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Module:User:Kiril kovachev/bg-pronunciation

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local export = {}

local substring = mw.ustring.sub
local rsubn = mw.ustring.gsub
local rmatch = mw.ustring.match
local rsplit = mw.text.split
local U = mw.ustring.char
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("bg")
local script = require("Module:scripts").getByCode("Cyrl")

local GRAVE = U(0x300)
local ACUTE = U(0x301)
local BREVE = U(0x306)
local PRIMARY = U(0x2C8)
local SECONDARY = U(0x2CC)
local TIE = U(0x361)
local FRONTED = U(0x31F)
local DOTUNDER = U(0x323)
local HYPH = U(0x2027)
local BREAK_MARKER = "."
local vowels = "aɤɔuɛiɐo"
local vowels_c = "[" .. vowels .. "]"
local cons = "bvɡdʒzjklɫwmnprstfxʃɣʲ" .. TIE
local cons_c = "[" .. cons .. "]"
local voiced_cons = "bvɡdʒzɣ" .. TIE
local voiced_cons_c = "[" .. voiced_cons .. "]"
local hcons_c = "[бвгджзйклмнпрстфхшщьчц#БВГДЖЗЙКЛМНПРСТФХШЩЬЧЦ=]"
local hvowels_c = "[аъоуеияѝюАЪОУЕИЯЍЮ]"
local accents = PRIMARY .. SECONDARY
local accents_c = "[" .. accents .. "]"

-- single characters that map to IPA sounds
local phonetic_chars_map = {
	["а"] = "a",
	["б"] = "b",
	["в"] = "v",
	["г"] = "ɡ",
	["д"] = "d",
	["е"] = "ɛ",
	["ж"] = "ʒ",
	["з"] = "z",
	["и"] = "i",
	["й"] = "j",
	["к"] = "k",
	["л"] = "l",
	["м"] = "m",
	["н"] = "n",
	["о"] = "ɔ",
	["п"] = "p",
	["р"] = "r",
	["с"] = "s",
	["т"] = "t",
	["у"] = "u",
	["ў"] = "w",
	["ф"] = "f",
	["х"] = "x",
	["ц"] = "t" .. TIE .. "s",
	["ч"] = "t" .. TIE .. "ʃ",
	["ш"] = "ʃ",
	["щ"] = "ʃt",
	["ъ"] = "ɤ",
	["ь"] = "ʲ",
	["ю"] = "ʲu",
	["я"] = "ʲa",


local devoicing = {
	["b"] = "p", ["d"] = "t", ["ɡ"] = "k",
	["z"] = "s", ["ʒ"] = "ʃ",
	["v"] = "f"

local voicing = {
	["p"] = "b", ["t"] = "d", ["k"] = "ɡ",
	["s"] = "z", ["ʃ"] = "ʒ", ["x"] = "ɣ",
	["f"] = "v"

-- Prefixes where, if they occur at the beginning of the word and the stress is on the next syllable, we place the
-- syllable division directly after the prefix. For example, the default syllable-breaking algorithm would convert
-- безбра́чие to беˈзбрачие; but because it begins with без-, we convert it to безˈбрачие. Note that we don't (yet?)
-- convert измра́ to изˈмра instead of default измˈра, although we probably should.
-- Think twice before putting prefixes like на-, пре- and от- here, because of the existence of над-, пред-, and о-,
-- which are also prefixes.
local IPA_prefixes = {"bɛz", "vɤz", "vɤzproiz", "iz", "naiz", "poiz", "prɛvɤz", "proiz", "raz"}

-- version of rsubn() that discards all but the first return value
local function rsub(term, foo, bar)
	local retval = rsubn(term, foo, bar)
	return retval

-- apply rsub() repeatedly until no change
local function rsub_repeatedly(term, foo, bar)
	while true do
		local new_term = rsub(term, foo, bar)
		if new_term == term then
			return term
		term = new_term

local function char_at(str, index)
	return substring(str, index, index)

local function starts_with(str, substr)
	return substring(str, 1, mw.ustring.len(substr)) == substr

local function count_vowels(word)
	local _, vowel_count = mw.ustring.gsub(word, hvowels_c, "")
	return vowel_count

function export.remove_pron_notations(text, remove_grave)
	text = rsub(text, "[." .. DOTUNDER .. "]", "")
	-- Remove grave accents from annotations but maybe not from phonetic respelling
	if remove_grave then
		text = mw.ustring.toNFC(rsub(mw.ustring.toNFD(text), GRAVE, ""))
	return text
function export.toIPA(term, endschwa)
	if type(term) == "table" then -- called from a template or a bot
		endschwa = term.args.endschwa
		term = term.args[1]
	local origterm = term

	term = mw.ustring.toNFD(mw.ustring.lower(term))
	term = rsub(term, "у" .. BREVE, "ў") -- recompose ў
	term = rsub(term, "и" .. BREVE, "й") -- recompose й
	if term:find(GRAVE) and not term:find(ACUTE) then
		error("Use acute accent, not grave accent, for primary stress: " .. origterm)

	-- allow DOTUNDER to signal same as endschwa=1	
	term = rsub(term, "а(" .. accents_c .. "?)" .. DOTUNDER, "ъ%1")
	term = rsub(term, "я(" .. accents_c .. "?)" .. DOTUNDER, "ʲɤ%1")
	term = rsub(term, ".", phonetic_chars_map)

	-- Mark word boundaries
	term = rsub(term, "(%s+)", "#%1#")
	term = "#" .. term .. "#"

	-- Convert verbal and definite endings
	if endschwa then
		term = rsub(term, "a(" .. PRIMARY .. "t?#)", "ɤ%1")

	-- Change ʲ to j after vowels or word-initially
	term = rsub(term, "([" .. vowels .. "#]" .. accents_c .. "?)ʲ", "%1j")

	-------------------- Move stress ---------------

	-- First, move leftwards over the vowel.
	term = rsub(term, "(" .. vowels_c .. ")(" .. accents_c .. ")", "%2%1")
	-- Then, move leftwards over j or soft sign.
	term = rsub(term, "([jʲ])(" .. accents_c .. ")", "%2%1")
	-- Then, move leftwards over a single consonant.
	term = rsub(term, "(" .. cons_c .. ")(" .. accents_c .. ")", "%2%1")
	-- Then, move leftwards over Cl/Cr combinations where C is an obstruent (NOTE: IPA ɡ).
	term = rsub(term, "([bdɡptkxfv]" .. ")(" .. accents_c .. ")([rl])", "%2%1%3")
	-- Then, move leftwards over kv/gv (NOTE: IPA ɡ).
	term = rsub(term, "([kɡ]" .. ")(" .. accents_c .. ")(v)", "%2%1%3")
	-- Then, move leftwards over sC combinations, where C is a stop or resonant (NOTE: IPA ɡ).
	term = rsub(term, "([sz]" .. ")(" .. accents_c .. ")([bdɡptkvlrmn])", "%2%1%3")
	-- Then, move leftwards over affricates not followed by a consonant.
	term = rsub(term, "([td]" .. TIE .. "?)(" .. accents_c .. ")([szʃʒ][" .. vowels .. "ʲ])", "%2%1%3")
	-- If we ended up in the middle of a tied affricate, move to its right.
	term = rsub(term, "(" .. TIE .. ")(" .. accents_c .. ")(" .. cons_c .. ")", "%1%3%2")
	-- Then, move leftwards over any remaining consonants at the beginning of a word.
	term = rsub(term, "#(" .. cons_c .. "*)(" .. accents_c .. ")", "#%2%1")
	-- Then correct for known prefixes.
	for _, prefix in ipairs(IPA_prefixes) do
		prefix_prefix, prefix_final_cons = rmatch(prefix, "^(.-)(" .. cons_c .. "*)$")
		if prefix_final_cons then
			-- Check for accent moved too far to the left into a prefix, e.g. безбрачие accented as беˈзбрачие instead
			-- of безˈбрачие
			term = rsub(term, "#(" .. prefix_prefix .. ")(" .. accents_c .. ")(" .. prefix_final_cons .. ")", "#%1%3%2")
	-- Finally, if there is an explicit syllable boundary in the cluster of consonants where the stress is, put it there.
	-- First check for accent to the right of the explicit syllable boundary.
	term = rsub(term, "(" .. cons_c .. "*)%.(" .. cons_c .. "*)(" .. accents_c .. ")(" .. cons_c .. "*)", "%1%3%2%4")
	-- Then check for accent to the left of the explicit syllable boundary.
	term = rsub(term, "(" .. cons_c .. "*)(" .. accents_c .. ")(" .. cons_c .. "*)%.(" .. cons_c .. "*)", "%1%3%2%4")
	-- Finally, remove any remaining syllable boundaries.
	term = rsub(term, "%.", "")

	-------------------- Vowel reduction (in unstressed syllables) ---------------
	local function reduce_vowel(vowel)
		return rsub(vowel, "[aɔɤu]", { ["a"] = "ɐ", ["ɔ"] = "o", ["ɤ"] = "ɐ", ["u"] = "o" })

	-- Reduce all vowels before the stress, except if the word has no accent at all. (FIXME: This is presumably
	-- intended for single-syllable words without accents, but if the word is multisyllabic without accents,
	-- presumably all vowels should be reduced.)

	term = rsub(term, "(#[^#" .. accents .. "]*)(.-#)", function(a, b)
		if count_vowels(origterm) <= 1 then
			return a .. b
			return reduce_vowel(a) .. b
	-- Reduce all vowels after the accent except the first vowel after the accent mark (which is stressed).
	term = rsub(term, "(" .. accents_c .. "[^aɛiɔuɤ#]*[aɛiɔuɤ])([^#" .. accents .. "]*)", function(a, b)
		return a .. reduce_vowel(b)

	-------------------- Vowel assimilation to adjacent consonants (fronting/raising) ---------------
	term = rsub(term, "([ʃʒʲj])([aouɤ])", "%1%2" .. FRONTED)

	-- Hard l
	term = rsub_repeatedly(term, "l([^ʲɛi])", "ɫ%1")

	-- Voicing assimilation
	term = rsub(term, "([bdɡzʒv" .. TIE .. "]*)(" .. accents_c .. "?[ptksʃfx#])", function(a, b)
		return rsub(a, ".", devoicing) .. b end)
	term = rsub(term, "([ptksʃfx" .. TIE .. "]*)(" .. accents_c .. "?[bdɡzʒ])", function(a, b)
		return rsub(a, ".", voicing) .. b end)
	term = rsub(term, "n(" .. accents_c .. "?[ɡk]+)", "ŋ%1")
	term = rsub(term, "m(" .. accents_c .. "?[fv]+)", "ɱ%1")
	-- -- Correct for clitic pronunciation of с and в
	-- term = rsub(term, "#s# #(.)", "#s" .. TIE .. "%1")
	-- term = rsub(term, "#f# #(.)", "#f" .. TIE .. "%1")
	-- term = rsub(term, "([sfzv]" .. TIE .. ")" .. "(" .. accents_c .. ")", "%2%1")
	-- term = rsub(term, "s" .. TIE .. "(" .. voiced_cons_c .. ")", "z" .. TIE .. "%1")
	-- term = rsub(term, "f" .. TIE .. "(" .. voiced_cons_c .. ")", "v" .. TIE .. "%1")

	-- Sibilant assimilation
	term = rsub(term, "[sz](" .. accents_c .. "?[td]?" .. TIE .. "?)([ʃʒ])", "%2%1%2")

	-- Reduce consonant clusters
	term = rsub(term, "([szʃʒ])[td](" .. accents_c .. "?)([tdknml])", "%2%1%3")

	-- Strip hashes
	term = rsub(term, "#", "")
	return term

----Syllabification code----
-- Authorship: Chernorizets
-- Lua port: Kiril Kovachev

local function set_of(t)
	local out = {}
	for _, v in pairs(t) do
		out[v] = true	
	return out

local function in_set(set, value)
	return set[value] == true

-- Classification of letters by phonetic category
local vowels_syllab = set_of {"а", "ъ", "о", "у", "е", "и", "ю", "я"}
local sonorants = set_of { "л", "м", "н", "р", "й", "ў"}
local stops = set_of {"б", "п", "г", "к", "д", "т"}
local fricatives = set_of {"в", "ф", "ж", "ш", "з", "с", "х"}
local affricates = set_of {"ч", "ц"}

local function is_vowel(ch)
    return in_set(vowels_syllab, ch)

local function is_consonant(ch) 
    return ch == 'щ' or is_sonorant(ch) or is_stop(ch) or is_fricative(ch) or is_affricate(ch)

local function is_palatalizer(ch)
	return ch == 'ь'

local function is_sonorant(ch)
    return in_set(sonorants, ch)

-- Opposite of sonorant.
local function is_obstruent(ch)
        return is_stop(ch) or is_fricative(ch) or is_affricate(ch)

local function is_stop(ch) 
	return in_set(stops, ch)

local function is_fricative(ch)
	return in_set(fricatives, ch)

local function is_affricate(ch)
    return in_set(affricates, ch)

Sonority objects:

Sonority objects take the form of a table with the following attributes:
	rank (int): the numerical value representing the position of the sound in the sonority hierarchy;
	first_index (int): the index of the first letter that makes up the sound within the word.
	    The index of the first letter in a word with this sonority rank.
        The affricates "дж" and "дз" are represented by two letters each, but
        for sonority purposes they function as a "unit", hence we just need
		the index of the first letter of the affricate.


local function new_sonority(rank, first_index)
	return {
		["rank"] = rank,
		["first_index"] = first_index

local function get_sonority_rank(ch)
    if is_fricative(ch) then
        return 1

    if is_stop(ch) or is_affricate(ch) then
        return 2

    if is_sonorant(ch) then
        return 3

    if is_vowel(ch) then
        return 4

    return 0

-- Get the representation of a word as a list of sequential sonority objects, stored in a table.
-- Their representation is just {[1] = (sonority object #1), [2] = (sonority object #2)} etc.
-- Please see above for description of sonority objects' layout.
local function get_sonority_model(word, start_idx, end_idx)
    local sonorities = {}
	word = mw.ustring.lower(word)

	local i = start_idx
	while i < end_idx do
	    local curr = char_at(word, i)
        if curr == "щ" then
            -- One letter representing 2 sounds - decompose it.
            table.insert(sonorities, new_sonority(get_sonority_rank("ш"), i))
            table.insert(sonorities, new_sonority(get_sonority_rank("т"), i));
        elseif curr == "д" then
            -- Handle affricates with 'д' - only 'дж' here for illustration.
            local next_char = (i == end_idx - 1 and " ") or char_at(word, i+1)

			local should_skip = false
            if next_char == "ж" then
                table.insert(sonorities, new_sonority(2, i)) -- 2 = affricate sonority rank
                i = i + 1 -- Skip over the 'ж'
                should_skip = true
                -- goto sonority_continue

            if not should_skip then table.insert(sonorities, new_sonority(get_sonority_rank("д"), i)) end

        elseif not is_palatalizer(curr) then
            -- Skip over 'ь' since it doesn't change the sonority.
            table.insert(sonorities, new_sonority(get_sonority_rank(curr), i))
        -- ::sonority_continue::
        i = i + 1

    return sonorities

-- Forced breaks when the user inputs a break marker into the input string
-- word: string; start and end are integers indexing the string
local function find_forced_break(word, range_start, range_end)
        if range_start >= range_end then return -1 end

        local marker_pos = mw.ustring.find(word, BREAK_MARKER, range_start, true) or -1
        return marker_pos >= range_end and -1 or marker_pos

local function strip_forced_breaks(segment)
    return rsub(segment, "[.]", "");

---- Morphological prefix handling
	This code brings morphological prefix awareness to syllabification.
	This is necessary, because following the principle of rising sonority
	alone fails to determine syllable boundaries correctly in some cases
    — that is, when certain prefixes should be kept together as a first syllable.

	Affected prefixes. Each of them ends in a consonant that can be followed
	by another consonant of a higher sonority in some words. In such cases,
	naive syllable breaking would chop off the prefix's last consonant, and
	glue it to the onset of the next syllable.

local prefixes = {
	-- без- family

    -- из- family
    "безиз", "наиз", "поиз", "произ", "преиз", "неиз", "из",

    -- въз- family
    "безвъз", "превъз", "невъз", "въз",

    -- раз- family
    "безраз", "предраз", "пораз", "нараз", "прераз", "нераз", "раз",

    -- от- family
    "неот", "поот", "от",

    -- ending in fricatives
    "екс", "таз", "дис",

    -- ending in stops

    Finds the (zero-based) separation point between a
    morphological prefix and the rest of the word.
    By convention, that's the index of the first character
    after the prefix.

    word: the word to check for prefixes

    return -1 if no prefix found, or if the separation point
    is handled by the sonority model. A non-zero index otherwise.

-- prefix, word are both strings
local function followed_by_higher_sonority_cons(prefix, word)
	prefix = mw.ustring.lower(prefix)
	word = mw.ustring.lower(word)
    local prefix_last_char = char_at(prefix, mw.ustring.len(prefix))
    local first_char_after_prefix = char_at(word, mw.ustring.len(prefix) + 1)

    -- Prefixes followed by vowels do, in fact, get broken up.
    if is_vowel(first_char_after_prefix) then return false end

    return get_sonority_rank(prefix_last_char) < get_sonority_rank(first_char_after_prefix)

local function find_separation_points(word)
	local matching_prefixes = {}

	word = mw.ustring.lower(word)

	for _, prefix in pairs(prefixes) do
		if starts_with(word, prefix) and followed_by_higher_sonority_cons(prefix, word) then
			table.insert(matching_prefixes, mw.ustring.len(prefix) + 1)
	return matching_prefixes

---- Main syllabification code

---Context objects:
--[==[ encoded as a table like
	word (string),
	prefix_separation_points (table[int])


local function new_context(word, pos)
	return {
		["word"] = word,
		["prefix_separation_points"] = pos

    Consonant clusters that exhibit rising sonority, but should be
    broken up regardless to produce natural-sounding syllables.
    The breakpoint for clusters of 3 or more consonants can vary -
    here we provide a zero-based offset within the cluster for each.
local sonority_exception_break = {
	["км"] = 1, ["гм"] = 1, ["дм"] = 1, ["вм"] = 1,
    ["зм"] = 1, ["цм"] = 1, ["чм"] = 1,
    ["дн"] = 1, ["вн"] = 1, ["тн"] = 1, ["чн"] = 1,
    ["кн"] = 1, ["гн"] = 1, ["цн"] = 1,
    ["зд"] = 1, ["зч"] = 1, ["зц"] = 1, 
    ["вк"] = 1, ["вг"] = 1, ["дл"] = 1, ["жд"] = 1,
    ["згн"] = 1, ["здн"] = 2, ["вдж"] = 1

local sonority_exception_keep = {
    "ств", "св", "вс"

local function normalize_word(word)
    if word == nil then return "" end

    word = rsub(rsub(word, "^\\s+", ""), "\\s+^", "") -- Strip spaces
    return word

local function normalize_syllable(syllable)
    local normalized = strip_forced_breaks(syllable)
    normalized = rsub(normalized, "ў", "у")
    normalized = rsub(normalized, "Ў", "У")
    return normalized

local function find_rising_sonority_break(sonorities)
    local prev_rank = -1;

    for _, curr in pairs(sonorities) do
        if curr.rank <= prev_rank then
            -- Found a break.
            return curr.first_index

        prev_rank = curr.rank

    -- There was no rising sonority break. Start syllable at first index.
    return sonorities[1].first_index

local function matches(str, substr, start_idx, end_idx)
    local strlen = end_idx - start_idx
    if strlen ~= mw.ustring.len(substr) then return false end

	str = mw.ustring.lower(str)
	substr = mw.ustring.lower(substr)

	local i = start_idx
	local j = 1
	while i < end_idx do
		if char_at(str, i) ~= char_at(substr, j) then return false end 
		i = i + 1
		j = j + 1

    return true

-- ctx: context object
-- left and right vowels: integers
-- sonority break: integer
local function fixup_syllable_onset(ctx, left_vowel, sonority_break, right_vowel)
    local word = mw.ustring.lower(ctx.word)

    -- 'щр' is a syllable onset when in front of a vowel.
    -- Although 'щ' + sonorant technically follows rising sonority, syllables
    -- like щнV, щлV etc. are unnatural and incorrect. In such cases, we treat
    -- the sonorant as the onset of the next syllable.
    if char_at(word, right_vowel - 2) == "щ" then
        local penult = char_at(word, right_vowel - 1)

        if penult == "р" then return (right_vowel - 2) end
        if is_sonorant(penult) then return (right_vowel - 1) end

    -- Check for situations where we shouldn't break the cluster.
    local match_found = false
    for _, cluster in pairs(sonority_exception_keep) do
    	if matches(word, cluster, left_vowel + 1, right_vowel) then
    		match_found = true

    if (match_found) then return left_vowel + 1 end -- syllable onset == beginning of cluster

    -- Check for situations where we should break the cluster even if
    -- it obeys the principle of rising sonority.
    local maybe_cluster = nil
    for cluster, _ in pairs(sonority_exception_break) do
    	if matches(word, cluster, left_vowel + 1, right_vowel) then
    		maybe_cluster = cluster

    if maybe_cluster ~= nil then
        local offset = sonority_exception_break[maybe_cluster]
        return left_vowel + 1 + offset

    local separation_points = ctx.prefix_separation_points
    local separation_match = nil
    for _, pos in pairs(separation_points) do
    	if pos > left_vowel and pos < right_vowel then
    		separation_match = pos
    if separation_match ~= nil then return separation_match else return sonority_break end

-- ctx: context object
-- left/right vowels: integers
local function find_next_syllable_onset(ctx, left_vowel, right_vowel)
    local n_cons = right_vowel - left_vowel - 1

    -- No consonants - syllable starts on rightVowel
    if n_cons == 0 then return right_vowel end

    -- Check for forced breaks
    local break_pos = find_forced_break(ctx.word, left_vowel + 1, right_vowel)
    if break_pos ~= -1 then return break_pos + 1 end

    -- Single consonant between two vowels - starts a syllable
    if n_cons == 1 then return left_vowel + 1 end

    -- Two or more consonants between the vowels. Find the point (if any)
    -- where we break from rising sonority, and treat it as the tentative
    -- onset of a new syllable.
    local sonorities = get_sonority_model(ctx.word, left_vowel + 1, right_vowel)
    local sonority_break = find_rising_sonority_break(sonorities)

    -- Apply exceptions to the rising sonority principle to avoid
    -- unnatural-sounding syllables.
    return fixup_syllable_onset(ctx, left_vowel, sonority_break, right_vowel)

-- Returns a table of strings (list)
local function syllabify_poly(word)
    local syllables = {}

    local ctx = new_context(word, find_separation_points(word))

    local prev_vowel = -1
    local prev_onset = 1;
    for i = 1, mw.ustring.len(word) do
	    if is_vowel(mw.ustring.lower(char_at(word, i))) then
	        -- A vowel, yay!
	        local should_skip = false
	        if prev_vowel == -1 then
	            prev_vowel = i
	            should_skip = true;

	        -- This is not the first vowel we've seen. In-between
	        -- the previous vowel and this one, there is a syllable
	        -- break, and the first character after the break starts
	        -- a new syllable.
	        if not should_skip then
		        local next_onset = find_next_syllable_onset(ctx, prev_vowel, i)
		        table.insert(syllables, substring(word, prev_onset, next_onset - 1))
		        prev_vowel = i
		        prev_onset = next_onset

    -- Add the last syllable
    table.insert(syllables, substring(word, prev_onset))

    return syllables

function export.syllabify_word(word)
    local norm = normalize_word(word)

    if mw.ustring.len(norm) == 0 then return {} end;

    local n_vowels = count_vowels(norm)
    local syllables = n_vowels <= 1 and {norm} or syllabify_poly(norm)

	local out = {}
	for k, v in pairs(syllables) do
		out[k] = normalize_syllable(v)	

    return table.concat(out, HYPH)

function tokenize_words(term)
	local out = {}
	local prev_index = 1
	for i = 1, mw.ustring.len(term) do
		local current_char = char_at(term, i)
		if current_char == "-" or current_char == " " then
			table.insert(out, substring(term, prev_index, i))
			prev_index = i + 1
	table.insert(out, substring(term, prev_index, i))
	return out

function export.syllabify(term)
	local words = tokenize_words(term)

	local out = {}
	for _, word in pairs(words) do
		table.insert(out, export.syllabify_word(word))	
	return table.concat(out, "")


-- Hyphenate a word from its existing syllabification
function export.hyphenate(syllabification)
    -- Source: http://logic.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/hyphenation/hyph-bg.html#hyphenation-rules-between-1983-and-2012
    -- Also note: the rules from 2012 onward, which encode the modern standard, are entirely
    -- backwards-compatible with the previous standard. Thus our code can generate valid 2012
    -- hyphenations despite following the older rules.

	word = rsub(syllabification, "[" .. GRAVE .. ACUTE .. "]", "") -- Remove accent marks
    word = rsub_repeatedly(word, HYPH .. "дж", HYPH .. "#")
    word = rsub_repeatedly(word, "дж$", "#")
    word = rsub_repeatedly(word, "^дж", "#")
    word = rsub_repeatedly(word, "(" .. hvowels_c .. ")" .. HYPH .. "(" .. hcons_c .. ")(" .. rsub(hcons_c, '[ьЬ]', '') .. "+)", "%1%2" .. HYPH .. "%3")
    word = rsub_repeatedly(word, "(" .. rsub(hcons_c, "[йЙ]", "") .. ")(" .. hcons_c .. "+)" .. HYPH, "%1" .. HYPH .. "%2")
    word = rsub_repeatedly(word, "^(" .. hvowels_c .. ")" .. HYPH, "%1")
    word = rsub_repeatedly(word, HYPH .. "(" .. hvowels_c .. ")$", "%1")
    word = rsub_repeatedly(word, "(" .. hvowels_c .. ")" .. HYPH .. "(" .. hvowels_c .. ")" .. HYPH .. "(" .. hvowels_c .. ")", "%1%2" .. HYPH .. "%3")
    word = rsub_repeatedly(word, HYPH .. "(" .. hvowels_c .. ")" .. HYPH .. "(" .. hcons_c .. ")", HYPH .. "%1%2")
    word = rsub_repeatedly(word, "#", "дж")
    return word

-- Hyphenate a word directly, no need to calculate its syllabification beforehand
function export.hyphenate_total(word)
	syllabification = export.syllabify(word)
	return export.hyphenate(syllabification)

function export.get_rhymes(ipa)
	ipa = rsub(ipa, FRONTED, "")
	_, vowel_count = mw.ustring.gsub(ipa, vowels_c, "")

	-- This may be better handled by making the caller supply stress
	if vowel_count == 1 and not rmatch(ipa, PRIMARY) then  -- Handle monosyllabic terms with no stress mark
		ipa = PRIMARY .. ipa

	local vowel_final_match, a = rmatch(ipa, PRIMARY .. cons_c .. "-" .. "(" .. cons_c .. "?ʲ?" .. vowels_c .. ")$")
	if vowel_final_match then
		-- The term ends in a stressed vowel, whose rhymes require the previous consonant to match
		return vowel_final_match
		-- Any other rhyme
		return rmatch(ipa, PRIMARY .. cons_c .. "*(" .. vowels_c .. ".+)")

local function get_anntext(term, ann)
	if ann == "1" or ann == "y" then
		-- remove secondary stress annotations
		anntext = "'''" .. export.remove_pron_notations(term, true) .. "''':&#32;"
	elseif ann then
		anntext = "'''" .. ann .. "''':&#32;"
		anntext = ""
	return anntext

local HYPHENATION_LABEL = "Hyphenation<sup>([[Appendix:Bulgarian hyphenation#Hyphenation|key]])</sup>"
local SYLLABIFICATION_LABEL = "Syllabification<sup>([[Appendix:Bulgarian hyphenation#Syllabification|key]])</sup>"

local function format_hyphenation(hyphenation, label)
	local syllables = rsplit(hyphenation, HYPH)
	label = label or HYPHENATION_LABEL

	return require("Module:hyphenation").format_hyphenations( { 
		lang = lang,
		hyphs = { { hyph = syllables } },
		sc = script,
		caption = label,
		} )

local function format_rhymes(rhyme_suffix)
	return require("Module:rhymes").format_rhymes( { 
		lang = lang,
		rhymes = { { rhyme = rhyme_suffix } },
		} )

local function show_audio_file(file, caption)
	return require("Module:audio").format_audio {
		lang = lang,
		file = file,
		caption = caption,

local function format_homophones(hmp_list)
	local homophones = {}
	for i, hmp in pairs(hmp_list) do
		table.insert(homophones, { term = hmp })
	return require("Module:homophones").format_homophones( { 
		lang = lang,
		homophones = homophones,
		sc = script,
		} )

-- Entry point to {{bg-hyph}}
function export.show_hyphenation(frame)
	local params = {
		[1] = {},

	local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()

	local args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame:getParent().args, params)
	local term = args[1] or title.nsText == "Template" and "при́мер" or title.text

	local syllabification = export.syllabify(term)
	syllabification = rsub(syllabification, "[" .. ACUTE .. GRAVE .. "]", "")
	local hyphenation = export.hyphenate(syllabification)
	local out
	-- Users must put a * before the template usage
	if syllabification == hyphenation then
		out = format_hyphenation(syllabification)	
		local syllabification_text = format_hyphenation(syllabification, SYLLABIFICATION_LABEL)
		local hyphenation_text = format_hyphenation(hyphenation)
		out = syllabification_text .. "\n* " .. hyphenation_text
	return out

function export.show(frame)
	local params = {
		[1] = {},
		["endschwa"] = { type = "boolean" },
		["ann"] = {},

	local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
	local args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame:getParent().args, params)
	local term = args[1] or title.nsText == "Template" and "при́мер" or title.text

	local ipa = export.toIPA(term, args.endschwa)
	ipa = "[" .. ipa .. "]"

	local ipa_text = require("Module:IPA").format_IPA_full { lang = lang, items = {{ pron = ipa }} }
	local anntext = get_anntext(term, args.ann)

	return anntext .. ipa_text

---- {{bg-pr}}-related code 

-- Data model for a pronunciation line:

----- properties passed outside of the angle brackets <>
  term: string
----- properties passed inside the angle brackets
  audio: string
  q: string
  qq: string
  ann: string (y/n, 0/1, etc.)
  raw_ipa: string
  hyph: string
  syllab: string
  rhyme: string
  hmp: string

"audio" is a comma-separated list of audio file names from Commons which are to
be displayed.
The caption for the audio, if different from "Audio", should be given after a
hash tag (#) after the file name.

"q" and "qq" are qualifiers for the IPA pronunciation, where q is prepended to
the IPA and qq is appended to the end.

"ann", if given, will prepend the term being output for a given pronunciation
line, with the acute accent to designate where the stress is for that spelling.
if "ann" is not simply 1/y/true, the text supplied will be the annotation.

"raw_ipa" is a property which overrides the generated IPA for a pronunciation.
should be scarecely used.

"hyph" and "syllab" can both be used to pass an override for the hyphenation
or syllabification respectively. By default, these properties derive from
the word given itself.

"rhyme": allows the rhyme to be manually specified. Should not include the -

"hmp": allows homophones (comma-separated) to be specified.
-- Each input to the template will have one of the above objects constructed.

-- Output data table, used to generate the overall output, and is built up
-- while processing the specifiers
-- None of the properties have a * prepended; those are generated by this template
	ipa: IPA line, fully expanded with qualifiers and annotation
	rhyme: rhyme for that IPA
	syllab: syllabification line 
	hyph: hyphenation line
	audio: table containing multiple audio links
	hmp: homophones processed by {{hmp}} module

local valid_attributes = set_of {

local function parse_spec(spec_str)
	local word = mw.ustring.match(spec_str, "([^<]+)")
	if word == "+" then word = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() end
	local specs_iter = mw.ustring.gmatch(spec_str, "%b<>")
	local specs = {["term"] = word}
	local value = ""
	while value ~= nil do
		local value = specs_iter()
		if value == nil then break end
		local prop = substring(value, 2, -2) -- strip the <>
		local attribute, value = unpack(rsplit(prop, ":"))
		if not (in_set(valid_attributes, attribute)) then
			error("Invalid specified attribute: " .. attribute)	
		-- Most properties should appear only once; if there is more than one
		-- value given for a property, it should form a table (only audio)
		if specs[attribute] ~= nil then
			if attribute ~= "audio" then error("More than one " .. attribute .. " attribute value specified, but only one is allowed") end
			specs[attribute] = {specs[attribute], value}	
			specs[attribute] = value
	return specs

local function render_spec(spec_obj)
	local ipa_raw = spec_obj["raw_ipa"] or export.toIPA(term, args.endschwa)
	local ipa = "[" .. ipa_raw .. "]"

	local ipa_text = require("Module:IPA").format_IPA_full { lang = lang, items = {{ pron = ipa }} }
	local anntext = get_anntext(term, args.ann)
	ipa_text = anntext .. ipa_text
	local hyph_input = spec_obj["hyph"] or spec_obj["term"]
	local syllab_input = spec_obj["syllab"] or spec_obj["term"]
	local hyph_text = format_hyphenation(export.hyphenate(hyph_input), HYPHENATION_LABEL)
	local syllab_text = format_hyphenation(export.hyphenate(syllab_input), SYLLABIFICATION_LABEL)
	local rhyme_text = format_rhymes(spec_obj["rhyme"] or export.get_rhymes(ipa_raw))
	local formatted_audios = {}
	for k, v in ipairs(spec_obj["audio"] or {}) do
		formatted_audiis[k] = show_audio_file(v)
	local hmp_text
	if spec_obj["hmp"] then
		local homophones_table = rsplit(spec_obj["hmp"], ",")
		hmp_text = format_homophones(homophones_table)
		hmp_text = nil

	return {
		["ipa"] = ipa_text,
		["rhyme"] = rhyme_text,
		["syllab"] = syllab_text,
		["hyph"] = hyph_text,
		["audio"] = formatted_audios,
		["hmp"] = hmp_text

function export.show_all(frame)
	local params = {
		[1] = {list = true}

	local args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame:getParent().args, params)

	-- Process data and generate outputs in a data structure
	local pronunciation_specs = {}
	local output_data = {}
	for i, line in ipairs(args) do
		pronunciation_specs[i] = parse_spec(line)
		output_data[i] = render_spec(pronunciation_specs[i])
	-- Display the built-up data structure
	-- TODO

return export