        "chew the cud",
        "chew the fat",
        "chew the rag",
        "chew up",
        "chime in",
        "chime up",
        "chin up",
        "chink up",
        "chip at",
        "chip in",
        "chip up",
        "chipper up",
        "chirk up",
        "chisel in",
            "chisel<,[US]:++[Commonwealth],[US]:++[Commonwealth]> in",
        "chisel up",
            "chisel<,[US]:++[Commonwealth],[US]:++[Commonwealth]> up",
        "choke on",
        "choke up",
        "chomp at the bit",
        "chomp down on",
        "choose up",
            "choose<choosing,chooses,chose,chosen> up",
        "chop it up",
        "chop shop",
        "chop up",
        "chub up",
        "chuck in",
        "chuck it in",
        "chuck it up",
        "chuck one's toys out of the cot",
            ["head"] = "[[chuck]] [[one's]] [[toy]]s [[out of]] [[the]] [[cot]]",
        "chuck one's toys out of the pram",
            ["head"] = "[[chuck]] [[one's]] [[toy]]s [[out of]] [[the]] [[pram]]",
        "chuck up",
        "chum in",
        "chum up",
        "churn up",
        "clam up",
        "clamp down on",
        "clap eyes on",
            ["head"] = "[[clap]] [[eye]]s [[on]]",
        "clap in",
        "clap on",
        "clap up",
        "class up",
        "clay up",
        "clean up",
        "clear cut",
            "clear cut<,,cut>",
        "clear up",
        "clew up",
        "click for",
        "climb up",
        "cling on",
            "cling<,,clung> on",
        "cling to the skirts of",
            "cling<,,clung> to the skirts of",
        "clip it",
        "clip the wings of",
        "clock in",
        "clock on",
            "clocks on",
            "clocking on",
            "clocked on",
        "clock up",
        "clog up",
        "close in",
        "close in on",
            ["head"] = "[[close in]] [[on]]",
        "close the book on",
        "close up",
        "close up shop",
        "cloud up",
        "clout on",
        "clown on",
        "clue in",
        "clue up",
            ["pres_ptc2"] = "clueing up",
        "clump up",
        "clutter up",
        "co-create with God",
            ["past2"] = "co-opped",
            ["pres_ptc2"] = "co-opping",
        "coach up",
        "coat up",
        "cobber up",
        "cobble up",
        "cock a deaf 'un",
        "cock on",
        "cock up",
        "cocker up",
        "code up",
        "coffee up",
        "coil up",
        "coin it",
            "coins it",
            "coining it",
            "coined it",
        "cold pig",
        "collar up",
        "collect skin",
        "collect up",
        "color in",
        "color up",
        "colour in",
        "colour up",
        "combat log",
        "come at",
            "come<,,came,come> at",
        "come down on",
            "come<,,came,come> down on",
        "come down to us",
            "come<,,came,come> down to us",
        "come for",
            "come<,,came,come> for",
        "come from",
            "come<,,came,come> from",
        "come in",
            "come<,,came,come> in",
        "come in for",
            "come<,,came,come> in for",
        "come in hot",
            "come<,,came,come> in hot",
            ["head"] = "[[come in]] [[hot]]",
        "come it",
            "come<,,came,come> it",
        "come of",
            "come<,,came,come> of",
        "come off it",
        "come on",
            "come<,,came,come> on",
        "come out in",
            "come<,,came,come> out in",
        "come out on top",
            ["head"] = "[[come out]] [[on top]]",
        "come to a stop",
            "come<,,came,come> to a stop",
        "come to bat",
            "come<,,came,come> to bat",
        "come to bed",
            "come<,,came,come> to bed",
        "come up",
            "come<,,came,come> up",
        "come with it",
            "come<,,came,come> with it",
        "confide in",
        "conjure up",
        "connect up",
        "consist in",
        "consist of",
        "continuation bet",
            "continuation bet<,,bet>",
        "contract out of",
        "cook up",
        "cool it",
        "coon it",
        "coop in",
        "coop up",
        "cop a load of",
        "cop it",
        "cop on",
        "cop oneself on",
        "cop the bun",
        "cork it",
        "cork up",
        "corner up",
        "corpse run",
            "corpse run<,,ran,run>",
        "cost up",
        "cosy up",
        "cotton on",
        "couch up",
        "cough up",
        "count in",
        "count on",
        "count to ten",
        "count up",
        "couple up",
        "cover up",
        "cowboy up",
        "cozy up",
        "crack a crib",
        "crack a fat",
        "crack on",
        "crack the whip",
            "crack<,cracked> the whip",
        "crack up",
        "crank it",
        "crank one's hog",
        "crank up",
        "crap on",
        "crap up",
        "crash in",
        "crazy up",
        "cream skim",
        "cream the crop",
        "cream up",
        "crease up",
        "creep in",
            "creep<,,crept> in",
        "creep on",
        "creep up",
            "creep<,,crept> up",
        "creep up on",
            "creep<,,crept> up on",
        "crew up",
        "crip up",
        "crock up",
        "crop up",
        "cross a bridge before one comes to it",
            "[[cross]]<> [[a]] [[bridge]] [[before]] [[one]] [[come]]s<comes,comes,came> [[to]] [[it]]",
        "cross that bridge when one comes to it",
            "[[cross]]<> [[that]] [[bridge]] [[when]] [[one]] [[come]]s<comes,comes,came> [[to]] [[it]]",
        "cross that bridge when one gets to it",
            "[[cross]]<> [[that]] [[bridge]] [[when]] [[one]] [[get]]s<gets,gets,got> [[to]] [[it]]",
        "cross up",
        "crowd in",
        "crowd in on",
        "crowd up",
        "crum up",
        "crumb up",
        "crumble up",
        "crumple up",
        "crush it",
        "crush on",
        "cry on",
        "cry out for",
        "cry up",
        "cuddle up",
        "cue in",
            ["pres_ptc2"] = "cueing in",
        "cue up",
            ["pres_ptc2"] = "cueing up",
        "cuff up",
        "cure up",
        "curl up",
        "cut a rug",
            "cut<,,cut> a rug",
        "cut and run",
            "cut<,,cut> and run<,,ran,run>",
        "cut in",
            "cut<,,cut> in",
        "cut it",
            "cut<,,cut> it",
        "cut it up",
            "cut<,,cut> it up",
        "cut someone up",
            "cut<,,cut> someone up",
        "cut the Gordian knot",
            "[[cut]]<,,cut> [[the]] [[Gordian knot]]",
        "cut the crap",
            "cut<,,cut> the crap",
        "cut the knot",
            "cut<,,cut> the knot",
        "cut the rug",
            "cut<,,cut> the rug",
        "cut the shit",
            "[[cut]]<,,cut> [[the]] [[shit]]",
        "cut up",
            "cut<,,cut> up",
        "dab up",
        "dam up",
        "damn up",
        "dance the Tyburn jig",
        "dance the hempen jig",
        "dap up",
            "daps up",
            "dapping up",
            "dapped up",
            "dapped up",
        "dark up",
        "darken up",
        "dash on",
        "date up",
        "dawn on",
        "dead bat",
        "dead cat",
        "dead drop",
        "dead pan",
        "deal in",
            "deal<,,dealt> in",
        "decide on",
        "deck up",
        "declare war",
        "delight in",
        "deliver up",
        "deny of",
            "denies of",
            "denying of",
            "denied of",
        "descend on",
        "dial in",
            ["past2"] = "dialed in",
            ["past2_qual"] = "US",
            ["pres_ptc2"] = "dialing in",
            ["pres_ptc2_qual"] = "US",
        "dial it in",
            ["past2"] = "dialled it in",
            ["pres_ptc2"] = "dialling it in",
        "dial up",
            ["past2"] = "dialled up",
            ["pres_ptc2"] = "dialling up",
        "dice up",
        "dick up",
            "dick<,,dicked,dicked> up",
        "dicky up",
        "die on",
        "dig in",
            "dig<,,dug> in",
        "dig on",
            "dig<,,dug> on",
        "dig one's heels in",
            "dig<,,dug> one's heels in",
        "dig up",
            "dig<,,dug> up",
        "dike up",
        "dine in",
        "dine out on",
            ["head"] = "[[dine out]] [[on]]",
        "ding up",
        "dip one's toe in",
        "dirty up",
        "dish up",
        "dispose of",
        "dive in",
        "divide up",
        "divvy up",
        "divy up",
        "do a number on",
            "do<does,,did,done> a number on",
        "do exactly what it says on the tin",
            "[[do]]<does,,did,done> [[exactly]] [[what]] [[it]] [[say]]s<says,said,said> [[on]] [[the]] [[tin]]",
        "do for",
            "do<does,,did,done> for",
        "do in",
            "do<does,,did,done> in",
        "do it",
            "do<does,,did,done> it",
        "do of",
            "do<does,,did,done> of",
        "do one's bit",
            "do<does,,did,done> one's bit",
        "do one's job",
            "do<does,,did,done> one's job",
        "do one's nut",
            "do<does,,did,done> one's nut",
        "do out of",
            "do<does,,did,done> out of",
        "do someone like that",
            "do<does,doing,did,done> someone like that",
        "do someone's head in",
            "do<does,,did,done> someone's head in",
        "do the dirty on",
            "do<does,,did,done> the dirty on",
        "do the job",
            "do<does,,did,done> the job",
        "do the washing-up",
            "do<does,,did,done> the washing up",
        "do tricks on it",
            "do<does,,did,done> tricks on it",
        "do up",
            "do<does,,did,done> up",
        "do what it says on the tin",
            "[[do]]<does,,did,done> [[what]] [[it]] [[say]]s<says,said,said> [[on]] [[the]] [[tin]]",
        "dob in",
        "doc drop",
        "doctor up",
        "dodge up",
        "dog it",
        "dog nap",
        "dog shot",
            ["past2"] = "dog shot",
        "dog sit",
            "dog sit<,,sat>",
            ["past2"] = "dog-shot",
        "doll up",
        "dollar up",
        "donk bet",
            "donk bet<,,bet>",
        "doodie up",
        "dope up",
        "double dig",
            "double digs",
            "double digging",
            "double dug",
        "double dip",
        "double grab",
        "double tap",
        "double up",
        "dowdy up",
        "draft in",
        "draft up",
        "drag and drop",
            "drag<> and drop<>",
        "drag in",
        "drag on",
        "drag through the mud",
        "drag up",
        "draw a bead on",
            "draw<,,drew,drawn> a bead on",
        "draw in",
            "draw<,,drew,drawn> in",
        "draw on",
            "draw<,,drew,drawn> on",
        "draw one's horns in",
            "[[draw]]<,,drew,drawn> [[one's]] [[horn]]s [[in]]",
        "draw up",
            "draw<,,drew,drawn> up",
        "dream on",
            ["past2"] = "dreamt on",
        "dream up",
            ["past2"] = "dreamt up",
        "dredge up",
        "dress up",
        "drill in",
        "drill up",
        "drink in",
            "drink<,,drank,drunk> in",
        "drink up",
            "drink<,,drank,drunk> up",
        "drive at",
            "drive<,,drove,driven> at",
        "drive in",
            "drive<,,drove,driven> in",
        "drive someone mad",
            "drive<,,drove,driven> someone mad",
        "drive the porcelain bus",
            "drive<,,drove,driven> the porcelain bus",
        "drone on",
        "drop a log",
        "drop in",
        "drop off the map",
        "drop ship",
        "drop someone in it",
        "drop the mic",
        "drop the writ",
        "drum up",
        "dry hop",
        "dry lab",
        "dry up",
        "dub up",
        "dude up",
        "duff up",
        "duke in",
        "duke up",
        "dummy up",
        "dump on",
        "dunk on",
            "dunks on",
            "dunking on",
            "dunked on",
            "dunked on",
        "dust up",
        "dyke up",
        "eagle up",
        "earth up",
        "ease up",
        "eat away at",
            "eat<,,ate,eaten> away at",
        "eat in",
            "eat<,,ate,eaten> in",
        "eat it",
            "eat<,,ate,eaten> it",
        "eat like a pig",
            "eat<,,ate,eaten> like a pig",
        "eat one's gun",
            "eat<,,ate,eaten> one's gun",
        "eat one's hat",
            "eat<,,ate,eaten> one's hat",
        "eat shit",
            "eat<,,ate,eaten> shit",
        "eat shit",
            "eat<,,ate,eaten> shit",
        "eat the mic",
            "eat<,,ate,eaten> the mic",
        "eat twat",
            "eat<,,ate,eaten> twat",
        "eat up",
            "eat<,,ate,eaten> up",
        "edge in",
        "edge up",
        "edit war",
        "eff up",
        "egg on",
        "employ a steam engine to crack a nut",
            ["head"] = "[[employ]] [[a]] [[steam engine]] [[to]] [[crack]] [[a]] [[nut]]",
        "empty the clip",
        "end in",
        "end up",
        "enlarge up",
        "enter the chat",
        "err on the side of",
        "even up",
        "eye up",
        "face up",
        "factor in",
        "fade in",
        "fail of",
        "fail up",
        "fair up",
        "fake bad",
        "fake it",
        "fake it till one makes it",
            "[[fake]]<> [[it]] [[till]] [[one]] [[make]]s<makes,makes,made> [[it]]",
        "fake it until one makes it",
            "[[fake]]<> [[it]] [[until]] [[one]] [[make]]s<makes,makes,made> [[it]]",
        "fake up",
        "fall aboard of",
            "fall<,,fell,fallen> aboard of",
        "fall back on",
            "fall<,,fell,fallen> back on",
        "fall down on",
            "fall<,,fell,fallen> down on",
        "fall flat",
            "fall<,,fell,fallen> flat",
        "fall for",
            "fall<,,fell,fallen> for",
        "fall in",
            "fall<,,fell,fallen> in",
        "fall into a trap",
            "fall<,,fell,fallen> into a trap",
        "fall into someone's lap",
            "fall<,,fell,fallen> into one's lap",
        "fall on",
            "fall<,,fell,fallen> on",
        "fall to someone's lot",
            "fall<,,fell,fallen> to someone's lot",
        "fall up",
            "fall<,,fell,fallen> up",
        "false flag",
        "fancy up",
        "fang it",
        "fap it",
        "fasten up",
        "fat up",
        "fatten up",
            "fatten<,fattened,fattening> up",
        "fed up",
        "feed up",
            "feed<,,fed> up",
        "feel for",
            "feel<,,felt> for",
        "feel sorry for",
            "feel<,,felt> sorry for",
        "feel up",
            "feel<,,felt> up",
        "fence in",
        "fess up",
        "fetch in",
        "fetch up",
        "field strip",
        "field up",
        "fight like cat and dog",
            "fight<,,fought> like cat and dog",
        "fight shy of",
            "fight<,,fought> shy of",
        "fight up",
            "fight<,,fought> up",
        "figure on",
            "figure<,,figuring> on",
        "figure up",
        "file in",
        "fill in",
        "fill up",
        "filter up",
        "find God",
            "find<,,found> God",
        "find in",
            "find<,,found> in",
        "find the net",
            "find<,,found> the net",
        "finish up",
        "fire the starting gun",
            ["head"] = "[[fire]] [[the]] [[starting gun]]",
        "fire up",
        "firm up",
        "fish up",
        "fit in",
            "fit<,,fit> in",
            ["past2"] = "fitted in",
        "fit up",
        "fix on",
        "fix up",
        "flag up",
        "flame up",
        "flare up",
        "flash up",
        "flavor up",
        "fleet up",
        "flex up",
        "flip flop",
        "flip one's lid",
        "flip one's shit",
        "flip one's wig",
        "flip shit",
        "flip the lid",
        "float at",
        "flog the log",
        "floor it",
        "flop for",
        "flout at",
        "flub up",
        "fluff up",
        "fluke up",
        "fly at",
            "fly<,,flew,flown> at",
        "fly in",
            "fly<,,flew,flown> in",
        "fly in the face of",
            "[[fly]]<,,flew,flown> [[in the face of]]",
        "fly the flag",
            "fly<,,flew,flown> the flag",
        "fly the freak flag",
            "[[fly]]<,,flew,flown> the [[freak flag]]",
        "fly too close to the sun",
            "fly<,,flew,flown> too close to the sun",
        "foam up",
        "fog up",
        "fold up",
        "follow on",
        "follow the sun",
            "follow<,following> the sun",
        "follow up",
        "fool up",
        "foot it",
        "foot trip",
        "foot up",
        "force in",
        "forget it",
            "forget<,++,forgot,forgotten> it",
        "foster up",
        "foul up",
        "frame in",
        "frame up",
        "freckle up",
        "free up",
            ["head"] = "[[free#Verb|free]] [[up]]",
        "freeze up",
            "freeze<,,froze,frozen> up",
        "fresh up",
        "freshen up",
        "frig up",
        "frigg up",
        "frighten the piss out of",
        "fritz up",
        "frizz up",
            "frizzes up",
            "frizzing up",
            "frizzed up",
            "frizzed up",
        "front on",
        "front run",
            "front run<,,ran,run>",
        "front up",
        "frost up",
        "froth up",
        "frown at",
        "frown on",
        "fruit up",
        "fry up",
        "fuck it up",
            "fucks it up",
            "fucking it up",
            "fucked it up",
        "fuck the dog",
        "fuck up",
        "fuel up",
            ["past2"] = "fuelled up",
            ["pres_ptc2"] = "fuelling up",
        "fumble the bag",
        "fun up",
        "funk up",
        "fur up",
        "fussy cut",
            "fussy cut<,,cut>",
        "gain on",
        "game on",
        "gang up",
        "gang up on",
        "garner up",
            "garner<> up",
        "gas up",
            ["pres_3sg2"] = "gases up",
        "gather up",
        "gay up",
        "gear up",
        "gee up",
        "geek someone's head up",
        "geeze up",
        "geg in",
        "gen up",
        "get a charge from",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> a charge from",
        "get a charge out of",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> a charge out of",
        "get a grip",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> a grip",
        "get a handle on",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> a handle on",
        "get a hold of",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> a hold of",
        "get a jag on",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> a jag on",
        "get a jump on",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> a jump on",
        "get a kick out of",
            "[[get]]<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> [[a]] [[kick]] [[out of]]",
        "get a leg up",
            "[[get]]<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> [[a]] [[leg up]]",
        "get a line on",
            "get<,,got,gotten> a line on",
        "get a load of",
            "get<,,got,got:gotten[US, Canada]> a load of",
        "get a move on",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> a move on",
        "get a rise from",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> a rise from",
        "get a rise out of",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> a rise out of",
        "get a run on",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> a run on",
        "get a sad on",
            "get<,,got,got> a sad on",
        "get a wiggle on",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> a wiggle on",
        "get a word in",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> a word in",
        "get a wriggle on",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> a wriggle on",
        "get ahead of",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> ahead of",
        "get ahold of",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> ahold of",
        "get amongst it",
            "get<,,got> amongst it",
        "get at",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> at",
        "get back at",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> back at",
        "get down on",
            "get<,,got,gotten[US]:got[UK]> down on",
        "get eyes on",
            "get<,,got,gotten:got> eyes on",
        "get got",
            "get<,,got> got",
        "get gray hair from",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> gray hair from",
        "get grey hair from",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> grey hair from",
        "get hold of",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> hold of",
        "get in",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> in",
        "get in on",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> in on",
        "get into it",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> into it",
        "get it",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> it",
        "get it how one gets it",
            "[[get]]<,,got,gotten> [[it]] [[how]] [[one]] [[get]]s<gets,gets,got,has gotten> [[it]]",
        "get it how one lives it",
            "[[get]]<,,got,gotten> [[it]] [[how]] [[one]] [[live]]s<lives,lives,lived> [[it]]",
        "get it on",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> it on",
        "get it up",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> it up",
        "get off on",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> off on",
            ["head"] = "[[get off]] [[on]]",
        "get off the nut",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> off the nut",
        "get on",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> on",
        "get on at",
            "get<,,got> on at",
        "get on the end of",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> on the end of",
        "get on up",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> on up",
        "get one over on",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> one over on",
        "get one up on",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> one up on",
        "get one's claws on",
            "[[get]]<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> [[one's]] [[claw]]s [[on]]",
        "get one's dick wet",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> one's dick wet",
        "get one's end in",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> one's end in",
        "get one's eye in",
            "get<,,got> one's eye in",
        "get one's feet wet",
            "[[get]]<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> [[one's]] [[foot|feet]] [[wet]]",
        "get one's freak on",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> one's freak on",
        "get one's fuck on",
            "get<,,got,gotten:got> one's fuck on",
        "get one's groove on",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> one's groove on",
        "get one's hand in",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> one's hand in",
        "get one's hands on",
            "[[get]]<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> [[one's]] [[hand]]s [[on]]",
        "get one's hopes up",
            "[[get]]<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> [[one's]] [[hope]]s [[up]]",
        "get one's hump up",
            "get<,,got,got:gotten> one's hump up",
        "get one's knickers in a knot",
            "get<,,got> one's knickers in a knot",
        "get one's load on",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> one's load on",
        "get one's monkey up",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> one's monkey up",
        "get one's panties in a wad",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> one's panties in a wad",
        "get one's shit pushed in",
            "get<,,got,gotten:got> one's shit pushed in",
        "get one's shorts in a knot",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> one's shorts in a knot",
        "get one's skates on",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> one's skates on",
        "get one's wig split",
            "get<,,got,gotten> one's wig split",
        "get out of",
            "[[get]]<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> [[out of]]",
        "get out what one puts in",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> out what one puts in",
            ["head"] = "[[get out]] [[what]] [[one]] [[put in|puts in]]",
        "get outside of",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> outside of",
            ["head"] = "[[get outside]] [[of]]",
        "get over on",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> over on",
        "get rid of",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> rid of",
        "get someone's Irish up",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> someone's Irish up",
        "get someone's back up",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> someone's back up",
        "get someone's dander up",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> someone's dander up",
        "get stuck in",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> stuck in",
        "get taken in",
            "[[get]]<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> [[take|taken]] [[in]]",
        "get the best of",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> the best of",
        "get the better of",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> the better of",
        "get the bulge on",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> the bulge on",
        "get the chop",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> the chop",
        "get the drop on",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> the drop on",
        "get the goods on",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> the goods on",
        "get the hang of",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> the hang of",
        "get the nod",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> the nod",
        "get the wind up",
            "get<,,got> the wind up",
        "get the worst of it",
            "get<,,got,gotten:got> the worst of it",
        "get to the bottom of",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> to the bottom of",
        "get under someone's skin",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> under someone's skin",
        "get underneath someone's skin",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> underneath someone's skin",
        "get up",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> up",
        "get up in",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> up in",
        "get up on the wrong side of bed",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> up on the wrong side of bed",
            ["head"] = "[[get up]] [[on]] [[the]] [[wrong]] [[side]] [[of]] [[bed]]",
        "get up on the wrong side of the bed",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> up on the wrong side of the bed",
            ["head"] = "[[get up]] [[on]] [[the]] [[wrong]] [[side]] [[of]] [[the]] [[bed]]",
        "get wet",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> wet",
        "get what one asked for",
            "[[get]]<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> [[what]] [[one]] [[asked]] [[for]]",
        "get wind of",
            "get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> wind of",
        "get with it",
            "get<,,got,gotten[US]:got[UK]> with it",
        "gin up",
        "gin up",
        "ginger up",
        "give a crap",
            "give<,,gave,given> a crap",
        "give a fig",
            "give<,,gave,given> a fig",
        "give a gun",
            "give<,,gave,given> a gun",
        "give a rip",
            "give<,,gave> a rip",
        "give a shit",
            "give<,,gave,given> a shit",
        "give a tin shit",
            "give<,,gave,given> a tin shit",
        "give dap",
            "give<,,gave,given> dap",
        "give hat",
            "give<,,gave,given> hat",
        "give in",
            "give<,,gave,given> in",
        "give it one's best shot",
            "give<,,gave,given> it one's best shot",
        "give it the gun",
            "give<,,gave,given> it the gun",
        "give it up",
            "give<,,gave,given> it up",
        "give lip",
            "give<,,gave,given> lip",
        "give one's left nut",
            "give<,,gave,given> one's left nut",
        "give some skin",
            "give<,,gave,given> some skin",
        "give someone his hat",
            "give<,,gave,given> someone his hat",
        "give someone the bag",
            "give<,,gave,given> someone the bag",
        "give someone the slip",
            "give<,,gave,given> someone the slip",
        "give someone what for",
            "give<,,gave,given> someone what for",
            ["head"] = "[[give]] [[someone]] [[what for]]",
        "give someone what-for",
            "give<,,gave,given> someone what-for",
            ["head"] = "[[give]] [[someone]] [[what]]-[[for]]",
        "give something a shot",
            "[[give]]<,,gave,given> [[something]] [[a]] [[shot]]",
        "give something up as a bad job",
            "give<,,gave,given> something up as a bad job",
        "give the stem",
            "give<,,gave,given> the stem",
        "give up",
            "give<,,gave,given> up",
        "give what for",
            "give<,,gave,given> what for",
            ["head"] = "[[give]] [[what for]]",
        "glam up",
        "glaze up",
        "glom on",
        "glomb on",
        "glomp on",
        "glove up",
        "glow up",
            "glow<,,glowed> up",
            ["past2"] = "glew up",
            ["past_ptc2"] = "glown up",
        "gnash up",
        "go a bundle on",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> a bundle on",
        "go along with the gag",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> along with the gag",
            ["head"] = "[[go along with]] [[the]] [[gag]]",
        "go at",
            "go<goes,going,went,gone> at",
        "go at a good clip",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> at a good clip",
        "go at it",
            "[[go at]]<goes at,going at,went at,gone at> [[it]]",
        "go back on",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> back on",
        "go bad",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> bad",
        "go balls up",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> balls up",
        "go belly-up",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> belly-up",
        "go by the name of",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> by the name of",
        "go down on",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> down on",
            ["head"] = "[[go down]] [[on]]",
        "go down the pan",
            "[[go]]<goes,,went,gone> [[down the pan]]",
        "go far",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> far",
        "go for",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> for",
        "go for it",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> for it",
            ["head"] = "[[go for]] [[it]]",
        "go ham",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> ham",
        "go in",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> in",
        "go in for",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> in for",
        "go in on",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> in on",
        "go it",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> it",
        "go mad",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> mad",
        "go nap",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> nap",
        "go off the res",
            "[[go]]<goes,,went,gone> [[off]] [[the]] [[res]]",
        "go on",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> on",
        "go on",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> on",
        "go phut",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> phut",
        "go set",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> set",
        "go slap off on",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> slap off on",
        "go so far as",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> so far as",
        "go the way of",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> the way of",
        "go the whole hog",
            "[[go]]<goes,,went,gone> [[the]] [[whole hog]]",
        "go to Putney on a pig",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> to Putney on a pig",
        "go to bat",
            "go<goes,going,went,gone> to bat",
        "go to bed",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> to bed",
        "go to bed with the sun",
            "go<goes,going,went,gone> to bed with the sun",
        "go to plan",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> to plan",
        "go to pot",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> to pot",
        "go to shit",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> to shit",
        "go to the bad",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> to the bad",
        "go to the mat",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> to the mat",
        "go to town on",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> to town on",
        "go to war",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> to war",
        "go too far",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> too far",
        "go up",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> up",
        "go up for",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> up for",
        "go whole hog",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> whole hog",
        "go with one's gut",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> with one's gut",
        "gob up",
        "gobble up",
        "goof on",
        "goof up",
        "google up",
        "gook up",
        "goose step",
        "goose up",
        "goth up",
        "grab at",
        "grain up",
        "grandfather in",
            "grandfathers in",
            "grandfathering in",
            "grandfathered in",
            "grandfathered in",
        "grass on",
        "grass up",
        "grease it on",
        "grease up",
        "greek it",
        "green up",
        "grill up",
        "grin and bear it",
            "grin<> and bear<,,bore,borne> it",
        "grin like a Cheshire cat",
            ["head"] = "[[grin]] [[like]] [[a]] [[Cheshire cat]]",
        "grind up",
            "grind<,,ground> up",
        "grocery shop",
        "groove on",
        "gross up",
        "grow a set",
            "grow<,,grew,grown> a set",
        "grow away from",
            "grow<,,grew,grown> away from",
        "grow on",
            "grow<,,grew,grown> on",
        "grow out of",
            "grow<,,grew,grown> out of",
        "grow some skin",
            "grow<,,grew,grown> some skin",
        "grow up",
            "grow<,,grew,grown> up",
        "grub up",
        "guest star",
        "gulp up",
        "gum up",
        "gummy up",
        "gun for",
        "gun it",
        "gun up",
        "gunk up",
            "gunk<gunked> up",
        "gussie up",
        "gussy up",
        "gut for",
        "gut up",
        "guzzle up",
        "hack it",
        "hack up",
        "hackle up",
        "hail from",
        "halter up",
        "ham it up",
        "ham up",
        "hammer up",
        "hand in",
        "hand knit",
            ["past2"] = "hand knit",
        "hand on",
        "hand someone his hat",
        "hand up",
            ["past2"] = "hand-knit",
        "handle up",
        "hang a leg",
            "hang<,,hung> a leg",
        "hang in",
            "hang<,,hung> in",
        "hang on",
            "hang<,,hung> on",
        "hang one on",
            "hang<,,hung> one on",
        "hang one's hat",
            "hang<,,hung> one's hat",
        "hang one's hat on",
            "hang<,,hung> one's hat on",
        "hang one's lip",
            "hang<,,hung> one's lip",
        "hang ten",
            "hang<,,hung> ten",
        "hang up",
            "hang<,,hung> up",
        "hang up one's hat",
            "hang<,,hung> up one's hat",
        "happen on",
        "hard up",
        "harden up",
        "harp on",
        "harrow up",
        "hash up",
        "hate on",
        "haul in",
        "haul up",
        "have a bad time of it",
            "have<has,,had> a bad time of it",
        "have a bone in one's leg",
            "have<has,,had> a bone in one's leg",
        "have a brick in one's hat",
            "have<has,,had> a brick in one's hat",
        "have a cob on",
            "have<has,,had> a cob on",
        "have a crack at",
            "have<has,,had> a crack at",
        "have a fable for",
            "have<has,,had> a fable for",
        "have a face on",
            "have<has,,had> a face on",
        "have a finger in",
            "have<has,,had> a finger in",
        "have a fit",
            "have<has,,had> a fit",
        "have a gas",
            "have<has,,had> a gas",
        "have a good time of it",
            "have<has,,had> a good time of it",
        "have a hand in",
            "have<has,,had> a hand in",
        "have a handle on",
            "have<has,,had> a handle on",
        "have a hard time of it",
            "have<has,,had> a hard time of it",
        "have a head for",
            "have<has,,had> a head for",
        "have a jag on",
            "have<has,,had> a jag on",
        "have a poor time of it",
            "have<has,,had> a poor time of it",
        "have a pop at",
            "have<has,,had> a pop at",
        "have a rough time of it",
            "have<has,,had> a rough time of it",
        "have a stab",
            "have<has,,had> a stab",
        "have a thin time of it",
            "[[have]]<has,,had> a [[thin]] [[time]] of it",
        "have a time of it",
            "have<has,,had> a time of it",
        "have a visual on",
            "have<has,,had> a visual on",
        "have an easy time of it",
            "have<has,,had> an easy time of it",
        "have an eye for",
            "have<has,,had> an eye for",
        "have an in",
            "have<has,,had> an in",
        "have at",
            "have<has,,had> at",
        "have designs on",
            "[[have]]<has,,had> [[design]]s [[on]]",
        "have down as",
            "have<has,,had> down as",
        "have eyes for",
            "[[have]]<has,,had> [[eye]]s [[for]]",
        "have eyes on",
            "[[have]]<has,,had> [[eye]]s [[on]]",
        "have fun",
            "have<has,,had> fun",
        "have got",
            "have<has,,had> got",
        "have got a face on",
            "have<has,,had> got a face on",
        "have got the face on",
            "have<has,,had> got the face on",
        "have had it",
            "[[have]]<has,,had> [[have|had]] [[it]]",
        "have had one's day under the sun",
            "have<has,,had> had one's day under the sun",
        "have in",
            "have<has,,had> in",
        "have it",
            "have<has,,had> it",
        "have it bad",
            "have<has,,had> it bad",
        "have it going on",
            "[[have]]<has,,had> [[it]] [[go on|going on]]",
        "have it in for",
            "have<has,,had> it in for",
        "have it out for",
            "have<has,,had> it out for",
        "have little time for",
            "have<has,,had> little time for",
        "have more money than God",
            "have<has,,had> more money than God",
        "have no time for",
            "have<has,,had> no time for",
        "have no use for",
            "have<has,,had> no use for",
        "have on",
            "have<has,,had> on",
        "have one's back up",
            "have<has,,had> one's back up",
        "have one's cake and eat it",
            "have<has,,had> one's cake and eat<,,ate,eaten> it",
        "have one's ears on",
            "have<has,,had> one's ears on",
        "have one's eye on",
            "have<has,,had> one's eye on",
        "have one's guard up",
            "have<has,,had> one's guard up",
        "have one's head screwed on",
            "have<has,,had> one's head screwed on",
        "have one's heart in",
            "have<has,,had> one's heart in",
        "have one's heart set on",
            "have<has,,had> one's heart set on",
        "have one's hump up",
            "have<has,,had> one's hump up",
        "have one's name on",
            "have<has,,had> one's name on",
        "have one's number on it",
            "have<has,,had> one's number on it",
        "have one's tail up",
            "have<has,,had> one's tail up",
        "have the best of it",
            "have<has,,had> the best of it",
        "have the drains up",
            "[[have]]<has,,had> the [[drain]]s [[up]]",
        "have the drop on",
            "have<has,,had> the drop on",
        "have the goods on",
            "have<has,,had> the goods on",
        "have the hots for",
            "have<has,,had> the hots for",
        "have the painters in",
            "[[have]]<has,,had> the painters in",
        "have the run of",
            "have<has,,had> the run of",
        "have the wind up",
            "have<has,,had> the wind up",
        "have the world by the bag",
            "have<has,,had> the world by the bag",
        "have up",
            "have<has,,had> up",
        "head up",
        "heal up",
        "heap on",
        "heap up",
        "hear from",
            "hear<,,heard> from",
        "hear of",
            "hear<,,heard> of",
        "hear the end of it",
            "hear<,,heard> the end of it",
        "hear the last of",
            "hear<,,heard> the last of",
        "heat up",
            ["past2"] = "het up",
            ["past2_qual"] = "dialectal",
        "heave the log",
        "hedge in",
        "heel up",
        "heighten up",
        "hem in",
        "hem up",
        "hen up",
        "herry up",
        "high ten",
        "high-tail it",
        "hightail it",
        "hike up",
        "hinge on",
        "hit a home run",
            "[[hit]]<,,hit> [[a]] [[home run]]",
        "hit a snag",
            "hit<,,hit> a snag",
        "hit and run",
            "hit<,,hit> and run<,,ran,run>",
        "hit it",
            "hit<,,hit> it",
        "hit it and quit it",
            "hit<,,hit> it and quit<,++,quit> it",
        "hit it big",
            "hit<,,hit> it big",
        "hit it up",
            "hit<,,hit> it up",
        "hit on",
            "hit<,,hit> on",
        "hit the fan",
            "hit<,,hit> the fan",
        "hit the gas",
            "hit<,,hit> the gas",
        "hit the gym",
            "hit<,,hit> the gym",
        "hit the net",
            "hit<,,hit> the net",
        "hit the spot",
            "hit<,,hit> the spot",
        "hit up",
            "hit<,,hit> up",
        "hitch one's wagon to a star",
        "hitch up",
        "hive up",
        "hockey stop",
        "hoe in",
        "hog up",
        "hoist the white flag",
            ["head"] = "[[hoist]] [[the]] [[white flag]]",
        "hoke up",
        "hol' up",
        "hold a candle for",
            "hold<,,held> a candle for",
        "hold a torch for",
            "hold<,,held> a torch for",
        "hold back on",
            "hold<,,held> back on",
        "hold in",
            "hold<,,held> in",
        "hold it",
            "hold<,,held> it",
        "hold it in",
            "hold<,,held> it in",
        "hold on",
            "hold<,,held> on",
        "hold one's nose up",
            "hold<,,held> one's nose up",
        "hold up",
            "hold<,,held> up",
        "hold up as",
            "hold<,,held> up as",
        "hole up",
        "holla at",
            ["past2"] = "holla'd at",
        "holler at",
        "home in",
        "hone in",
        "honey trap",
            "[[honey]] [[trap]]<,,,>",
        "honey up",
        "honk it on",
        "hoof it",
        "hook in",
        "hook it",
        "hook it up",
        "hook up",
        "hook up on",
        "hoon it",
        "hoot it up",
        "hoover up",
        "hop and pop",
            "hop<> and pop<>",
        "hop it",
        "hop n pop",
            "hop<> n pop<>",
        "hop on",
        "hop the twig",
        "hop the wag",
        "hop to it",
        "hop up",
        "horf up",
        "horn in",
        "hot bed",
        "hot dog",
        "hot rod",
        "hot swap",
        "hot up",
        "hotfoot it",
        "house sit",
            "house sit<,,sat>",
        "howl on",
        "hump it",
        "hunt up",
        "hurry up",
        "hurt for",
        "husband up",
        "hush up",
        "hussy up",
        "hustle up",
        "hutch up",
        "hype up",
        "ice up",
        "imprint on",
        "improve on",
        "inform on",
        "ink in",
        "ink up",
        "inquire of",
        "instance in",
        "jack in",
        "jack it",
        "jack up",
        "jacket up",
        "jam up",
        "jazz up",
        "jerk it",
        "jerk up",
        "jerky up",
        "jet set",
        "jew up",
        "jig up",
        "jim up",
        "jimmy up",
        "jizz up",
        "jog on",
        "join in",
        "join up",
        "joke it up",
        "joke up",
        "juice up",
        "jumble up",
        "jump at",
        "jump cut",
            "jump cut<,,cut>",
        "jump in",
        "jump in one's skin",
        "jump on",
        "jump ship",
        "jump the gun",
        "jump to it",
        "jump up",
        "jury rig",
        "kak on",
        "keep a lid on",
            "keep<,,kept> a lid on",
        "keep a tight rein on",
            "keep<,,kept> a tight rein on",
        "keep an eye on",
            "keep<,,kept> an eye on",
        "keep at",
            "keep<,,kept> at",
        "keep away from",
            "keep<,,kept> away from",
        "keep fit",
            "keep<,,kept> fit",
        "keep from",
        "keep in",
            "keep<,,kept> in",
        "keep it up",
            "keep<,,kept> it up",
        "keep mum",
            "keep<,,kept> mum",
        "keep on",
            "keep<,,kept> on",
        "keep on keeping on",
            "[[keep]]<,,kept> [[on]] [[keep]]ing [[on]]",
        "keep one's chin up",
            "keep<,,kept> one's chin up",
        "keep one's end up",
            "keep<,,kept> one's end up",
        "keep one's eye in",
            "keep<,,kept> one's eye in",
        "keep one's guard up",
            "keep<,,kept> one's guard up",
        "keep one's hair on",
            "keep<,,kept> one's hair on",
        "keep one's hand in",
            "keep<,,kept> one's hand in",
        "keep one's knickers on",
            "keep<,,kept> one's knickers on",
        "keep one's mouth shut",
            "keep<,,kept> one's mouth shut",
        "keep one's pants on",
            "keep<,,kept> one's pants on",
        "keep one's pecker up",
            "keep<,,kept> one's pecker up",
        "keep one's shirt on",
            "keep<,,kept> one's shirt on",
        "keep out of",
            "[[keep]]<,,kept> [[out of]]",
        "keep schtum",
            "keep<,,kept> schtum",
        "keep shtum",
            "keep<,,kept> shtum",
        "keep sight of",
            "keep<,,kept> sight of",
        "keep someone posted up",
            "keep<,,kept> someone posted up",
        "keep tabs on",
            "keep<,,kept> tabs on",
        "keep the lights on",
            "[[keep]]<,,kept> the [[light]]s [[on]]",
        "keep up",
            "keep<,,kept> up",
        "key in",
        "key on",
        "key up",
            "key<keys> up",
        "kick at the can",
        "kick in",
        "kick it",
        "kick on",
        "kick one's feet up",
            ["head"] = "[[kick]] [[one's]] [[foot|feet]] [[up]]",
        "kick shit",
        "kick someone out of bed",
            "[[kick]]<> [[someone]] [[out of]] [[bed]]",
        "kick up",
        "kid on",
        "kill it",
        "king hit",
            "king hit<,,hit>",
        "kink on",
        "kip in",
        "kip up",
        "kiss and make up",
            "kiss<> and make<,,made> up",
            ["head"] = "[[kiss]] [[and]] [[make up]]",
        "kiss someone's hem",
        "kiss the ground someone walks on",
            "[[kiss]]<> the [[ground]] [[someone]] [[walk]]s<walks,walks,walked> [[on]]",
        "kiss the rod",
        "kiss up",
        "knife up",
        "knit fog",
            "knits fog",
            "knitting fog",
            "knit fog",
            ["past2"] = "knitted fog",
        "knit up",
        "knock at the door of",
        "knock down a peg",
        "knock in",
        "knock into a cocked hat",
            "[[knock]]<> [[into]] [[a]] [[cocked hat]]",
        "knock on",
        "knock on the door of",
        "knock someone flat",
        "knock the daylight out of",
            ["head"] = "[[knock]] [[the]] [[daylight]] [[out of]]",
        "knock the daylights out of",
            ["head"] = "[[knock]] [[the]] [[daylights]] [[out of]]",
        "knock the living daylights out of",
            ["head"] = "[[knock]] [[the]] [[living]] [[daylights]] [[out of]]",
        "knock the stuffing out of",
        "knock up",
        "know how to pick 'em",
            "know<,,knew,known> how to pick 'em",
        "know how to walk before one can run",
            "know<,,knew,known> how to walk before one can<can,can,could> run",
        "know of",
            "know<,,knew,known> of",
        "know one's shit",
            "know<,,knew,known> one's shit",
        "know someone when",
            "[[know]]<,,knew,known> someone [[when]]",
        "know what is what",
            "know<,,knew,known> what is<is,is,was> what",
            ["head"] = "[[know]] [[what is what]]",
        "know what o'clock it is",
            "[[know]]<,,knew,known> [[what]] [[o'clock]] [[it]] [[be|is]]<is,is,was>",
        "know what's what",
            "[[know]]<,,knew,known> [[what's what]]",
        "know when to fold 'em",
            "know<,,knew,known> when to fold 'em",
        "know which end is up",
            "know<,,knew,known> which end is up",
        "know which side one's bread is buttered on",
            "[[know]]<,,knew,known> [[which]] [[side]] [[one's]] [[bread]] [[be|is]]<is,is,was> [[butter]]ed [[on]]",
        "know which way is up",
            "know<,,knew,known> which way is up",
        "knuckle up",
        "lace up",
        "lair it up",
        "lair up",
        "land in someone's lap",
        "land on",
        "land up",
        "lap up",
        "lard up",
        "large it",
        "large it up",
        "laser in on",
        "lash up",
        "lasso up",
        "latch on",
        "lather up",
        "laugh at",
        "lawyer up",
        "lay a finger on",
            "lay<,,laid> a finger on",
        "lay a glove on",
            "lay<,,laid> a glove on",
        "lay a hand on",
            "lay<,,laid> a hand on",
        "lay down one's flag",
            "lay<,,laid> down one's flag",
        "lay eyes on",
            "[[lay]]<,,laid> [[eye]]s [[on]]",
        "lay for",
            "lay<,,laid> for",
        "lay hands on",
            "lay<,,laid> hands on",
        "lay hold of",
            "lay<,,laid> hold of",
        "lay hold on",
            "lay<,,laid> hold on",
        "lay in",
            "lay<,,laid> in",
        "lay on",
            "lay<,,laid> on",
        "lay one's eyes on",
            "[[lay]]<,,laid> [[one]]'s [[eye]]s [[on]]",
        "lay one's hands on",
            "[[lay]]<,,laid> [[one's]] [[hand]]s [[on]]",
        "lay some skin on",
            "lay<,,laid> some skin on",
        "lay something at the door of",
            "[[lay]]<,,laid> [[something]] [[at]] [[the]] [[door]] [[of]]",
        "lay something at the feet of",
            "[[lay]]<,,laid> [[something]] [[at]] the [[foot|feet]] [[of]]",
        "lay up",
            "lay<,,laid> up",
        "layer up",
        "lead in",
            "lead<,,led> in",
        "lead on",
            "lead<,,led> on",
        "lead with one's chin",
            "lead<,,led> with one's chin",
        "lean in",
            ["past2"] = "leant in",
        "lean on",
            ["past2"] = "leant on",
        "leap at",
            "leap<,,leapt:> at",
        "learn to walk before one can run",
            "learn<,,learned:learnt> to walk before one can<can,can,could> run",
        "leave it at that",
            "leave<,,left> it at that",
        "leave on",
            "leave<,,left> on",
        "leave someone holding the bag",
            "[[leave]]<,,left> [[someone]] [[hold]]ing the [[bag]]",
        "leave the chat",
            "leave<,,left> the chat",
        "leg it",
        "leg up",
        "lengthen up",
        "let go and let God",
            "let<,,let> go and let<,,let> God",
        "let go by the run",
            "let<,,let> go by the run",
        "let her rip",
            "let<,,let> her rip",
        "let in",
            "let<,,let> in",
        "let in on",
            "let<,,let> in on",
        "let on",
            "let<,,let> on",
        "let one rip",
            "let<,,let> one rip",
        "let rip",
            "let<,,let> rip",
        "let slip",
            "let<,,let> slip",
        "let someone have it",
            "let<,,let> someone have it",
        "let something slip",
            "let<,,let> something slip",
        "let the cat out of the bag",
            "[[let]]<,,let> [[the]] [[cat]] [[out of]] [[the]] [[bag]]",
        "let up",
            "let<,,let> up",
        "let us",
            "let<,,let> us",
        "level set",
        "level up",
            ["past2"] = "levelled up",
            ["pres_ptc2"] = "levelling up",
        "lez up",
        "lick up",
        "lie down on the job",
            "lie<,,lay,lain> down on the job",
            ["head"] = "[[lie down]] [[on the job]]",
        "lie in",
            "lie<,,lay,lain> in",
        "lie like a cheap rug",
        "lie like a dog",
        "lie like a rug",
        "lift the bar",
        "lift the lid",
        "lift up",
        "light on",
            "light<,,lit:lighted> on",
        "light someone's ass up",
            "light<,,lit> someone's ass up",
        "light up",
            "light<,,lit> up",
            ["past2"] = "lighted up",
            ["past2_qual"] = "rare",
            ["past_ptc2"] = "lighted up",
            ["past_ptc2_qual"] = "rare",
        "light up",
        "lighten up",
        "like it or lump it",
            "like<> it or lump<> it",
        "like of",
        "limber up",
        "limp in",
        "line in",
        "line up",
        "link in",
        "link up",
        "liquor up",
        "listen in",
        "listen up",
        "live blog",
        "live for",
        "live in",
        "live in sin",
        "live in the shadow of",
            "[[live]]<> [[in the shadow of]]",
        "live it up",
        "live on",
        "live up",
        "liven up",
        "load up",
        "load up on",
        "lobby up",
        "lock in",
        "lock on",
        "lock up",
        "log in",
        "log on",
            "logs in",
            "logging in",
            "logged in",
            "logs on",
            "logging on",
            "logged on",
        "lone it",
        "long for",
        "long snap",
            "long snaps",
            "long snapping",
            "long snapped",
        "look at",
        "look down on",
        "look for",
        "look in",
        "look in on",
        "look like a bomb has hit it",
            "[[look]]<> [[like]] [[a]] [[bomb]] [[have|has]]<has,has,had> [[hit]] [[it]]",
        "look like one swallowed a bug",
        "look like something the cat brought in",
            ["head"] = "[[look like]] [[something]] [[the]] [[cat]] [[bring in|brought in]]",
        "look like something the cat dragged in",
            ["head"] = "[[look like]] [[something]] [[the]] [[cat]] [[drag]]ged [[in]]",
        "look like something the cat's dragged in",
            ["head"] = "[[look like]] [[something]] [[the]] [[cat]][[has|'s]] [[drag]]ged [[in]]",
        "look like who did it and ran",
            ["head"] = "[[look like]] [[who]] [[do|did]] [[it]] [[and]] [[run|ran]]",
        "look on",
        "look on as",
        "look on the bright side of it",
            ["head"] = "[[look on the bright side]] [[of]] [[it]]",
        "look on the dark side of it",
            ["head"] = "[[look on the dark side]] [[of]] [[it]]",
        "look up",
        "loop in",
        "loop up",
        "loose up",
        "loosen up",
        "lose it",
            "lose<,,lost> it",
        "lose one's rag",
            "lose<,,lost> one's rag",
        "lose one's shit",
            "lose<,,lost> one's shit",
        "lose sight of",
            "lose<,,lost> sight of",
        "lose the battle, but win the war",
            "lose<,,lost> the battle, but win<,,won> the war",
        "lose the plot",
            "lose<,,lost> the plot",
        "lotion up",
        "louse up",
        "love on",
        "love up",
        "lower the bar",
        "lube up",
        "luck in",
        "luff up",
        "lug in",
        "lump it",
        "lunch in",
        "lush it up",
        "lush up",
        "macho up",
        "magic up",
            "magic<,magicking,magicked> up",
        "mail it in",
        "major in",
        "make a big thing out of",
            "make<,,made> a big thing out of",
        "make a break for it",
            "make<,,made> a break for it",
        "make a career of",
            "make<,,made> a career of",
        "make a case for",
            "make<,,made> a case for",
        "make a fist of",
            "make<,,made> a fist of",
        "make a fool of",
            "make<,,made> a fool of",
        "make a fool out of",
            "make<,,made> a fool out of",
        "make a go of",
            "make<,,made> a go of",
        "make a good fist of",
            "make<,,made> a good fist of",
        "make a habit of",
            "make<,,made> a habit of",
        "make a hash of",
            "make<,,made> a hash of",
        "make a joke of",
            "make<,,made> a joke of",
        "make a leg",
            "make<,,made> a leg",
        "make a lip",
            "make<,,made> a lip",
        "make a meal of",
            "make<,,made> a meal of",
        "make a meal out of",
            "make<,,made> a meal out of",
        "make a mockery of",
            "make<,,made> a mockery of",
        "make a monkey of",
            "make<,,made> a monkey of",
        "make a monkey out of",
            "[[make]]<,,made> [[a]] [[monkey]] [[out of]]",
        "make a night of it",
            "make<,,made> a night of it",
        "make a pig's ear of",
            "[[make]]<,,made> [[a]] [[pig's ear]] [[of]]",
        "make a production out of",
            "[[make]]<,,made> [[a]] [[production]] [[out of]]",
        "make a run for it",
            "make<,,made> a run for it",
        "make an ass of",
            "make<,,made> an ass of",
        "make an example of",
            "make<,,made> an example of",
        "make capital out of",
            "[[make]]<,,made> [[capital]] [[out of]]",
        "make for",
            "make<,,made> for",
        "make free of",
            "make<,,made> free of",
        "make fun of",
            "make<,,made> fun of",
        "make game of",
            "make<,,made> game of",
        "make good on",
            "make<,,made> good on",
            ["head"] = "[[make good]] [[on]]",
        "make hard work of",
            "make<,,made> hard work of",
        "make head nor tail of",
            "make<,,made> head nor tail of",
        "make head or tail of",
            "make<,,made> head or tail of",
        "make heavy going of",
            "make<,,made> heavy going of",
        "make heavy weather of",
            "make<,,made> heavy weather of",
        "make it",
            "make<,,made> it",
        "make it so that",
            "make<,,made> it so that",
        "make light of",
            "make<,,made> light of",
        "make light work of",
            "make<,,made> light work of",
        "make like a banana and split",
            "make<,,made> like a banana and split<,,split>",
            ["head"] = "[[make like]] [[a]] [[banana]] [[and]] [[split]]",
        "make little of",
            "make<,,made> little of",
        "make mention of",
            "make<,,made> mention of",
        "make mileage out of",
            "[[make]]<,,made> [[mileage]] [[out of]]",
        "make mincemeat of",
            "make<,,made> mincemeat of",
        "make mincemeat out of",
            "make<,,made> mincemeat out of",
        "make neither head nor tail of",
            "make<,,made> neither head nor tail of",
        "make no secret of",
            "make<,,made> no secret of",
        "make nothing of",
            "make<,,made> nothing of",
        "make of",
            "make<,,made> of",
        "make one's bed",
            "make<,,made> one's bed",
        "make one's bed and lie in it",
            "make<,,made> one's bed and lie<,,lay,lain> in it",
        "make out of",
            "make<,,made> out of",
        "make pigs and whistles of",
            "[[make]]<,,made> [[pig]]s [[and]] [[whistle]]s [[of]]",
        "make quick work of",
            "[[make]]<,,made> [[quick]] [[work]] of",
        "make ship",
            "make<,,made> ship",
        "make shit of",
            "make<,,made> shit of",
        "make short work of",
            "make<,,made> short work of",
        "make someone's ears sad",
            "make<,,made> someone's ears sad",
        "make someone's jaw drop",
            "make<,,made> someone's jaw drop",
        "make something of",
            "make<,,made> something of",
        "make the bed",
            "make<,,made> the bed",
        "make the best of",
            "make<,,made> the best of",
        "make the best of a bad job",
            "make<,,made> the best of a bad job",
        "make the case for",
            "make<,,made> the case for",
        "make the cut",
            "make<,,made> the cut",
        "make the most of",
            "make<,,made> the most of",
        "make tracks for",
            "make<,,made> tracks for",
            ["head"] = "[[make tracks]] [[for]]",
        "make trial of",
            "make<,,made> trial of",
        "make up",
            "make<,,made> up",
        "man up",
        "manage up",
        "march on",
            "marches on",
            "marching on",
            "marched on",
        "march to a different drum",
        "march to one's own drum",
        "march to the beat of a different drum",
        "march to the beat of one's own drum",
        "marinate on",
        "mark as",
        "mark down as",
        "mark up",
        "marry in",
            "marries in",
            "marrying in",
            "married in",
        "marry up",
        "mash up",
        "mask up",
        "match up",
        "measure up",
        "meet up",
            "meet<,,met> up",
        "melt up",
        "merc up",
        "mess up",
        "mew up",
        "mic up",
            "mics up",
            "micing up",
            "miced up",
            ["past2"] = "mic'd up",
        "microwave up",
        "mike up",
            "mike<,miked> up",
        "mince up",
        "mind the shop",
            "minds the shop",
            "minding the shop",
            "minded the shop",
        "mini mod",
        "minor in",
            ["head"] = "[[mis-]][[hit]]",
        "miss one's tip",
        "miss the bus",
        "mist up",
        "mix it up",
        "mix up",
        "mock up",
        "modern up",
        "molly wop",
        "monkey flip",
        "monkey up",
            "monkeys up",
            "monkeying up",
            "monkeyed up",
            "monkeyed up",
        "moor up",
        "mop up",
        "mother hen",
        "mother up",
        "motion blur",
        "mount up",
        "mouse slip",
        "move down a peg",
        "move in",
        "move in on",
        "move it",
        "move on",
        "move out to move up",
            ["head"] = "[[move out]] [[to]] [[move up]]",
        "move up",
        "movie hop",
        "muck in",
        "muck up",
        "muddle up",
        "muddy up",
        "muffle up",
        "mug up",
        "muscle in",
        "muscle in on",
        "muscle up",
        "mush up",
        "muss up",
        "must not",
        "muster in",
        "muster up",
        "mystery shop",
        "nail it",
            ["head"] = "[[nail#Verb|nail]] [[it]]",
        "name drop",
        "name for",
        "narrow up",
        "nause up",
        "neck up",
        "need not",
            "need not",
            "needed not",
        "nerve up",
        "new up",
        "nicen up",
        "nick up",
        "nigger rig",
        "nip at",
        "nip in the bud",
        "nod in",
            ["past2"] = "non-plused",
            ["pres_3sg2"] = "non-pluses",
            ["pres_ptc2"] = "non-plusing",
        "noodle up",
        "notch up",
        "nut up",
        "nut up",
        "odd job",
            ["past2"] = "++",
            ["past2_qual"] = "rare",
        "offer up",
        "office up",
        "oil up",
        "one up",
            ["past2"] = "one-shot",
        "open up",
        "opt in",
        "order in",
        "order up",
        "own up",
        "pack a sad",
        "pack in",
        "pack on",
        "pack up",
        "pad up",
            "pads up",
            "padding up",
            "padded up",
        "page in",
        "page up",
        "paint the town red",
        "paint up",
        "pair up",
        "pal up",
        "palette swap",
        "pall on",
        "pan and scan",
            "pan<> and scan<>",
        "parcel up",
            ["past2"] = "++*",
            ["pres_ptc2"] = "++*",
        "park in",
        "park the bus",
        "park up",
        "partner up",
        "pass as",
        "pass for",
        "pass gas",
        "pass off as",
        "pass on",
        "pass oneself off as",
        "pass round the hat",
        "pass the bar",
        "pass the hat",
        "pass up",
        "pass up like a white chip",
            "[[pass up]]<passes up,passing up,passed up> [[like]] [[a]] [[white chip]]",
        "paste up",
        "patch up",
        "pattern up",
        "paw at",
        "paw up",
        "pawn off as",
        "pay up",
            "pay<,,paid> up",
        "pec pop",
            "pec pops",
            "pec popping",
            "pec popped",
            "pec popped",
        "peck at",
        "peg it",
        "peg leg",
        "pen in",
        "pen pal",
            "pen pals",
            "pen palling",
            "pen palled",
        "pen up",
            ["past2"] = "pent up",
            ["past2_qual"] = "archaic",
        "pencil in",
            ["past2"] = "pencilled in",
            ["past2_qual"] = "Commonwealth",
            ["past_qual"] = "US",
            ["pres_ptc2"] = "pencilling in",
            ["pres_ptc2_qual"] = "Commonwealth",
            ["pres_ptc_qual"] = "US",
        "pencil whip",
        "pep up",
        "pepper up",
        "perk up",
        "person up",
        "pet sit",
            "pet sit<,,sat>",
        "phase in",
        "phone in",
        "phone up",
        "phoney up",
        "phony up",
        "pick at",
        "pick away at",
        "pick from a hat",
        "pick on",
        "pick out of a hat",
        "pick up",
        "pick up on",
        "pick up the ball and run with it",
            "pick<> up the ball and run<,,ran,run> with it",
            ["head"] = "[[pick up]] [[the]] [[ball]] [[and]] [[run]] [[with]] [[it]]",
        "pick up the tab",
            ["head"] = "[[pick up]] [[the]] [[tab]]",
        "pick up the threads of",
        "pickle up",
        "piece up",
        "pig dog",
        "pig it",
        "pile in",
        "pile on",
        "pile up",
        "pill up",
        "pimp slap",
        "pimp up",
        "pin on",
        "pin one's hopes on",
        "pin up",
        "pinch at",
        "pink slip",
        "pink up",
        "pipe up",
        "piss on",
        "piss up",
        "pitch a fit",
        "pitch in",
        "pitch on",
        "pitch up",
        "place importance on",
        "plait fog",
            "plaits fog",
            "plaiting fog",
            "plaited fog",
        "plan on",
        "plank up",
        "plant sit",
            "plant sit<,,sat>",
        "plate up",
            "plates up",
            "plating up",
            "plated up",
            "plated up",
        "play God",
        "play at",
        "play big",
        "play catch-up",
        "play hard to get",
        "play in",
        "play it close to the hip",
        "play on",
        "play the ball and not the man",
        "play the ball not the man",
        "play the ball, not the man",
        "play the man",
        "play the wag",
        "play the white man",
            ["head"] = "[[play]] [[the]] [[white man]]",
        "play to win",
            ["head"] = "[[to]] [[play]] [[to]] [[win]]",
        "play up",
        "plead up",
            "plead<,,:pled[informal, US]> up",
        "plough in",
        "plough on",
        "plough stop",
        "plough up",
        "plow in",
        "plow on",
        "plow stop",
        "plow up",
            ["nolinkhead"] = "1",
        "pluck up",
        "plug in",
        "plug up",
        "plump for",
        "plump up",
        "plunge in",
        "poach up",
        "pocket up",
        "point the finger at",
        "point up",
        "poke fun",
        "poker up",
            "pokers up",
            "pokering up",
            "pokered up",
        "police up",
        "polish up",
        "polish up on",
        "polka dot",
        "pony up",
        "poon up",
        "pop for",
        "pop in",
        "pop on",
            "pop<> on",
        "pop up",
        "popper up",
        "pork up",
        "posh up",
        "post up",
        "pot mod",
        "pot on",
        "pot up",
        "pour cold water on",
        "pour good money after bad",
        "pour honey on",
            "pour<> honey on",
        "pour in",
        "power on",
        "power up",
        "poz up",
            "poz<++> up",
        "prairie dog",
        "pray to the porcelain god",
        "preach up",
        "prep up",
        "prepare up",
        "press on",
        "pretty up",
        "prey on",
        "price in",
        "price up",
        "prick up",
        "prime up",
        "print up",
        "pro and con",
            ["past2"] = "proed and conned",
            ["pres_3sg2"] = "pros and cons",
            ["pres_ptc2"] = "proing and conning",
        "proffer up",
        "prop up",
        "prop up the bar",
            ["head"] = "[[prop up]] [[the]] [[bar]]",
        "psych up",
            "psych<psychs> up",
        "pucker up",
        "puddle up",
        "puff up",
        "puke up",
        "pull a rabbit from a hat",
        "pull a rabbit out of a hat",
            ["head"] = "[[pull]] [[a]] [[rabbit]] [[out of]] [[a]] [[hat]]",
        "pull for",
            "pulls for",
            "pulling for",
            "pulled for",
            "pulled for",
        "pull in",
        "pull on",
            "pull<> on",
        "pull one's head in",
        "pull one's horns in",
        "pull one's pud",
        "pull one's socks up",
            ["head"] = "[[pull]] [[one's]] [[sock]]s [[up]]",
        "pull out of a hat",
            ["head"] = "[[pull]] [[out of]] [[a]] [[hat]]",
        "pull out of the bag",
            ["head"] = "[[pull]] [[out of]] [[the]] [[bag]]",
        "pull out of the hat",
            ["head"] = "[[pull]] [[out of]] [[the]] [[hat]]",
        "pull short up",
        "pull someone down a peg",
        "pull someone's leg",
        "pull the other leg",
        "pull the pin",
        "pull the plug",
            ["head"] = "[[pull]] [[the]] [[plug]]",
        "pull the rug",
        "pull up",
        "pull up on",
        "pump up",
        "punch in",
        "punch up",
        "push in",
        "push it",
        "push on",
        "push one's way in",
        "push up",
        "push up on",
        "pussy whip",
            ["head"] = "[[to]] [[pussy]]-[[whip]]",
        "put a block on",
            "put<,,put> a block on",
        "put a brave face on",
            "put<,,put> a brave face on",
        "put a cork in it",
            "put<,,put> a cork in it",
        "put a crimp in",
            "put<,,put> a crimp in",
        "put a damper on",
            "put<,,put> a damper on",
        "put a hat on a hat",
            "put<,,put> a hat on a hat",
        "put a hurt on",
            "put<,,put> a hurt on",
        "put a lid on",
            "put<,,put> a lid on",
        "put a lid on it",
            "put<,,put> a lid on it",
        "put a pin in",
            "puts a pin in",
            "putting a pin in",
            "put a pin in",
        "put a premium on",
            "put<,,put> a premium on",
        "put a shift in",
            "put<,,put> a shift in",
        "put a sock in it",
            "put<,,put> a sock in it",
        "put an egg in one's shoe and beat it",
            "put<,,put> an egg in one's shoe and beat<,,beat> it",
            ["head"] = "[[put]] [[an]] [[egg]] [[in]] [[one's]] [[shoe]] [[and]] [[beat it]]",
        "put down as",
            "put<,,put> down as",
        "put down for",
            "put<,,put> down for",
        "put horns on",
            "[[put]]<,,put> [[horn]]s [[on]]",
        "put in",
            "put<,,put> in",
        "put in the pin",
            "put<,,put> in the pin",
            ["head"] = "[[put in]] [[the]] [[pin]]",
        "put lipstick on a pig",
            "put<,,put> lipstick on a pig",
        "put on",
            "put<,,put> on",
        "put on dog",
            "put<,,put> on dog",
            ["head"] = "[[put on]] [[dog]]",
        "put on the dog",
            "put<,,put> on the dog",
            ["head"] = "[[put on]] [[the]] [[dog]]",
        "put on the map",
            "put<,,put> on the map",
        "put one's feet up",
            "[[put]]<,,put> [[one's]] [[foot|feet]] [[up]]",
        "put one's finger on",
            "put<,,put> one's finger on",
        "put one's foot down on",
            "put<,,put> one's foot down on",
        "put one's foot in it",
            "put<,,put> one's foot in it",
        "put one's hand up",
            "put<,,put> one's hand up",
        "put one's hands on",
            "put<,,put> one's hands on",
        "put one's hands up",
            "put<,,put> one's hand up",
        "put one's heart in",
            "put<,,put> one's heart in",
        "put one's mind to it",
            "put<,,put> one's mind to it",
        "put one's money where one's mouth is",
            "[[put]]<,,put> [[one's]] [[money]] [[where]] [[one's]] [[mouth]] [[be|is]]<is,is,was>",
        "put one's name in the hat",
            "put<,,put> one's name in the hat",
        "put one's oar in",
            "put<,,put> one's oar in",
        "put some timber on",
            "put<,,put> some timber on",
        "put someone in mind of",
            "put<,,put> someone in mind of",
        "put someone's back up",
            "put<,,put> someone's back up",
        "put stock in",
            "put<,,put> stock in",
        "put store in",
            "put<,,put> store in",
        "put the bad mouth on",
            "put<,,put> the bad mouth on",
        "put the bee on",
            "put<,,put> the bee on",
        "put the bite on",
            "put<,,put> the bite on",
        "put the blame on",
            "put<,,put> the blame on",
        "put the boot in",
            "put<,,put> the boot in",
        "put the bottom rail on top",
            "put<,,put> the bottom rail on top",
        "put the brakes on",
            "put<,,put> the brakes on",
        "put the cabosh on",
            "put<,,put> the cabosh on",
        "put the dead wood on",
            "put<,,put> the dead wood on",
        "put the feedbag on",
            "put<,,put> the feedbag on",
        "put the heat on",
            "put<,,put> the heat on",
        "put the kibosh on",
            "put<,,put> the kibosh on",
        "put the kybosh on",
            "put<,,put> the kybosh on",
        "put the lid on",
            "put<,,put> the lid on",
        "put the make on",
            "put<,,put> the make on",
        "put the moves on",
            "put<,,put> the moves on",
        "put the plug in the jug",
            "put<,,put> the plug in the jug",
        "put the pot on",
            "put<,,put> the pot on",
        "put the squeeze on",
            "put<,,put> the squeeze on",
        "put the stunners on",
            "put<,,put> the stunners on",
        "put the tin lid on it",
            "put<,,put> the tin lid on it",
        "put the wind up",
            "put<,,put> the wind up",
        "put to bed",
            "put<,,put> to bed",
        "put up",
            "put<,,put> up",
        "put up on",
            "puts up on",
            "putting up on",
            "put up on",
        "put up or shut up",
            "put<,,put> up or shut<,,shut> up",
            ["head"] = "[[put up]] [[or]] [[shut up]]",
        "pyramid up",
        "queen it",
        "queen up",
        "queer up",
        "queue up",
            "queue<,queueing> up",
            ["pres_ptc2"] = "queuing up",
        "quicken up",
        "quoin up",
        "rabbit on",
        "rack in",
        "rack up",
        "rag on",
        "raise a flag",
        "raise hob",
        "raise someone's shag",
        "raise the bar",
        "raise the white flag",
            ["head"] = "[[raise]] [[the]] [[white flag]]",
        "raise up",
        "rake in",
        "rake it in",
            ["head"] = "[[rake in|rake]] [[it]] [[in]]",
        "rake up",
        "rally around the flag",
            ["head"] = "[[rally around]] [[the]] [[flag]]",
        "rally round the flag",
            ["head"] = "[[rally round]] [[the]] [[flag]]",
        "ramp up",
        "rap at",
        "rark up",
        "rash up",
        "rat on",
        "rat run",
            "rat run<,,ran,run>",
        "ratchet up",
        "raw dog",
            ["head"] = "[[re]]-[[up]]",
            ["head"] = "[[re]]-[[up]]",
        "reach for",
        "read for",
            "read<,,read> for",
        "read in",
            "read<,,read> in",
        "read oneself in",
            "read<,,read> oneself in",
        "read up",
            "read<,,read> up",
        "ready up",
        "rear up",
        "reckon for",
        "reckon on",
        "reckon up",
        "red dog",
        "red up",
            "red<,,:red> up",
        "redd up",
            "redd<,,redd:> up",
        "reel in",
        "reel up",
        "reflect on",
        "reign in",
        "rein in",
        "rein up",
        "rely on",
        "remark on",
        "repeat on",
        "rest on",
        "rest up",
        "rev up",
        "rhyme up",
        "rid up",
            "rid<,,rid> up",
        "ride down on",
            "ride<,,rode,ridden> down on",
        "ride for",
            "ride<,,rode,ridden> for",
        "ride hard and put away wet",
            "ride<,,rode,ridden> hard and put<,,put> away wet",
        "ride herd on",
            "ride<,,rode,ridden> herd on",
        "ride on",
            "ride<,,rode,ridden> on",
        "ride on the back of",
            "ride<,,rode,ridden> on the back of",
        "ride the short bus",
            "[[ride]]<,,rode,ridden> the [[short bus]]",
        "ride up",
            "ride<,,rode,ridden> up",
        "ride up on",
            "rides up on",
            "riding up on",
            "rode up on",
            "ridden up on",
        "right the ship",
        "rile up",
        "ring in",
            "ring<,,rang,rung> in",
        "ring in",
        "ring up",
            "ring<,,rang,rung> up",
        "rip on",
        "rip up",
        "ripen up",
        "rise up",
            "rise<,,rose,risen> up",
        "rise with the sun",
            "rise<,,rose,risen> with the sun",
        "rizz up",
        "roar on",
        "roast up",
        "rock on",
        "rock up",
        "rock up",
        "rocket up",
        "roll in",
        "roll on",
        "roll step",
            "roll steps",
            "roll stepping",
            "roll stepped",
        "roll up",
        "roll up on",
        "roll with it",
            "rolls with it",
            "rolling with it",
            "rolled with it",
            "rolled with it",
        "room in",
        "root for",
        "root up",
        "rope in",
        "rope up",
        "roster on",
        "rough it",
        "rough up",
        "roughen up",
        "round in",
        "round on",
        "round up",
        "row up",
        "rub in",
        "rub it in",
        "rub off on",
            ["head"] = "[[rub off]] [[on]]",
        "rub someone's face in",
        "rub someone's nose in",
        "rub up",
        "rub up on",
        "rubber up",
        "ruck up",
        "ruffle up",
        "rug up",
        "rule in",
        "rule on",
        "rumble on",
        "rumple up",
        "run afoul of",
            "run<,,ran,run> afoul of",
            ["head"] = "[[run afoul]] [[of]]",
        "run and gun",
            "run<,,ran,run> and gun<>",
        "run at",
            "run<,,ran,run> at",
        "run away from",
            "run<,,ran,run> away from",
        "run for it",
            "run<,,ran,run> for it",
        "run game on",
            "run<,,ran,run> game on",
        "run hot",
            "run<,,ran,run> hot",
        "run in",
            "run<,,ran,run> in",
        "run it up",
            "run<,,ran,run> it up",
        "run like a top",
            "run<,,ran,run> like a top",
        "run mad",
            "run<,,ran,run> mad",
        "run off on",
            "run<,,ran,run> off on",
        "run on",
            "run<,,ran,run> on",
        "run one on",
            "run<,,ran,run> one on",
        "run out of gas",
            "run<,,ran,run> out of gas",
        "run out on",
            "run<,,ran,run> out on",
        "run thin",
            "run<,,ran,run> thin",
        "run to fat",
            "run<,,ran,run> to fat",
        "run up",
            "run<,,ran,run> up",
        "run up in",
            "run<,,ran,run> up in",
        "run up in it",
            "run<,,ran,run> up in it",
        "run up on",
            "run<,,ran,run> up on",
        "rush in",
        "rustle up",
        "sac up",
        "sack up",
        "sadden up",
        "saddle up",
        "salt up",
            ["head"] = "[[Saran Wrap|saran-wrap]]",
        "sat nav",
        "sauce up",
        "saute up",
        "sauté up",
        "save as",
        "save it",
        "save one's skin",
        "save someone's skin",
        "save up",
        "saw off the branch one is sitting on",
            "saw<,,,:sawn> off the branch one is<is,is,was> sitting on",
        "say when",
            "say<,,said> when",
        "say yes",
            "say<,,said> yes",
        "scale up",
        "scare the bejeebers out of",
            ["head"] = "[[scare]] [[the]] [[bejeebers]] [[out of]]",
        "scare the daylights out of",
            ["head"] = "[[scare]] [[the]] [[daylights]] [[out of]]",
        "scare the fuck out of",
        "scare the hell out of",
        "scare the life out of",
            ["head"] = "[[scare]] [[the]] [[life]] [[out of]]",
        "scare the living daylights out of",
            ["head"] = "[[scare]] [[the]] [[living daylights]] [[out of]]",
        "scare the shit out of",
        "scare up",
        "schmaltz up",
        "science up",
        "scob someone's knob",
        "scoop in",
        "scoop up",
        "scoot up",
        "scope in",
        "scorch up",
        "scour up",
        "scramble up",
        "scrape up",
        "scratch that",
        "scratch up",
        "scrawl up",
        "scream for",
        "screen grab",
        "screen in",
        "screw up",
        "scrounge up",
        "scrub in",
        "scrub up",
        "scrum up",
        "scrump up",
        "scrunch up",
        "scud run",
            "scud runs",
            "scud running",
            "scud ran",
        "scuzz up",
        "seal up",
        "search for",
        "search up",
        "see a man",
            "see<,,saw,seen> a man",
        "see a man about a dog",
            "see<,,saw,seen> a man about a dog",
        "see fit",
            "see<,,saw,seen> fit",
        "see in",
            "see<,,saw,seen> in",
        "see of",
            "see<,,saw,seen> of",
        "see red",
            "see<,,saw,seen> red",
        "see shit",
            "see<,,saw,seen> shit",
        "see that",
            "see<,,saw,seen> that",
        "see the back of",
            "see<,,saw,seen> the back of",
        "see the last of",
            "see<,,saw,seen> the last of",
        "see to it",
            "see<,,saw,seen> to it",
        "seek for",
            "sought for",
        "seize on",
        "seize up",
        "sell on",
            "sell<,,sold> on",
        "sell salt to a slug",
            "sell<,,sold> salt to a slug",
        "sell someone a pup",
            "sell<,,sold> someone a pup",
        "sell up",
            "sell<,,sold> up",
        "send a boy to do a man's job",
            "[[send]]<,,sent> [[a]] [[boy]] [[to]] [[do]] [[a]] [[man|man's]] [[job]]",
        "send away for",
            "send<,,sent> away for",
        "send down for",
            "send<,,sent> down for",
        "send for",
            "send<,,sent> for",
        "send in",
            "send<,,sent> in",
        "send it",
            "send<,,sent> it",
        "send on",
            "send<,,sent> on",
        "send out for",
            "send<,,sent> out for",
        "send up",
            "send<,,sent> up",
        "serve up",
        "set eyes on",
            "[[set]]<,,set> [[eye]]s [[on]]",
        "set in",
            "set<,,set> in",
        "set net",
        "set on",
            "set<,,set> on",
        "set one's cap at",
            "set<,,set> one's cap at",
        "set one's heart on",
            "set<,,set> one's heart on",
        "set sights on",
            "[[set]]<,,set> [[sight]]s [[on]]",
        "set the bar",
            "set<,,set> the bar",
        "set up",
            "set<,,set> up",
        "set up shop",
            "set<,,set> up shop",
            ["head"] = "[[set up]] [[shop]]",
        "settle for",
        "settle in",
        "settle on",
        "settle up",
        "sew up",
            "sewn up",
        "sex in",
        "sex up",
        "shack up",
        "shade up",
        "shadow ban",
        "shake a leg",
            "shake<,,shook,shaken> a leg",
        "shake it",
            "shake<,,shook,shaken> it",
        "shake on it",
            "shake<,,shook,shaken> on it",
        "shake up",
            "shake<,,shook,shaken> up",
        "shank it",
        "shape up",
        "share a bed",
        "share up",
        "shark up",
        "shave up",
        "shed light on",
            "shed<,,shed> light on",
        "shed skin",
            "shed<,,shed> skin",
        "shift the cut",
        "shine a light on",
            "shine<,,:shone> a light on",
        "shine down on",
            "shine<,,:shone> down on",
        "shine light on",
            "shine<,,:shone> light on",
        "shine on",
            "shine<,,:shone> on",
        "shine up",
            "shine<,,:shone> up",
        "shingle up",
        "shit can",
        "shit it in",
            ["past2"] = "shat it in",
        "shit on",
            "shit<,,shit> on",
            ["past2"] = "shitted on",
            ["past3"] = "shat on",
        "shit or get off the can",
            "shit<,,shit:shitted:shat> or get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> off the can",
            ["head"] = "[[shit]] [[or]] [[get off]] [[the]] [[can]]",
        "shit or get off the pot",
            "shit<,,shit:shitted:shat> or get<,,got,got[UK]:gotten[US]> off the pot",
            ["head"] = "[[shit]] [[or]] [[get off]] [[the]] [[pot]]",
        "shit the bed",
            "shit<,,shit:shat> the bed",
        "shit up",
            "shit<,,shit:shitted:shat> up",
        "shoe up",
        "shoot from the hip",
            "shoot<,,shot> from the hip",
        "shoot from the lip",
            "shoot<,,shot> from the lip",
        "shoot one's shot",
            "shoot<,,shot> one's shot",
        "shoot one's wad",
            "[[shoot]]<,,shot> [[one]][['s]] [[wad]]",
        "shoot the shit",
            "shoot<,,shot> the shit",
        "shoot through like a Bondi tram",
            "shoot<,,shot> through like a Bondi tram",
            ["head"] = "[[shoot through]] [[like]] [[a]] [[Bondi]] [[tram]]",
        "shoot up",
            "shoot<,,shot> up",
        "shore up",
        "short tag",
        "shorten up",
        "shove on",
        "shove up",
        "shovel up",
            "shovel<,[US]:++[Commonwealth],[US]:++[Commonwealth]> up",
        "show a leg",
            "shown a leg",
        "show in",
            "shown in",
        "show skin",
            "[[show]]<,,,shown> [[skin]]",
        "show some skin",
            "[[show]]<,,,shown> [[some]] [[skin]]",
        "show the flag",
            "show<,,,shown:[US also]> the flag",
        "show the white flag",
            "[[show]]<,,,shown:[US also]> the [[white flag]]",
        "show up",
            "shown up",
        "shower up",
        "shrimp up",
        "shrink up",
            "shrink<,,shrank,shrunk> up",
            ["past2"] = "shrunk up",
            ["past_ptc2"] = "shrunken up",
        "shrivel up",
            ["past2"] = "shrivelled up",
            ["pres_ptc2"] = "shrivelling up",
        "shrub up",
        "shut in",
            "shut<,,shut> in",
        "shut of",
            "shut<,,shut> of",
        "shut one's gob",
            "shut<,,shut> one's gob",
        "shut one's trap",
            "shut<,,shut> one's trap",
        "shut up",
            "shut<,,shut> up",
        "shut up shop",
            "shut<,,shut> up shop",
            ["head"] = "[[shut up]] [[shop]]",
        "shy away from",
            ["head"] = "[[shy away]] [[from]]",
        "sick up",
        "sight in",
        "sign in",
        "sign on",
        "sign up",
        "silt up",
        "simmer up",
        "sin bin",
        "sing the praises of",
            "sing<,sang,sung> the praises of",
        "sing up",
            "sing<,,sang,sung> up",
        "single up",
        "sink in",
            "sink<,,sank,sunk> in",
            ["past_ptc2"] = "sunken in",
        "sink one's teeth in",
            "sink<,,sank,sunken> one's teeth in",
        "sink or swim",
            "sink<,,sank,sunk> or swim<,,swam,swum>",
        "sit dead-red",
            "[[sit]]<,,sat> [[dead]]-[[red]]",
        "sit for",
            "sit<,,sat> for",
        "sit in",
            "sit<,,sat> in",
        "sit in for",
            "sit<,,sat> in for",
        "sit in on",
            "sit<,,sat> in on",
        "sit on",
            "sit<,,sat> on",
        "sit on it",
            "sit<,,sat> on it",
            ["head"] = "[[sit on]] [[it]]",
        "sit up",
            "sit<,,sat> up",
        "size up",
            ["head"] = "[[to]] [[size]] [[up]]",
        "skank up",
        "skate on",
            "skate<,skates> on",
        "skill up",
        "skin and grin",
            "skin<> and grin<>",
        "skin the cat",
        "skin up",
        "skinny dip",
        "skinny up",
        "skunk up",
        "slack up",
        "sleep in",
            "sleep<,,slept> in",
        "sleep like a dog",
            "sleep<,,slept> like a dog",
        "sleep like a log",
            "sleep<,,slept> like a log",
        "sleep like a top",
            "sleep<,,slept> like a top",
        "sleep on",
            "sleep<,,slept> on",
        "slice up",
        "slick up",
        "sling for",
            "sling<,,slung> for",
        "sling in",
            "sling<,,slung> for",
        "sling it in",
            "sling<,,slung> it in",
        "sling one up",
            "sling<,,slung> one up",
        "sling up",
            "sling<,,slung> up",
        "slip in",
        "slip through the net",
        "slip up",
        "slob it",
        "slot in",
        "slow in",
        "slow up",
        "slum it",
        "slush up",
        "slut it up",
        "smack up",
        "smarten up",
        "smash and grab",
            "smash<> and grab<>",
        "smash it",
        "smash someone's face in",
        "smash up",
        "smell a rat",
            "smell<,,smelt:> a rat",
        "smell of the shop",
            "smell<,,:smelt> of the shop",
        "smell up",
            ["past2"] = "smelt up",
        "smell what someone is stepping in",
            "smell<,,:smelt> what someone is<is,is,was> stepping in",
            ["head"] = "[[smell]] [[what]] [[someone]] [[is]] [[step]]ping [[in]]",
        "smoke up",
        "smooth up",
        "snack down on",
        "snaffle up",
        "snap in",
        "snap it up",
        "snap out of",
            ["head"] = "[[snap]] [[out of]]",
        "snap up",
        "snarl up",
        "snazz up",
        "sneak in",
            ["past2"] = "snuck in",
            ["past2_qual"] = "informal, chiefly US",
        "sneak up",
            ["past2"] = "snuck up",
            ["past2_qual"] = "chiefly US, informal",
        "sneck up",
        "sniff up",
        "snitch up",
        "snod up",
        "snot up",
        "snow in",
        "snow up",
        "snuff it",
        "snuggle up",
            "snuggle<snuggled> up",
        "soak in",
        "soak up",
        "soap up",
        "sober up",
        "sock in",
        "sock it",
        "soft sub",
        "soften up",
        "soldier on",
        "sop up",
        "soup up",
        "sour on",
        "sow the seeds of",
            "sow<,,,sown> the seeds of",
        "spaghetti up",
        "spank it",
        "spark up",
        "sparkle up",
        "speak for",
            "speak<,,spoke,spoken> for",
        "speak ill of",
            "speak<,,spoke,spoken> ill of",
        "speak of",
            "speak<,,spoke,spoken> of",
        "speak up",
            "speak<,,spoke,spoken> up",
        "spec up",
        "speed run",
            "speed run<,,ran,run>",
        "speed up",
            ["past2"] = "sped up",
        "spew up",
        "spice up",
        "spiff up",
        "spike up",
        "spin up",
            "spin<,,spun> up",
        "spit on",
            "spit<,,spat:spit> on",
        "spit up",
            "spit<,,spat> up",
            ["past2"] = "spit up",
            ["past_ptc2"] = "spit up",
        "splinter up",
        "split a gut",
            "split<,,split> a gut",
        "split up",
            "split<,,split> up",
        "spoil the ship for a ha'p'orth of tar",
            ["past2"] = "spoilt the ship for a ha'p'orth of tar",
        "spoil the ship for a hap'orth of tar",
            ["past2"] = "spoilt the ship for a hap'orth of tar",
        "sponge up",
        "spool up",
            ["past2"] = "sports-betted",
        "spray tan",
        "spread oneself thin",
            "spread<,,spread> oneself thin",
        "spread oneself too thin",
            "spread<,,spread> oneself too thin",
        "spring for",
            "spring<,,sprang,sprung> for",
        "spring up",
            "spring<,,sprang,sprung> up",
        "spruce up",
        "sprucen up",
        "sprunt up",
        "spur on",
        "spy hop",
        "spy on",
        "square up",
        "squeal like a stuck pig",
            ["head"] = "[[squeal]] [[like a stuck pig]]",
        "squeeze in",
        "squeeze up",
        "stack it",
        "stack up",
        "staff up",
        "stand Sam",
            "stand<,,stood> Sam",
        "stand for",
            "stand<,,stood> for",
        "stand in",
            "stand<,,stood> in",
        "stand in for",
            "stand<,,stood> in for",
        "stand in the gap",
            "stand<,,stood> in the gap",
        "stand on",
            "stand<,,stood> on",
        "stand on the shoulders of",
            "stand<,,stood> on the shoulders of",
        "stand pad",
            "stand<,,stood> pad",
        "stand pat",
            "stand<,,stood> pat",
        "stand up",
            "stand<,,stood> up",
        "stand up for",
            "stand<,,stood> up for",
            ["head"] = "[[stand up]] [[for]]",
        "star it",
        "star up",
        "stare like a stuck pig",
            ["head"] = "[[stare]] [[like a stuck pig]]",
        "start back in",
        "start back on",
        "start in",
            "starts in",
            "starting in",
            "started in",
        "start in on",
        "start on",
        "start on at",
        "start up",
        "start up on",
        "state it",
        "stave in",
            ["past2"] = "stove in",
            ["past_ptc2"] = "stoven in",
        "stay in",
        "stay mum",
        "stay on",
        "stay put",
        "stay up",
        "steady the ship",
        "steam up",
        "steel up",
        "step in",
        "step it",
        "step on",
        "step on a frog",
        "step on it",
        "step on the gas",
        "step up",
        "step up",
        "stew up",
        "stick a sock in it",
            "stick<,,stuck> a sock in it",
        "stick at",
            "stick<,,stuck> at",
        "stick fat",
            "stick<,,stuck> fat",
        "stick it to the man",
            "[[stick]]<,,stuck> [[it]] [[to]] [[the man]]",
        "stick like shit",
            "stick<,,stuck> like shit",
        "stick on",
            "stick<,,stuck> someone on",
        "stick one on",
            "stick<,,stuck> one on",
        "stick one's foot in it",
            "stick<,,stuck> one's foot in it",
        "stick one's nose in",
            "stick<,,stuck> one's nose in",
        "stick one's oar in",
            "stick<,,stuck> one's oar in",
        "stick the knife in",
            "stick<,,stuck> the knife in",
        "stick up",
            "stick<,,stuck> up",
        "stick up for",
            "stick<,,stuck> up for",
        "stiff up",
        "stiffen up",
        "stink up",
            "stink<,,stank,stunk> up",
        "stir shit",
        "stir the pot",
        "stir up",
        "stitch up",
        "stock up",
        "stomp for",
        "stomp on",
        "stop up",
        "store up",
        "storm in",
        "straight bat",
        "straighten up",
        "strain at a gnat",
        "strap in",
        "strap on",
        "strap up",
        "straw man",
        "streak it",
        "strengthen up",
        "strike at the heart of",
            "strikes at the heart of",
            "striking at the heart of",
            "struck at the heart of",
        "strike in",
            "strike<,,struck> in",
            ["past_ptc2"] = "stricken in",
        "strike one's flag",
            "strike<,,struck> one's flag",
            ["past_ptc2"] = "stricken one's flag",
        "strike the flag",
            "strike<,,struck> the flag",
            ["past_ptc2"] = "stricken the flag",
        "strike the iron while it's hot",
            "strike<,,struck> the iron while it's hot",
        "strike up",
            "strike<,,struck> up",
            ["past_ptc2"] = "stricken up",
            ["past_ptc2_qual"] = "somewhat archaic",
        "strike while the iron is hot",
            "strike<,,struck> while the iron is hot",
        "string bet",
            "string bet<,,bet>",
        "string on",
            "string<,,strung> on",
        "string up",
            "string<,,strung> up",
        "stubborn up",
        "study up on",
        "stuff a sock in it",
        "stuff up",
        "stumble on",
        "stump it",
        "stump up",
        "style up",
        "sub in",
        "suck all the air out of",
        "suck all the oxygen out of",
            ["head"] = "[[suck]] [[all]] [[the]] [[oxygen]] [[out of]]",
        "suck hind tit",
            ["head"] = "[[suck]] [[hind tit]]",
        "suck in",
        "suck it up",
        "suck the air out of",
        "suck the mop",
        "suck the oxygen out of",
            ["head"] = "[[suck]] [[the]] [[oxygen]] [[out of]]",
        "suck up",
        "suck up all the air in",
        "suck up all the oxygen in",
        "suds up",
        "suffer from",
        "sugar up",
        "suit up",
        "sum up",
        "summon up",
        "sun up",
        "supe up",
        "supply up",
        "sure up",
        "swack up",
        "swag it",
        "swag it up",
        "swag up",
        "swagger it",
        "swallow up",
        "swap in",
        "swap spit",
        "swear at",
            "swear<,,swore,sworn> at",
        "swear in",
            "swear<,,swore,sworn> in",
        "swear on",
            "swear<,,swore,sworn> on",
        "swear to God",
            "swear<,,swore,sworn> to God",
        "sweat like a pig",
        "sweater up",
        "sweep something under the rug",
            "[[sweep]]<,,swept> something [[under the rug]]",
        "sweep up",
            "sweep<,,swept> up",
        "sweeten the pot",
        "sweeten up",
        "swell up",
            ["past2"] = "swoll up",
            ["past2_qual"] = "archaic",
            ["past_ptc2"] = "swollen up",
        "swing for",
            "swing<swings,swinging,swung> for",
        "switch hit",
            "switch hit<,,hit>",
        "switch on",
        "switch up",
        "swot up on",
        "sync up",
            ["past2"] = "synched up",
            ["pres_ptc2"] = "synching up",
        "tach up",
            "tach<tachs> up",
        "tack up",
        "tag on",
        "tag up",
        "tail in",
        "take a bead on",
            "take<,,took,taken> a bead on",
        "take a bite out of",
            "take<,,took,taken> a bite out of",
        "take a crack at",
            "take<,,took,taken> a crack at",
        "take a crap",
            "take<,,took,taken> a crap",
        "take a dim view of",
            "take<,,took,taken> a dim view of",
        "take a dip",
            "take<,,took,taken> a dip",
        "take a dirt nap",
            "take<,,took,taken> a dirt nap",
            ["head"] = "[[take]] [[a]] [[dirt nap]]",
        "take a fall out of",
            "[[take]]<,,took,taken> [[a]] [[fall]] [[out]] [[of]]",
        "take a grab",
            "take<,,took,taken> a grab",
        "take a hit",
            "takes a hit",
            "taking a hit",
            "took a hit",
            "taken a hit",
        "take a nap",
            "take<,,took,taken> a nap",
        "take a run at",
            "take<,,took,taken> a run at",
        "take a shit",
            "take<,,took,taken> a shit",
        "take a stab at",
            "take<,,took,taken> a stab at",
        "take a whiz",
            "take<,,took,taken> a whiz",
        "take a wiz",
            "take<,,took,taken> a wiz",
        "take account of",
            "take<,,took,taken> account of",
        "take advantage of",
            "take<,,took,taken> advantage of",
            ["head"] = "[[take advantage]] [[of]]",
        "take away from",
            "take<,,took,taken> away from",
        "take care of",
            "take<,,took,taken> care of",
        "take delight in",
            "take<,,took,taken> delight in",
        "take down a peg",
            "take<,,took,taken> down a peg",
        "take for",
            "take<,,took,taken> for",
        "take for a spin",
            "take<,,took,taken> for a spin",
        "take gas",
            "take<,,took,taken> gas",
        "take in",
            "take<,,took,taken> in",
        "take it",
            "take<,,took,taken> it",
        "take it from the top",
            "take<,,took,taken> it from the top",
        "take it on the lam",
            "take<,,took,taken> it on the lam",
        "take it out in",
            "take<,,took,taken> it out in",
        "take it out of",
            "take<,,took,taken> it out of",
        "take it out on",
            "take<,,took,taken> it out on",
        "take no notice of",
            "take<,,took,taken> no notice of",
        "take on",
            "take<,,took,taken> on",
        "take on the chin",
            "take<,,took,taken> on the chin",
        "take one up",
            "take<,,took,taken> one up",
        "take one's best shot",
            "take<,,took,taken> one's best shot",
        "take point of",
            "take<,,took,taken> point of",
        "take ship",
            "take<,,took,taken> ship",
        "take someone's word for it",
            "take<,,took,taken> someone's word for it",
        "take ten",
            "take<,,took,taken> ten",
        "take the ball and run with it",
            "take<,,took,taken> the ball and run<,,ran,run> with it",
        "take the con",
            "take<,,took,taken> the con",
        "take the flak",
            "take<,,took,taken> the flak",
        "take the place of",
            "take<,,took, taken> the place of",
        "take the rap",
            "take<,,took,taken> the rap",
        "take the shine out of",
            "[[take]]<,,took,taken> the [[shine]] [[out of]]",
        "take the sun",
            "take<,,took,taken> the sun",
        "take to one's bed",
            "take<,,took,taken> to one's bed",
        "take too far",
            "take<,,took,taken> too far",
        "take up",
            "take<,,took,taken> up",
        "take up for",
            "take<,,took,taken> up for",
            ["head"] = "[[take up]] [[for]]",
        "take up the cudgel for",
            "take<,,took,taken> up the cudgel for",
            ["head"] = "[[take up]] [[the]] [[cudgel]] [[for]]",
        "talk at",
        "talk big",
        "talk one's way out of",
        "talk out of",
        "talk shit",
        "talk shop",
        "talk the leg off the Lamb of God",
            ["head"] = "[[talk]] [[the]] [[leg]] [[off]] [[the]] [[Lamb of God]]",
        "talk through one's hat",
        "talk to God",
        "talk up",
        "tally on",
        "tally up",
        "tan up",
        "tank up",
        "tap in",
        "tap on",
            "taps on",
            "tapping on",
            "tapped on",
            "tapped on",
        "tap up",
        "tape up",
        "tart up",
        "tat up",
        "tea bag",
        "team up",
        "tear a cat",
            "tear<,,tore,torn> a cat",
        "tear at",
            "tear<,,tore,torn> at",
        "tear gas",
            ["pres_3sg2"] = "tear gasses",
        "tear it up",
            "tear<,,tore,torn> it up",
        "tear up",
            "tear<,,tore,torn> up",
        "tear up",
        "tech up",
            "tech<techs> up",
        "tee up",
        "tell it like it is",
            "tell<,,told> it like it is",
        "tell of",
            "tell<,,told> of",
        "tell on",
            "tell<,,told> on",
        "tell someone where to shove it",
            "tell<,,told> someone where to shove it",
        "tend bar",
        "tense up",
        "texture map",
        "thicken up",
        "thin up",
        "think better of",
            "think<,,thought> better of",
        "think big",
            "think<,,thought> big",
        "think little of",
            "think<,,thought> little of",
        "think much of",
            "think<,,thought> much of",
        "think nothing of",
            "think<,,thought> nothing of",
        "think of",
            "think<,,thought> of",
        "think on",
            "think<,,thought> on",
        "think one is it",
            "[[think]]<,,thought> [[one]] [[be|is]]<is,is,was> [[it]]",
        "think the world of",
            "think<,,thought> the world of",
        "think up",
            "think<,,thought> up",
        "throw a fit",
            "throw<,,threw,thrown> a fit",
        "throw a wet blanket on",
            "[[throw]]<,,threw,thrown> [[a]] [[wet blanket]] [[on]]",
        "throw a wrench in",
            "throw<,,threw,thrown> a wrench in",
        "throw cold water on",
            "throw<,,threw,thrown> cold water on",
        "throw dirt on",
            "throw<,,threw,thrown> dirt on",
        "throw good money after bad",
            "throw<,,threw,thrown> good money after bad",
        "throw in",
            "throw<,,threw,thrown> in",
        "throw into a cocked hat",
            "throw<,,threw,thrown> into a cocked hat",
        "throw light on",
            "throw<,,threw,thrown> light on",
        "throw off on",
            "throw<,,threw,thrown> off on",
        "throw on",
            "throw<,,threw,thrown> on",
        "throw one's name in the hat",
            "throw<,,threw,thrown> one's name in the hat",
        "throw one's rattle out of the cot",
            "[[throw]]<,,threw,thrown> [[one's]] [[rattle]] [[out of]] the [[cot]]",
        "throw one's rattle out of the pram",
            "[[throw]]<,,threw,thrown> [[one's]] [[rattle]] [[out of]] the [[pram]]",
        "throw one's toys out of the cot",
            "[[throw]]<,,threw,thrown> [[one's]] [[toy]]s [[out of]] the [[cot]]",
        "throw one's toys out of the pram",
            "[[throw]]<,,threw,thrown> [[one's]] [[toy]]s [[out of]] the [[pram]]",
        "throw oneself at",
            "throw<,,threw,thrown> oneself at",
        "throw someone out of bed",
            "[[throw]]<,,threw,~n> [[someone]] [[out of]] [[bed]]",
        "throw the book at",
            "throw<,,threw,thrown> the book at",
        "throw the rulebook at",
            "throw<,,threw,thrown> the rulebook at",
        "throw under a bus",
            "throw<,,threw,thrown> under a bus",
        "throw under the bus",
            "throw<,,threw,thrown> under the bus",
        "throw up",
            "throw<,,threw,thrown> up",
        "thrust one's nose in",
            "thrust<,,thrust:thrusted> one's nose in",
        "thrutch up",
        "tick on",
        "tidy up",
        "tie a can to it",
        "tie in",
        "tie one on",
        "tie the knot",
        "tie up",
        "tighten up",
        "time in",
        "tip one's hat",
        "tip the scales at",
            ["head"] = "[[tip the scales]] [[at]]",
        "tip up",
        "tit up",
        "toast up",
        "toe drag",
        "toe in",
        "toke up",
        "tone in",
        "tone up",
        "tool up",
        "top up",
        "torch up",
        "torque up",
        "tosh up",
        "toss in",
        "toss it in",
        "toss one's name in the hat",
        "toss up",
        "tot up",
        "total up",
        "touch in",
        "touch on",
        "touch someone's hem",
        "touch up",
            ["nolinkhead"] = "1",
        "toughen up",
        "towel up",
            ["past2"] = "toweled up",
            ["pres_ptc2"] = "toweling up",
        "trad pub",
        "trade in",
        "trade up",
        "train up",
        "tread on",
            "treads on",
            "treading on",
            "trod on",
            "trodden on",
        "treat like shit",
        "treat of",
        "trice up",
        "trick up",
        "trim up",
        "trip sit",
            "trip sat",
        "trip trap",
        "trip up",
        "trout slap",
        "truck in",
        "true up",
        "trump up",
        "trust someone as far as one can spit",
            "trust<> someone as far as one can<can,can,could> spit",
        "trust someone as far as one could spit",
        "trust someone as far as one could throw them",
        "try it on",
        "try it on the dog",
        "try it out on the dog",
        "try on",
        "tuck in",
        "tuck in",
        "tuck up",
        "tumble in",
        "tumble on",
        "tumble up",
        "tune in",
        "tune up",
        "turkey drop",
            "turkey drop<,dropping,dropped>",
        "turkey trot",
            ["head"] = "[[to]] [[turkey]] [[trot]]",
            ["head"] = "[[to]] [[turkey]]-[[trot]]",
        "turn a number of shades of red",
            ["head"] = "[[turn]] [[a]] [[number]] [[of]] [[shade]]s [[of]] [[red]]",
        "turn in",
        "turn on",
        "turn one's nose up",
        "turn up",
        "turtle up",
        "tweak on",
            "tweaks on",
            "tweaking on",
            "tweaked on",
            "tweaked on",
        "twist up",
        "two up",
        "type up",
        "ugly up",
        "understand trap",
            "understand<,,understood> trap",
        "urge on",
        "use a sledgehammer to crack a nut",
        "use it",
        "use up",
        "usher in",
        "vacuum up",
        "value bet",
            "value bet<,,bet>",
        "vamp up",
        "verge on",
        "video chat",
        "vomit up",
        "vote in",
        "vote up",
        "vouch for",
        "wade in",
        "wag it",
        "wag the dog",
        "wail on",
        "wait for",
        "wait for the ball to drop",
        "wait for the other shoe to drop",
            ["head"] = "[[wait for]] [[the]] [[other]] [[shoe]] [[to]] [[drop]]",
        "wait on",
        "wait up",
        "wake up",
            "wake<,,woke,woken> up",
            ["past2"] = "waked up",
            ["past_ptc2"] = "waked up",
        "wake up on the wrong side of bed",
            "wake<,,woke,woken> up on the wrong side of bed",
            ["head"] = "[[wake up]] [[on]] [[the]] [[wrong]] [[side]] [[of]] [[bed]]",
        "wale on",
        "walk away from",
        "walk back the cat",
        "walk in",
        "walk in on",
        "walk it like one talks it",
            "walk<> it like one talks<talks,is talking,talked> it",
        "walk out on",
        "walk the dog",
        "wall in",
        "wall up",
        "want in",
        "want no part of",
        "warm up",
        "wash oneself of",
        "wash up",
        "watch it",
        "watch one's step",
        "water log",
        "wave in",
        "wave the white flag",
            ["head"] = "[[wave]] [[the]] [[white flag]]",
        "wax on",
        "weaken up",
        "wear in",
            "wear<,,wore,worn> in",
        "wear on",
            "wear<,,wore,worn> on",
        "wear thin",
            "wear<,,wore,worn> thin",
        "wear up",
            "wear<,,wore,worn> up",
        "wedge up",
        "weigh in",
        "weigh on",
        "weigh up",
        "well up",
        "wet lab",
        "wet the bed",
            "wet<,,wet:wetted> the bed",
        "whale on",
        "whip in",
        "whip the cat",
        "whip up",
        "whistle for",
        "whistle up",
        "white up",
        "whomp on",
        "whomp up",
        "whoop it up",
        "whore up",
        "widen up",
        "wife up",
        "wiggle out of",
        "will on",
        "win big",
            "win<,,won> big",
        "win the battle, but lose the war",
            "win<,,won> the battle, but lose<,,lost> the war",
        "win up",
            "win<,,won> up",
        "wind one's neck in",
            "wind<,,wound> one's neck in",
        "wind up",
            "wind<,,wound> up",
        "window up",
        "wine up",
        "wing it",
        "wink at",
        "winnow up",
        "wipe up",
        "wire in",
        "wire tap",
        "wise up",
        "wish one joy of it",
        "wish upon a star",
        "wolf up",
            "wolfs up",
            "wolfing up",
            "wolfed up",
            "wolfed up",
        "woman up",
        "word it",
        "word up",
        "word wrap",
        "work at",
        "work in",
        "work like a dog",
        "work on",
        "work one's way up",
        "work the bar",
        "work up",
        "worship the ground someone walks on",
            "worship<,++:+[US],++:+[US]> the ground someone walks<walks,walks,walked> on",
        "worship the porcelain god",
            ["past2"] = "worshiped the porcelain god",
            ["pres_ptc2"] = "worshiping the porcelain god",
        "wrap in the flag",
        "wrap up",
        "wreck shop",
        "wrestle with a pig",
        "wriggle out of",
            "wriggle<,wriggled> out of",
        "write in",
            "write<,,wrote,written> in",
        "write up",
            "write<,,wrote,written> up",
        "yack on",
        "yak on",
        "yammer on",
        "yarn on",
        "yell at",
        "yellow up",
        "yield up",
        "yuck it up",
        "yuck someone's yum",
        "yuck up",
        "yuk it up",
        "zap up",
        "zero in",
            "zero<zeroes> in",
            ["pres_3sg2"] = "zeros in",
        "zig when one should zag",
            ["past2"] = "zigged when one should have zagged",
        "zip it",
        "zip one's lip",
        "zip the lip",
        "zip up",
        "zip up one's lip",
            ["head"] = "[[zip up]] [[one's]] [[lip]]",
        "zipper up",
        "zone in",
        "zoom in",
        "zoom in on",
        "deep squat",
        "force quit",
            "force quit<,++,quit:quitted>",
        "mind one's pees and ques",
            ["head"] = "[[mind]] [[one]][[-'s|'s]] [[pees and ques]]",
        "pop a squat",
        "quiet quit",
            "quiet quit<,++,quit:++>",
            ["past2"] = "quitted",
        "rage quit",
            "rage quit<,++,quit:++>",
            ["past2"] = "Xmassed",
            ["pres_3sg2"] = "Xmasses",
            ["pres_ptc2"] = "Xmassing",
            ["past2"] = "bused",
            ["pres_3sg2"] = "buses",
            ["pres_ptc2"] = "busing",
        "catch the bus",
            "catch<,,caught> the bus",
        "come down to us",
            "come<,,came,come> down to us",
        "drive the porcelain bus",
            "drive<,,drove,driven> the porcelain bus",
        "go off the res",
            "[[go]]<goes,,went,gone> [[off]] [[the]] [[res]]",
        "go so far as",
            "go<goes,,went,gone> so far as",
        "have a gas",
            "have<has,,had> a gas",
        "have down as",
            "have<has,,had> down as",
        "hit the gas",
            "hit<,,hit> the gas",
        "hold up as",
            "hold<,,held> up as",
        "know what o'clock it is",
            "[[know]]<,,knew,known> [[what]] [[o'clock]] [[it]] [[be|is]]<is,is,was>",
            ["past2"] = "krissed",
            ["pres_ptc2"] = "krissing",
        "let us",
            "let<,,let> us",
        "look on as",
        "mark as",
        "mark down as",
        "mind one's pees and ques",
            ["head"] = "[[mind]] [[one]][[-'s|'s]] [[pees and ques]]",
        "miss the bus",
            ["past2"] = "non-plused",
            ["pres_3sg2"] = "non-pluses",
            ["pres_ptc2"] = "non-plusing",
        "park the bus",
        "pass as",
        "pass gas",
        "pass off as",
        "pass oneself off as",
        "pawn off as",
            ["past2"] = "plussed",
            ["pres_3sg2"] = "plusses",
            ["pres_ptc2"] = "plussing",
        "put down as",
            "put<,,put> down as",
        "put one's money where one's mouth is",
            "[[put]]<,,put> [[one's]] [[money]] [[where]] [[one's]] [[mouth]] [[be|is]]<is,is,was>",
            ["pres_3sg2"] = "reses",
        "ride the short bus",
            "[[ride]]<,,rode,ridden> the [[short bus]]",
        "run out of gas",
            "run<,,ran,run> out of gas",
        "save as",
        "say yes",
            "say<,,said> yes",
        "step on the gas",
        "take a whiz",
            "take<,,took,taken> a whiz",
        "take a wiz",
            "take<,,took,taken> a wiz",
        "take gas",
            "take<,,took,taken> gas",
        "tear gas",
            "tear gas<:gases>",
        "tell it like it is",
            "tell<,,told> it like it is",
        "throw under a bus",
            "throw<,,threw,thrown> under a bus",
        "throw under the bus",
            "throw<,,threw,thrown> under the bus",
            ["past_ptc2"] = "wissed",

local insert = table.insert
local show_old = require("Module:User:Theknightwho/en-headword").show
local show_new = require("Module:en-headword").show
local new_title =

local parent = {}
local child = {args = {"verbs"}}
function child:getParent()
	return parent

local current_title
mw.title.getCurrentTitle = function()
	return new_title(current_title)

local diff = {}
for i = 3341, 3363 do -- 3363
	local v = t[i]
	local term, args = v[1], v[2]
	current_title = term
	args.pagename = term
	parent.args = args
	child.args = {"verbs"}
	local old_result = show_old(child)
	parent.args = {pagename = term}
	local new_result = show_new(child)
	if old_result == show_new(child) then
		insert(diff, term)

return diff