- The following documentation is located at Module:User:Erutuon/03/documentation. [edit]
- Useful links: root page • root page’s subpages • links • transclusions • testcases • sandbox
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| lichidă }}
=Derived terms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| fuzz }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| burgage }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/kotьlьnica }}
Adjective form
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| काली }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| rääväsuinen }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ilmaisia }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| aikasten takasten }}
Adverb form
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| aiemminkin }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| 𐎎𐎛𐎄 }}
Affixed terms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ambang bedil belenggu bendi berani berat cagak cambuk candu cat celana ceramah cukai cuti dada daftar dakwa dakwah dalang damai damar debat debit definisi deklarasi delegasi derma deskripsi deteksi dikte disiplin diskusi dispersi drama dunia eksklusif ekstrak ekstraksi ekstrem fasilitas film gembala genius gereja gergaji gerigi gerinda gigi gula gundik halang hawa hukum ide ideal ikhtisar ilmu imla implikasi indikasi industri inovasi interpretasi jaksa jalang jalur jendela jinayah kacang kakao kamuflase kanca kansel kanselir karier karya kasta kaveling kawan kedai kejaksaan kelahi keluarga kemeja kempa kencang kereta api khotbah klaim klaster kode koefisien koleksi kompak komponen komunitas kontaminasi kontribusi kontrol koordinasi koreksi kredit kriminal kritik kubur kubus kunci kurang laga lapor legitimasi lemari lembaga lenso lerai lezat libur limau makam manik master mata-mata mercusuar mesra meterai mula mulia museum mutu natal niaga niscaya nomor nota nyata nyawa obat objek oplah oposisi otomatis otomatisasi pacar pagar pajak palsu pamer pamflet panau pandu panitera partikel paruh patri peci pensiun perdom periode perisai perum peti petir piagam pidato pilar plastik plastis pokrol positif potensi praktis presisi prestasi priayi profesi profil proses provokasi puluh punah pusaka pusat pusing putra putri rasi rayon registrasi reka renda representasi residen rugi rupa saba sablon sabun sadar sado saksama saksi salep sandiwara sanggama sanitasi sara sari sayembara segera selamat sempadan senapan senar sendi sengketa seni senja sepatu sepuluh serapah seraya serba sertifikasi seteru setir setop setor sidang sobat strata struktur subsidi sunah sunat tahu tala tamak tamu tandu tangan teater teguh teman tempa tenaga tenang tenteram terka teror tes titel tolong transpor tren tuan tukang udara uji umpama undang untai utama vakansi vakum wajib waktu wara wayang wirawan wisata yogia ខ្ចាត់ }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ၵႃႈယႂ်ႇ }}
Alterantive forms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| -ttö -ytö maqallim Иван }}
Alternaive scripts
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| जहाति }}
Alternate Forms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Cemb. }}
Alternate form
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Romancelandia }}
Alternate forms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| cisgay proere }}
Alternate sctipts
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ɲúfukudu }}
Alternative forms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Hülse }}
Alternative Forms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Abbauhämmerche Abbauhämmercher Abriekoeës Absjied Appelkoeës Appelkues-je Appelkues-jes Appelkuus Appelküüsche Appelküüscher Appelküüsje Appelküüsjer riley }}
Alternative form
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| prístino }}
Alternative forms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Zechn }}
Alternative plural forms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| gombet }}
Alternative reconstructiona
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Reconstruction:Proto-Turkic/yum- }}
Alternative spelling
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Bezabde }}
Alternative terms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| awọ ojia }}
Altetnative forms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Rumãnia }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| in gross postampullary preampullary }}
Attested forms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ᚹᚨᚱᛁᛏᚢ ᚹᚨᚱᛡᛁᛏ ᚹᚱᚨᛁᛏᚨ ᚺᛡᚦᚢᚹᚢᛚᚨᚠᛉ ᚺᛡᚦᚢᚹᛟᛚᛡᚠᛡ ᚺᛡᚦᚢᚹᛟᛚᛡᚠᛦ ᛊᚨᛏᛁᛞᛟ ᛋᛡᛏᛖ ᛏᚨᚹᛁᛞᛖ ᛏᚨᚹᛁᛞᛟ }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| heft }}
Bopomofo character
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ㄅ ㄆ ㄇ ㄈ ㄉ ㄊ ㄋ ㄌ ㄍ ㄎ ㄏ ㄐ ㄑ ㄒ ㄓ ㄔ ㄕ ㄖ ㄗ ㄘ ㄙ ㄚ ㄛ ㄜ ㄝ ㄞ ㄟ ㄠ ㄡ ㄢ ㄣ ㄤ ㄥ ㄦ }}
Borrowed terms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| دریا دشمن دل شغال نکما अनुशासक अभिज्ञा अभिषेक अलस अश्व आत्मन् इन्दिरा उपलब्ध ऋतु एला कच्छप कटि कपाल कमल काक कार्य क्षत्रिय खनि गर्भिणी गात्र गिरि जाति जिह्वा जीव तक्षन् तन्त्र तमस् तृण दक्षिण दन्त दीर्घ दूर धारा धूम नामन् पण्डित पनस पर्ण पाप पितृ पूर्व प्रथम प्रिय बीज बुद्ध भक्ति भगवद्गीता मयूर मांस मिश्र रघु राष्ट्र लाभ वसन्त वात विना वीर वृक्ष वृद्ध शर्करा शिरस् शुभ्र सदा सम समुद्र सर्व सृगाल सेतु स्त्री हत हरिद्रा हिङ्गु हिम 𐭪𐭫𐭲 }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Maximus exceptus familia joie legio medius patiens }}
Categorizing prefix
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| gol·- jak- }}
Central Neo-Aramaic
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ܬܡܢ }}
Chalita Conjugation
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| অনুবাদ করা অনুভব করা অনুরোধ করা অপেক্ষা করা আগানো আচরণ করা আবির খেলা ইটানো উভানো উল্কি আঁকা কওয়া করা করানো কাটা কামড়ানো খাওয়ানো ঘামানো ঘুমানো ঘৃণা করা ঘেন্না করা চালানো ছিটকানো ছোঁয়া জাগানো ঝুলানো ঢুকানো তর্জমা করা তাকানো থাকানো দাঁড়ানো দেওয়া দেখা দেখানো ধরা ধসা ধসানো ধোয়া নাওয়া নেওয়া পাওয়া পাঠানো ফরমানো বওয়া বলা বেচানো মেলা রওয়া রাখা লওয়া লুকানো লেখা শরমানো শিখানো শোয়া সওয়া সরানো সহা সাজানো হওয়া হড়কানো হাঁকানো হারানো হাসানো }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| -e -han -hän -ka -kaan -ki -kin -kki -ko -kä -kään -kö -lih -llih -lluk -luk -pa -pas -pä -päs -s -ť -л -ና maa- }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| פּישן }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| etelänkiisla lemmenjuoma lemmenrohto lemmenruoka pohjankiisla }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| iaguara }}
Combining forms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| छद्मन् }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/yugóm Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/óynos Reconstruction:Proto-Semitic/birk- Reconstruction:Proto-Semitic/kabkab- Reconstruction:Proto-Semitic/ḳarḳar- }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| велии вꙑсокъ горькъ добль зълъ кротъкъ крѣпъкъ лоучии лютъ малъ мъногъ новъ поустъ сладъкъ старъ тьнъкъ хоудъ }}
Compound part
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| bãi cán huống khán khôi kị luỹ lâm lơ lộ ngũ năng phú trường viên âu đa đai đuối đính }}
Compound terms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| nuija }}
Compound word
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| serapah wana }}
Compound words
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| anak berkebutuhan khusus kapal mualim pagi panitera paruh peristiwa raksi syahadat ulayat }}
Concomitant verb
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| kuspill }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| in den Kinderschuhen stecken }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ortografiar }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| 仇なす }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| minorizar }}
Coordinated terms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| slave wage }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| abuǩaťi adaleťi afieťi ancaği anteri anǩe anǩesi apiçora apiçoras aslani avci ayazi aǯup̌eťi }}
Cuneiform sign
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| 𒀀 𒀁 𒀂 𒀄 𒀅 𒀆 𒀇 𒀈 𒀉 𒀊 𒀋 𒀌 𒀍 𒀎 𒀏 𒀐 𒀑 𒀒 𒀓 𒀕 𒀖 𒀗 𒀘 𒀙 𒀚 𒀛 𒀜 𒀝 𒀞 𒀟 𒀠 𒀡 𒀢 𒀣 𒀤 𒀥 𒀦 𒀧 𒀨 𒀩 𒀪 𒀫 𒀬 𒀭 𒀮 𒀯 𒀰 𒀱 𒀲 𒀳 𒀴 𒀵 𒀷 𒀸 𒀹 𒀺 𒀻 𒀼 𒀽 𒀾 𒀿 𒁀 𒁁 𒁄 𒁆 𒁇 𒁈 𒁉 𒁊 𒁋 𒁌 𒁍 𒁎 𒁐 𒁑 𒁓 𒁔 𒁕 𒁖 𒁗 𒁘 𒁙 𒁚 𒁛 𒁝 𒁞 𒁟 𒁠 𒁡 𒁢 𒁤 𒁥 𒁦 𒁧 𒁨 𒁩 𒁪 𒁫 𒁬 𒁭 𒁮 𒁯 𒁰 𒁱 𒁲 𒁳 𒁴 𒁵 𒁶 𒁷 𒁹 𒁺 𒁼 𒁽 𒂀 𒂁 𒂂 𒂃 𒂄 𒂅 𒂆 𒂊 𒂍 𒂔 𒂕 𒂖 𒂗 𒂘 𒂞 𒂟 𒂡 𒂢 𒂣 𒂤 𒂥 𒂦 𒂩 𒂫 𒂬 𒂭 𒂮 𒂯 𒂰 𒂱 𒂲 𒂳 𒂴 𒂵 𒂶 𒂷 𒂸 𒂺 𒂼 𒂽 𒂾 𒂿 𒃂 𒃃 𒃄 𒃅 𒃆 𒃈 𒃉 𒃊 𒃋 𒃌 𒃍 𒃎 𒃐 𒃑 𒃓 𒃔 𒃕 𒃖 𒃗 𒃘 𒃙 𒃛 𒃜 𒃞 𒃟 𒃠 𒃡 𒃢 𒃣 𒃤 𒃥 𒃦 𒃧 𒃨 𒃩 𒃪 𒃫 𒃮 𒃰 𒃱 𒃲 𒃴 𒃵 𒃶 𒃷 𒃸 𒃻 𒃼 𒃽 𒃾 𒃿 𒄀 𒄃 𒄄 𒄆 𒄇 𒄈 𒄉 𒄊 𒄋 𒄌 𒄎 𒄏 𒄐 𒄑 𒄒 𒄓 𒄕 𒄖 𒄗 𒄘 𒄙 𒄛 𒄝 𒄞 𒄟 𒄠 𒄡 𒄢 𒄣 𒄤 𒄥 𒄦 𒄧 𒄨 𒄩 𒄪 𒄫 𒄬 𒄭 𒄮 𒄯 𒄱 𒄳 𒄴 𒄵 𒄶 𒄷 𒄷𒄭 𒄸 𒄽 𒄾 𒄿 𒅀 𒅁 𒅂 𒅃 𒅅 𒅆 𒅆𒂟 𒅆𒌨 𒅇 𒅈 𒅉 𒅊 𒅋 𒅌 𒅍 𒅎 𒅏 𒅐 𒅒 𒅔 𒅕 𒅖 𒅗 𒅘 𒅚 𒅛 𒅜 𒅝 𒅞 𒅠 𒅡 𒅤 𒅥 𒅦 𒅨 𒅪 𒅫 𒅬 𒅭 𒅮 𒅯 𒅰 𒅲 𒅴 𒅵 𒅶 𒅷 𒅸 𒅺 𒅻 𒅼 𒅽 𒅾 𒅿 𒆀 𒆁 𒆂 𒆃 𒆄 𒆇 𒆈 𒆉 𒆋 𒆍 𒆏 𒆐 𒆑 𒆒 𒆓 𒆕 𒆗 𒆘 𒆙 𒆚 𒆛 𒆜 𒆝 𒆞 𒆟 𒆠 𒆡 𒆢 𒆣 𒆤 𒆥 𒆦 𒆧 𒆨 𒆩 𒆪 𒆫 𒆬 𒆭 𒆯 𒆰 𒆱 𒆲 𒆳 𒆴 𒆵 𒆷 𒆸 𒆹 𒆺 𒆻 𒆼 𒆽 𒆾 𒆿 𒇀 𒇁 𒇂 𒇃 𒇄 𒇅 𒇆 𒇇 𒇈 𒇉 𒇊 𒇋 𒇌 𒇏 𒇐 𒇑 𒇒 𒇓 𒇔 𒇕 𒇖 𒇗 𒇘 𒇙 𒇚 𒇛 𒇜 𒇝 𒇞 𒇟 𒇠 𒇡 𒇣 𒇤 𒇥 𒇦 𒇧 𒇨 𒇩 𒇪 𒇫 𒇬 𒇭 𒇮 𒇯 𒇰 𒇲 𒇳 𒇴 𒇵 𒇷 𒇸 𒇺 𒇻 𒇼 𒇽 𒇾 𒇿 𒈀 𒈁 𒈂 𒈃 𒈄 𒈅 𒈆 𒈈 𒈊 𒈋 𒈌 𒈏 𒈐 𒈑 𒈒 𒈓 𒈔 𒈕 𒈖 𒈗 𒈘 𒈙 𒈛 𒈜 𒈝 𒈞 𒈟 𒈠 𒈢 𒈣 𒈤 𒈥 𒈦 𒈦𒄘𒃼 𒈧 𒈨 𒈩 𒈪 𒈫 𒈬 𒈭 𒈮 𒈯 𒈰 𒈱 𒈲 𒈶 𒈷 𒈸 𒈹 𒈺 𒈻 𒈽 𒈾 𒈿 𒉀 𒉁 𒉂 𒉃 𒉄 𒉅 𒉆 𒉇 𒉈 𒉉 𒉊 𒉋 𒉌 𒉍 𒉎 𒉏 𒉐 𒉑 𒉒 𒉓 𒉔 𒉕 𒉖 𒉗 𒉘 𒉙 𒉚 𒉛 𒉜 𒉝 𒉞 𒉠 𒉡 𒉢 𒉣 𒉤 𒉥 𒉦 𒉧 𒉩 𒉪 𒉫 𒉬 𒉭 𒉮 𒉯 𒉰 𒉱 𒉲 𒉳 𒉴 𒉵 𒉶 𒉸 𒉹 𒉺 𒉻 𒉼 𒉽 𒉾 𒉿 𒊀 𒊁 𒊂 𒊃 𒊄 𒊅 𒊆 𒊇 𒊉 𒊊 𒊋 𒊌 𒊍 𒊎 𒊏 𒊐 𒊑 𒊒 𒊓 𒊔 𒊕 𒊖 𒊗 𒊙 𒊚 𒊜 𒊝 𒊞 𒊟 𒊠 𒊢 𒊣 𒊤 𒊥 𒊦 𒊧 𒊨 𒊩 𒊪 𒊬 𒊭 𒊮 𒊯 𒊰 𒊱 𒊲 𒊳 𒊴 𒊵 𒊶 𒊷 𒊹 𒊺 𒊻 𒊼 𒊽 𒊾 𒊿 𒋀 𒋁 𒋂 𒋃 𒋄 𒋅 𒋆 𒋇 𒋈 𒋉 𒋊 𒋋 𒋌 𒋍 𒋎 𒋏 𒋐 𒋑 𒋒 𒋓 𒋔 𒋖 𒋗 𒋙 𒋚 𒋛 𒋜 𒋝 𒋞 𒋟 𒋠 𒋡 𒋢 𒋤 𒋥 𒋦 𒋧 𒋨 𒋩 𒋪 𒋫 𒋬 𒋭 𒋮 𒋯 𒋰 𒋱 𒋲 𒋳 𒋵 𒋷 𒋸 𒋹 𒋺 𒋻 𒋼 𒋽 𒋾 𒌀 𒌁 𒌃 𒌄 𒌅 𒌆 𒌇 𒌈 𒌉 𒌊 𒌋 𒌌 𒌍 𒌎 𒌏 𒌐 𒌑 𒌒 𒌓 𒌔 𒌖 𒌗 𒌘 𒌙 𒌚 𒌛 𒌜 𒌝 𒌟 𒌡 𒌢 𒌣 𒌤 𒌥 𒌦 𒌧 𒌨 𒌩 𒌪 𒌫 𒌬 𒌮 𒌯 𒌰 𒌱 𒌲 𒌴 𒌵 𒌶 𒌷 𒌸 𒌺 𒌼 𒌾 𒌿 𒍀 𒍁 𒍂 𒍇 𒍋 𒍌 𒍍 𒍎 𒍏 𒍐 𒍑 𒍒 𒍓 𒍕 𒍗 𒍙 𒍚 𒍛 𒍜 𒍝 𒍞 𒍟 𒍠 𒍢 𒍣 𒍤 𒍥 𒍦 𒍧 𒍨 𒍩 𒍪 𒍫 𒍬 𒍭 𒍮 𒍻 𒍼 𒎌 𒎎 𒎏 𒎐 𒎙 𒐀 𒐁 𒐂 𒐅 𒐈 𒐉 𒐊 𒐋 𒐌 𒐍 𒐏 𒑆 𒑗 𒑙 }}
Cuneiform spelling
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| 𒄑𒉿𒌆 𒄑𒌆𒉿 }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Alaafin aduwa alhaji ilẹkẹ kabukabu oriṣa orukọ tuwo ẹba ẹṣin }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| viðgongutíð }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| جنت }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ostinato }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| agga ikña itcha itha kʷədiʔ pagga pakimna pamma pauna pauŋa pikka pitcha qamma qaŋaimña tiʔəʔ tə }}
Dependent noun
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ᄉᆞ ᄲᅮᆫ 거 거리 것 게 김 꺼 나름 녘 대로 데 듯 듯이 따위 때문 리 마당 만큼 바 번째 뿐 수 술 시 이 적 전차 줄 중 지 쪽 채 척 체 치 턱 호 }}
Derivational noun suffix
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| -bong -gipa -pa }}
Derived Terms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| bakrorez well-defined θεομαχέω гидрология }}
Derived forms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| colovra himno }}
Derived signs
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| 𒀀 𒀊 𒀭 𒀴 𒀾 𒁁 𒁺 𒂅 𒂆 𒂍 𒂗 𒃲 𒃻 𒄀 𒄞 𒄩 𒄭 𒄿 𒅆 𒅕 𒆠 𒆤 𒆦 𒆳 𒆸 𒇻 𒇽 𒈦 𒈨 𒉇 𒉈 𒉌 𒉏 𒉒 𒊊 𒊓 𒊕 𒊩 𒋛 𒋫 𒌆 𒌑 𒌓 𒌗 𒌨 𒌷 𒍑 𒍪 }}
Derived suffixes
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/-ga Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/-lъ Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/-rъ }}
Derived term
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Krimpen aan de Lek }}
Derived terms=
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ibabaw }}
Derived tmers
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| exercise }}
Derived words
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| hirsutus }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| pilot }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/jāmarōn autodidactique }}
Descended terms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| aṣẹwo }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| male habitus }}
Dialectal synonyms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| 사탕수수 }}
Dialectal variants
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| aasgutú acaminar acampar agast agenolhar agrelha agreu ajuda an ancessor ansin aparelhar aprèp asugol baafata bayillo bee bifi bosiga bruc bruma bullal cabel cabrit camba capèl cardon carmalal carrairon carrairòu casse castèl castèu catedrala caumatge causida ceba chastelan chausida chausir clarièra collaari cunh còser dannaajo duquessa eiretar eiretièr embonilh enfança escaire escriure escudièr escuma escut escàder escàser estolha eɓe eɗen farga fauç feewugol fenaande fendre fettere fii honɗum formatge forn fusta fèbre fèu genibre genolh giggol gojat gojata golle gonèla guèine haa haala himo hinney hiɓe hommbo honto hoodere introduire jannde jánwu júnher kammu kaso kaŋko kijoori kono kooho káciiki kɔ́rɔndi laawol lugán malva mandra manjadoira margue mbaroodi men menen mesolha meɗen miin min minen munyal nevar nevós ngayka ngaynaako ngeera nguufo omenatge omo oɗon pelha pendre plaire ploja pluèja pregar pregària prigond prigondor pàisser pácuuʾuʾ qayaġulik raarawuh rei reialme reiaume ren rescontrar rescontre romec ruda rácahis ríksuʾ rúskiriʾis saique saunejar saññoowo secada segon soca somiar somniar sovenença sovenir tabalde takko tau teddeengal traça volontat volp waare waañde waañoowo waylugol waɓɓugo yaltugol ñaw ñawu ŋari ɓe खुस्ला चोमोलुङ् तिसालेन भुस्क्वाम मेभेत्ति அண்ணன் ಪಾವು }}
Dialectical variants
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| woyndu ɗowtude ɗowtugol }}
Different pronunciation
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| dangge }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Ꜭh ꜭh }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| gorgerine }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| -aa -aasiit -li -lu -luunniit -ma' -mi -mita -mitaava -mo tak }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| -una }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| TOM }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| sele }}
Epenthetic forms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| -в -вч }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| апа }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| పరిస్థితి }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| aljez laktasyon αγκυλωτός }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| סאַדיסט }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| hathi preexercise }}
Etymology (informal)
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Creviston }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ทักทาย }}
Example sentences
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| kennen }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/(s)ker- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/(s)kewH- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/(s)tew- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/Hrew- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/bʰeh₂- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/bʰerH- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/deh₂- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/gleh₁y- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/glew- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/gʰer- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/h₂enh₁- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/h₂er- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/h₂rey- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/h₃er- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/kes- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/kʷey- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/leh₁- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/leh₂- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/melh₂- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/pel- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/peyH- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/plew- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/ser- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/sterh₃- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/teh₂- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/temh₁- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/ten- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/terh₁- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/tewh₂- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/welh₁- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/werh₁- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/ǵʰew- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/ḱel- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/ḱlew- }}
External reading
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| tò vò }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| -aa -aabaawe -aaban -aabikw -aaboow -aad -aadod -aagan -aagimose -aagozi -aagwad -aakw -aandagw -aate -aatig -agaawanzhy -akyi -am -amaw -an -and -apiN -ate -a’ -biN -bid -bii’ -bin -bizh -bizo -d -e -eginw -end -gaade -gamaa -gamigw -gan -gido -gwaaso -gwan -i -idaabaan -idi -iiginw -ikod -ikomaan -in -ing -iz -izh -izi -jiwan -kaa -magad -meg -min -mo -n -naagan -ninjy -ose -sagw -se -shi -shib -shim -shkiinzhigw -shtigwaan -sid -waabik -waaboo -waakwaagan -wan -wayaan -webizi -wi -wiN -wid -wigamigw -win -yaa -zid -ʼ shib }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| -gamia -morfoza }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Reconstruction:Proto-Celtic/yalom 師走 }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Biig Rugge dangge deet hooch näime öppe מ־שׁ־ך ס־נ־כ־ר־ן ש־מ־ר־ט־ף ؠ ء آ أ إ ئ ئا ئو ئى ئۆ ئۇ ئۈ ئې ئە ا او اوٗ اَ اُ اِ اۄ اۄا اۆ ای اے اےٚ ب ت تھ ث ج جھ ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ػ ؼ ؽ ؾ ؿ ف ق ك ل م ن نگ ه و ى ي يو ٲ ٳ ٹ ٹھ ٺ ٻ ټ ٽ پ پھ ٿ ڀ ځ ڂ ڃ ڄ څ چ چھ ڇ ڈ ډ ڊ ڋ ڌ ڍ ڍھ ڎ ڏ ڐ ڑ ڒ ړ ڔ ڕ ږ ڗ ژ ژھ ڙ ڙھ ښ ڛ ڜ ڝ ڞ ڟ ڠ ڡ ڢ ڣ ڤ ڥ ڦ ڧ ڨ ک کھ ڪ ګ ڬ ڭ ڮ گ گھ ڰ ڱ ڲ ڳ ڴ ڵ ڶ ڷ ڸ ڹ ں ڻ ڼ ڽ ھ ڿ ۀ ہ ۄ ۅ ۆ ۇ ۉ ۊ ۋ ی ۍ ێ ۏ ې ۑ ے ە ۮ ۯ ۺ ۻ ۼ ۿ ݐ ݑ ݒ ݓ ݕ ݖ ݜ ݝ ݣ ݧ ݨ ݩ ݬ ݭ ݮ ݯ ݰ ݱ ݳ ݴ ݶ ݷ ݸ ݹ ݺ ݻ ݼ ݽ ࢠ ࢡ ࢢ ࢣ ࢤ ࢥ ࢦ ࢧ ࢨ ࢩ ࢪ ࢫ ࢬ ࢮ ࢯ ࢰ ࢱ ࢲ ࢳ ࢴ ࣇ ᠠ ᠡ ᠢ ᠣ ᠤ ᠥ ᠦ ᠧ ᠨ ᠩ ᠪ ᠫ ᠬ ᠭ ᠮ ᠯ ᠰ ᠱ ᠲ ᠳ ᠴ ᠵ ᠶ ᠷ ᠸ ᠹ ᠺ ᠻ ᠼ ᠽ ᠾ ᠿ ᡀ ᡄ ᡅ ᡆ ᡇ ᡈ ᡉ ᡋ ᡌ ᡍ ᡎ ᡏ ᡐ ᡑ ᡒ ᡓ ᡔ ᡕ ᡖ ᡗ ᡘ ᡙ ᡚ ᡛ ᡜ ᡝ ᡞ ᡟ ᡠ ᡡ ᡢ ᡣ ᡤ ᡥ ᡦ ᡧ ᡨ ᡩ ᡬ ᡭ ᡮ ᡯ ᡰ ᡱ ᡲ ᡳ ᡴ ᡵ ᡶ ᡷ ᡸ }}
From the same root
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵔⵜ }}
Further Reading
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Ungãrii ikat joged pempek temo }}
Further readings
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ESOC EUMETSAT electromagnetic spectrum }}
Futher reading
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| დოღი }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| promontoiro }}
Han character=
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| 𡅄 }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Corps abell baldana canilla captinyós conjugation pitxolí ștanță }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| meanwhile use }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Zilla }}
Hán tự
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| 且 中 人 但 像 儒 冷 務 化 卓 句 吊 吏 和 員 回 大 子 官 幀 幅 弔 悶 搬 放 暖 曾 會 服 杜 湯 熱 物 畿 痺 盤 研 碗 移 究 糟 網 者 而 肉 腐 舒 蔞 薷 表 試 負 賣 越 跌 辣 辦 迻 送 酸 開 非 面 鞋 預 飯 饞 點 }}
Ideophonic root
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ぐる じわ どき びく 곰실 다락 }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| aabid- agaam- agaas- agid- anaam- anamaʼe- andaw- anim- azhe- baazagw- babaam- bezhigw- bibag- biid- biind- bim- daashk- dakw- daso- dasw- dib- gabe- gashk- gib- gichiw- giiwitaa- giizh- gik- gikinaw- ginw- gipag- gizh- giziibiig- goshkw- gozigw- iN- in- ingod- ishkwaa- isk- izh- jiig- maad- maajii- maamakaad- makadew- mazin- megwe- mich- midaasw- minawaanigw- minw- mook- naabe- nandaw- nisw- nood- oN- ond- oshk- oshki- waab- waawiye- wewiib- wiid- zaagewe- zaagid- zhiishii zhooshkw- zipw- }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| gafara }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Reconstruction:Latin/daculum }}
Letter (A small pause without taking a breath whislt reading The Holy Qur'an)
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ۦ }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ⠂ ⠔⠖ ⠴ 𒀀 𒀀𒁀 𒀀𒁺 𒀀𒂵𒄠 𒀀𒇉 𒀀𒇉𒈦𒄘𒃼 𒀀𒊮 𒀁 𒀂 𒀄 𒀉 𒀉𒁍𒁕 𒀊 𒀋 𒀏 𒀖 𒀜 𒀫 𒀭 𒀭𒀀𒇉 𒀭𒀫𒌓 𒀭𒁇 𒀭𒅎 𒀭𒆗 𒀭𒆘 𒀭𒈹 𒀭𒈾 𒀭𒌓 𒀯 𒀯𒇻𒌀 𒀲 𒀲𒆳𒊏 𒀳 𒀳𒇲 𒀴 𒀵 𒀸 𒀾 𒁀 𒁁 𒁈 𒁉 𒁓 𒁦 𒁮 𒁮𒃼 𒁲 𒁲𒋻 𒁳 𒁵 𒁷 𒁹 𒁺 𒁾 𒁾𒊬 𒂄 𒂅 𒂊 𒂍 𒂍𒀀 𒂍𒁾𒁀𒀀 𒂍𒃲 𒂖 𒂗 𒂟 𒂼 𒂼𒅈𒄄 𒃢 𒃲 𒃵𒂷 𒃷 𒃻 𒄀 𒄀𒄥 𒄊𒉻𒁺 𒄑 𒄑𒁍𒁕 𒄑𒂷𒄑 𒄑𒄒 𒄑𒄖𒍝 𒄑𒄿𒇻 𒄑𒅅 𒄑𒆪 𒄑𒇷 𒄑𒉺 𒄑𒉼 𒄑𒊍 𒄑𒋆𒇷 𒄑𒋆𒊍 𒄑𒌁 𒄑𒌇 𒄑𒌉𒂠 𒄖𒍝 𒄘 𒄞 𒄠𒋛 𒄩 𒄬 𒄭 𒄯 𒄯𒊕 𒄷 𒄷𒄭 𒄿 𒅂 𒅅 𒅆 𒅆𒂍𒉪 𒅆𒂟 𒅆𒌨 𒅇 𒅊 𒅎 𒅖 𒅗 𒅗𒈲 𒅥 𒅴 𒅻 𒅾 𒆍 𒆍𒀭𒊏𒆠 𒆍𒃲 𒆕 𒆕𒀀𒁉 𒆗 𒆠 𒆠𒌓 𒆧 𒆪 𒆬 𒆬𒄀 𒆬𒌓 𒆯𒆯 𒆰 𒆳 𒆸 𒇯𒁺 𒇻 𒇻𒌀 𒇽 𒇽𒀳 𒈗 𒈗𒁺 𒈠𒁕 𒈣 𒈣𒁻 𒈦𒄘𒃼 𒈪 𒈫 𒈬 𒉆 𒉆𒋻 𒉈 𒉌 𒉌𒄑 𒉎 𒉎𒍪 𒉏 𒉒 𒉡 𒉡𒌝𒈠 𒉡𒌝𒈠𒄷 𒉣𒈨 𒉺 𒉼 𒉿 𒊍 𒊏 𒊒 𒊓 𒊕 𒊕𒁺 𒊩 𒊩𒆷 𒊩𒈨 𒊬 𒊮 𒊷 𒊹 𒋀 𒋗 𒋙 𒋚 𒋛 𒋠 𒋠𒍝𒆳𒋛𒀀 𒋢 𒋦 𒋧 𒋧𒊬 𒋫 𒋻 𒋼𒇲 𒋾 𒌉 𒌉𒊩 𒌋 𒌋𒁯 𒌋𒅗 𒌍 𒌑 𒌓 𒌗 𒌚 𒌚𒉈 𒌢 𒌦 𒌨 𒌨𒂠 𒌨𒈤 𒌵 𒌷 𒍎 𒍑 𒍚 𒍣 𒍩 𒍪 𒎎 𒎎𒋆𒁉𒍣𒁕 𒐈 𒐉 𒐊 𒐋 𒐌 𒐍 𒑆 𒑗 }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| -aabik- -aagon- -aajiwan- -aak- -aakw- -akamig- -aky- -gam- -gon- -gonag- -igamig- -iindim- -inde- -jiishkiwag- -ninjy- -oonag- -sag- -shib- -shkode- -skaw- -waabiminik -weg -wewaan- -wewe- -zid- }}
Middle English English
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| thedes }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Männeken }}
Northeastern Neo-Aramaic
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ܐܬܘܪܝܐ }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| goordloo hoehoe hoihoi mabinya malgoo mangiri mangiridhi marinya minga mingga moorrga moorroo mĭnggă ngai ngama ngami rammel scvrnkls tim cật wardlada wardnoo সাঁজ }}
Noun/Adjectival noun
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| きゅうそく }}
Old Italian
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| -itade }}
Old Jalinese
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| waṅśa }}
Old Sundanese
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| héngan }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| జివ్వు }}
Onomastics and borrowed terms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Reconstruction:Proto-Semitic/birk- Reconstruction:Proto-Semitic/yamīn- }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| 親衛隊 }}
Personal pronoun inflection
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| yâti }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ㄅ ㄆ ㄇ ㄈ ㄉ ㄊ ㄋ ㄌ ㄍ ㄎ ㄏ ㄐ ㄑ ㄒ ㄓ ㄔ ㄕ ㄖ ㄗ ㄘ ㄙ ㄚ ㄛ ㄜ ㄝ ㄞ ㄟ ㄠ ㄡ ㄢ ㄣ ㄤ ㄥ ㄦ }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| 乎 乙 只 叱 尸 是 良 隱 音 𢀳 }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| копейка }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| levý 仕える }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| cui }}
Plural (formal)
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| وہ کون کیا یہ }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| mariposa }}
Prepositional Phrase
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| in one's right mind în toate mințile }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ихьан къохьан кӏын лъэгъун он плъэн пыхьан техьан уцӏэлэн хьан хэхьан чӏэхьан шъхьадэхьан ӏухьан }}
Primary verb suffix
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| -aha -gen -jok -noa }}
Proepr noun
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Lunebourg }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Brody aabakke aabeie aabelange aabeveële aabeëne aabiese aabinge aabletsje aablieve aabloaze aaboare aabraad aaböake }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| تنميل محيص }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| kartuno míope }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| tsogwa }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| gbe nawu yakagi }}
Pronunciation notes
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| 構 }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| idigbo }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| uniewinnić }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| mangùsta }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| fere }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ބަނދަރު }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| i- }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| langkaw sawod sayod }}
Proper Noun
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Adedire Adedure Ajogun Akọsẹjaye Alaafin Alaaye Alara Alaye Alepata Anlugbua Aragbiji Asẹyin Dagbure Ekiti-Parapọ Elegosi Elejigbo Elemure Eleruku Eleruuwa Gambia Iyaji Judeia Jẹbutu Kastila Mọmọdu Ogunyọlade Oko Olubọde Ooṣa-nla Ooṣaala Ooṣanla Oriṣa-nla Oriṣa-oko Oriṣaala Oriṣanla Oriṣaoko Oro Ukraina Ọbaluayesanya Ọbasanya Ọmọ-ewi }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Reconstruction:Proto-Malayo-Polynesian/linaw }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| abitabile arabile commestibile respirabile sanabile }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| stop }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| dwa }}
Question word
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| aku akwaza akwia thakae thame thashi thashina thashê thawo thumê }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| sinus }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| geospizine }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| kamdžy karuv алабуга ачык байлу бой бӧлјирген иженер ийер ийменер ийт балык казы кала калып камчы кегирер комус корку кочкор кулдук кӧбӱк кӧгӧн кӱлӱч мустаар мынаҥ ойык саар сазан сал саман сегизен сезер селем сибирги сибирер силкиир согоно солтон соолыыр сула суузаар суузар суузу сыдырар сылу сӧӧл сӧӧм табак таш-бака тебетей тегенек теермен темене терезе тогузон токулдаар тос ту туул тӧртӱ тӱп тӱс улак ум унчугар урук уулаар уулан уучы шылту эзен экӱ эш эҥзе јабык јалын јелим јелин јилек јымырыт ӧзӧк ӧчтӱ ӧчӧр ӱжӱк ӱжӱӱр ӱзер ӱзеҥи ӱзӱк ӱйген ӱлгер ӱлеер ӱлеш ӱндӱ ӱренер ӱрер ӱркӱӱр ӱчӱ 떠다 맏아바이 힝 𡅄 }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Ambien walrus Reconstruction:Proto-Italic/pur gnamma }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| huru }}
Regional spellings
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| caud cotèl cèl pèl qualqu'un }}
Regional terms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| gimɗol }}
Regional variants
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| abbere arugol baalii baaso bimmbi coggal dammol dunnduuru falawal fammeere farñitere fello fetere fitaare fittaandu gatal gurii hebilagol heege honndu hoondu howru jinngu jopal kaalisi maanditagol mawba mbaadi ndonndu ngurndan niwre no gasa noora nowru sayre sincugol sonsoliwii tamƴinaare tonndu wano wonkii yankinagol ñiire ƴibbehi ɓanngugol ɓeydugol ɓeynguure ɓowrugol ɓoyre ɓunndu ɗoftaare }}
Relatd terms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Mishtashipu }}
Relate term
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| селем }}
Relate terms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| корку уучы јалын ӱжӱӱр }}
Related Terms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| adal agi amay apon atab bago daba dangat duot duta habas habon huron ipo muot padaba padangat taid taning tinampo ulay κόκκινο }}
Related descendants
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/pьrxotь }}
Related forms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Reconstruction:Latin/versoria }}
Related words
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| hirsutia }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| chan ijpak ipan ishpan itan pal panpa tajku ten wan }}
Relationship declension
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| খুৰী জেঠা জেঠাই জেঠী পেহা পেহী বৰদেউতা বৰমা মামী মোমাই }}
Rezated terms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| cyfrować }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Ellesborough Warborough }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| berja biðja fá konungr niðr nú Þórr }}
Runic forms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Gunnr gefa guð hreyr ráða rýnn skati sól vangr þeir ǫrn }}
Sadhu Conjugation
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| অনুবাদ করা অনুভব করা অনুরোধ করা অপেক্ষা করা আগানো আচরণ করা আবির খেলা ইটানো উভানো উল্কি আঁকা করা করানো কহা কাটা কামড়ানো খাওয়ানো ঘামানো ঘুমানো ঘৃণা করা ঘেন্না করা চালানো ছিটকানো ছোঁয়া জাগানো ঝুলানো ঢুকানো তর্জমা করা তাকানো থাকানো দাঁড়ানো দেওয়া দেখা দেখানো ধরা ধসা ধসানো ধোয়া নাওয়া নেওয়া পাওয়া পাঠানো ফরমানো বলা বহা বেচানো মেলা রহা রাখা লওয়া লুকানো লেখা শরমানো শিখানো শোয়া সওয়া সরানো সহা সাজানো হওয়া হড়কানো হাঁকানো হারানো }}
Same pronunciation
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Aaschnitt dangge }}
Saterdland Frisian
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Älfenbeen }}
See Also
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| initiate vim vitae vis vitae атар }}
See also=
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| mi }}
Semblative Particle
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| सा }}
Sign values
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| 𒀀 𒀁 𒀂 𒀄 𒀉 𒀊 𒀋 𒀏 𒀕 𒀖 𒀜 𒀝 𒀠 𒀩 𒀫 𒀭 𒀲 𒀳 𒀴 𒀵 𒀸 𒀾 𒁀 𒁁 𒁄 𒁈 𒁉 𒁍 𒁓 𒁔 𒁕 𒁮 𒁲 𒁳 𒁶 𒁷 𒁹 𒁺 𒂄 𒂅 𒂆 𒂊 𒂍 𒂖 𒂗 𒂟 𒂡 𒂵 𒂷 𒂼 𒃢 𒃰 𒃲 𒃷 𒃸 𒃻 𒄀 𒄈 𒄉 𒄊 𒄑 𒄒 𒄖 𒄘 𒄞 𒄠 𒄩 𒄬 𒄭 𒄯 𒄴 𒄷𒄭 𒄾 𒄿 𒅀 𒅁 𒅅 𒅆 𒅆𒌨 𒅇 𒅈 𒅊 𒅋 𒅎 𒅔 𒅕 𒅖 𒅗 𒅘 𒅜 𒅤 𒅥 𒅮 𒅲 𒅴 𒅸 𒅻 𒅾 𒆍 𒆕 𒆗 𒆘 𒆟 𒆠 𒆤 𒆦 𒆧 𒆪 𒆬 𒆳 𒆷 𒆸 𒇷 𒇻 𒇽 𒈗 𒈠 𒈣 𒈦𒄘𒃼 𒈨 𒈪 𒈫 𒈬 𒈮 𒈯 𒈾 𒉀 𒉆 𒉇 𒉈 𒉌 𒉎 𒉏 𒉒 𒉘 𒉡 𒉺 𒉼 𒉽 𒉿 𒊊 𒊌 𒊍 𒊏 𒊑 𒊒 𒊓 𒊕 𒊩 𒊬 𒊭 𒊮 𒊷 𒊹 𒊺 𒊻 𒊿 𒋀 𒋖 𒋗 𒋙 𒋚 𒋛 𒋝 𒋠 𒋢 𒋤 𒋦 𒋧 𒋫 𒋰 𒋳 𒋺 𒋻 𒋼 𒋾 𒌁 𒌅 𒌆 𒌈 𒌉 𒌋 𒌌 𒌍 𒌑 𒌒 𒌓 𒌔 𒌗 𒌚 𒌝 𒌢 𒌦 𒌨 𒌫 𒌷 𒍎 𒍑 𒍚 𒍝 𒍠 𒍢 𒍣 𒍦 𒍩 𒍪 𒍮 𒎎 𒎙 𒐀 𒐁 𒐂 𒐅 𒐈 𒐉 𒐊 𒐋 𒐌 𒐍 𒑆 𒑗 𒑙 }}
Similar characters
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| 🜨 }}
Similar terms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Köben Tene enn sem komið er esgonciar gallalaus gubbupest góður með sig hrokafullur jafnóðum lúinn magapest með allt niður um sig mème mémé même suðrænn ælupest þar af leiðandi }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| 🅱 }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| cul وہ کون کیا یہ }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| skydda }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Christianism ab amb að verða ekki um sel bogle domba fjärdingsman gerhana gwddf senjata singgahsana ʻohi }}
South Franconian
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Jåhr }}
Southerm Altai
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| сал }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| သော်က္ဍိုပ် }}
Spelling notes
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| hiss həll könül küll mürr oğul qarın qəbir rədd sirr vatt xətt zənn çiyin şəkil }}
Stative verb
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| bwe bweetkōn bwijuwe būrōrō deo̧ dik ditōb em̧m̧an iuwi jauwi jo̧uwi kilmir pedam̧wijm̧wij pedan̄otn̄ot pedan̄utn̄ut pedan̄wūjn̄wūj pijin taeo tāeo upaajaj uwi watre wūpaajaj }}
Stroke order
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ヒ }}
Strong conjugation
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| skafa }}
Subordinate modifier
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| mó̠ma }}
Suffix and Preposition
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ಅ }}
Suffix pronoun
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ا ك كن كو كي ن نا ه ها هن و }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| -tropia }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| 𒀀𒀊𒁀 𒀊𒁀 𒌉𒍑 𒍠 }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| provaccinationist }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Bonin }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Surgeon-Generals mapa-múndi саман উইকশনারি উইকশনারী উইকিঅভিধান উইকিভয়েজ উইকিভ্রমণ }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| in the zone }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| caçolet }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| pocket }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| famine weed }}
Transitive verb
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| āá }}
Unidentified pronunciation
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| 溘 }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Reconstruction:Proto-Turkic/koč }}
Usage Notes
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| -유 -응게 ere muss nada θεομαχέω 갈토 갱치없다 맏아바이 야덟 }}
Usage examples
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ikke }}
Usage note
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ceptro cetro el- och energiprogrammet finsk pinne industritekniska programmet levasso naturbruksprogrammet oförsiktig schackruta }}
Usage terms
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ere }}
Usages notes
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| fanwank saman veikkainen samankaltainen samantapainen samantyyppinen samanveikkainen }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| Fels }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| -аа }}
Verb suffix
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| -a'cho̠ -a'ni }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| puhua ympäri }}
Weak conjugation
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| skafa }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| kelaunikui }}
Writing style
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| kahkui. ခၞာခၟာဲစာၚ် ဇာဒိသိုၚ် ပြာကတ် သိုၚ် }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| якша яраҳи карак яхшак }}
{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/03|script_tag_list| ꊨ }}
local export = {}
local Array = require "Module:array"
local abbreviation_headers = Array("Abbreviation", "Abbreviations", "Acronym", "Initialism"):to_set()
function export.script_tag_list(frame)
local list = mw.text.split(mw.text.trim(frame.args[1]), "\n")
return Array(list)
:map(function (title) return require 'Module:script tag link'.tag_link(title) .. " <sup>([[Special:EditPage/" .. title .. "|e]])</sup>" end)
:concat ", "
function export.print_possibly_incorrect_header_table(header_and_titles)
local function HTML_escape_helper(char)
return '&#' .. char:byte() .. ';'
local function HTML_escape(chars)
return (chars:gsub('.', HTML_escape_helper))
local function header_escape(header)
return (header:gsub('[%[%]{}\'|<>]', HTML_escape)
:gsub(' +', function (spaces) return (' '):rep(#spaces) end))
-- An approximation of the Lua 5.2 and Lua 5.3 string.rep, which allows
-- you to specify a string to separate the copies of the string.
local function string_rep_5_3(str, n, sep)
local vals = Array()
for i = 1, n do
return vals:concat(sep)
local U = mw.ustring.char
local Arabic_letter = "[" .. U(0x621) .. "-" .. U(0x64A) .. "]"
local Arabic_root3 = "^" .. string_rep_5_3(Arabic_letter, 3, " ") .. "$"
local Arabic_root4 = "^" .. string_rep_5_3(Arabic_letter, 4, " ") .. "$"
local Hebrew_letter = "[" .. U(0x5D0) .. "-" .. U(0x5EA) .. "]"
local Hebrew_root3 = "^" .. string_rep_5_3(Hebrew_letter, 3, "־") .. "$"
local Hebrew_root4 = "^" .. string_rep_5_3(Hebrew_letter, 4, "־") .. "$"
local utf8_find = mw.ustring.find
local output = Array()
output:insert(require "Module:TemplateStyles"
"Template:User:Erutuon/possibly incorrect headers.css")
output:insert '\n<div class="incorrect-header-section-wrapper">\n'
for _, record in ipairs(header_and_titles) do
local header, titles = record.header, record.titles
titles = Array(titles)
function (title)
return not (
title:find("/derived terms$")
or utf8_find(title, Arabic_root3)
or utf8_find(title, Arabic_root4)
or utf8_find(title, Hebrew_root3)
or utf8_find(title, Hebrew_root4))
if #titles > 0 then
output:insert("==" .. header_escape(header) .. "==\n")
.. titles:concat '\n'
.. "\n}}\n\n")
output:insert "</div>"
return output:concat()
local header_and_titles = Array()
local pagename = "User:Erutuon/mainspace headers/possibly incorrect/data"
local incorrect_headers = frame.args[1]
incorrect_headers = mw.text.trim(mw.text.unstripNoWiki(incorrect_headers))
for line in incorrect_headers:gmatch "[^\n]+" do
local header, titles = line:match "^([^\t]+)\t(.+)$"
if not header then
error(("Line '%s' does not match pattern"):format(line))
local title_list = Array()
header_and_titles:insert{ header = header, titles = title_list }
for title in titles:gmatch '[^\t]+' do
return export.print_possibly_incorrect_header_table(header_and_titles)
function export.show_from_json(frame)
local pagename = "User:Erutuon/mainspace headers/possibly incorrect/json"
local incorrect_headers = frame.args[1]
local header_and_titles = mw.text.jsonDecode(incorrect_headers)
local include_abbreviations = require "Module:yesno"(frame.args.abbreviation)
local include_numbered_pos = require "Module:yesno"(frame.args.numbered_pos)
local poses = {
"Adjective", "Adverb", "Determiner", "Kanji", "Noun", "Participle",
"Particle", "Prefix", "Pronoun", "Proper noun", "Root", "Suffix", "Verb"
local function is_numbered_pos(header)
local before_number = header:match("^(.-)%s*%d+$")
if before_number then
return require "Module:table".contains(poses, before_number)
local new_header_and_titles = {}
for _, value in ipairs(header_and_titles) do
if abbreviation_headers[value.header] == include_abbreviations
and is_numbered_pos(value.header) == include_numbered_pos then
table.insert(new_header_and_titles, value)
header_and_titles = new_header_and_titles
return export.print_possibly_incorrect_header_table(header_and_titles)
local minimum_header_level
local function get_header_levels(header_data)
local levels_found = {}
for _, record in ipairs(header_data) do
for level, count in ipairs(record.counts) do
if count > 0 then
levels_found[level + minimum_header_level - 1] = true
return Array.keys(levels_found)
local function get_date_and_minimum_header_level(date)
date = date or error("Provide date")
local month, month_day = date:match "^20[12]%d%-(%d%d)%-(%d%d)$"
if not month then
error("Invalid date or date format")
month, month_day = tonumber(month), tonumber(month_day)
if not (1 <= month and month <= 12) then
error("Invalid month")
elseif not (month_day == 1 or month_day == 20) then
error("Dumps come out on 1st or 20th day of month")
if date < "2019-08-20" then
minimum_header_level = 2
minimum_header_level = 1
return date
-- id attribute can't contain ASCII whitespace
local function escape_id_attribute(value)
return (value:gsub('["& \t]', {
['"'] = """, ["&"] = "&", [" "] = "_", ["\t"] = "_",
function export.non_language_header_table(frame)
local date = get_date_and_minimum_header_level(frame.args[1])
local data_page = "User:Erutuon/mainspace headers/data"
local page =
local content = page:getContent()
local json = assert(
"pattern failed to match content")
local data
assert(pcall(function() data = mw.text.jsonDecode(json) end), "bad JSON in " .. data_page)
data = Array(data)
local language_names = require "Module:languages/canonical names"
data = data:filter(
function (record)
return not language_names[record.header]
local levels_found = get_header_levels(data)
local header = ([[
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|+ Non-language headers in the mainspace from the %s dump
! rowspan="2" | header !! colspan="%d" | count by header level<!-- !! rowspan="2" | non-ASCII<br>characters -->
]]):format(date, #levels_found + 1)
local output = Array()
output:insert("! " .. levels_found:concat(" !! ") .. " !! total\n")
for _, record in ipairs(data) do
output:insert('|- id="' .. escape_id_attribute(record.header) .. '"\n|')
local total = 0
for _, level in ipairs(levels_found) do
local count = record.counts[level - minimum_header_level + 1]
total = total + count
output:insert " || "
output:insert " || "
output:insert "\n"
output:insert "|}\n"
return output:concat()
function export.language_header_table(frame)
local date = get_date_and_minimum_header_level(frame.args[1])
local data_page = "User:Erutuon/mainspace headers/data"
local page =
local content = page:getContent()
local json = assert(
"pattern failed to match content")
local data
assert(pcall(function() data = mw.text.jsonDecode(json) end), "bad JSON in " .. data_page)
data = Array(data)
local language_names = require "Module:languages/canonical names"
data = data:filter(
function (record)
return language_names[record.header]
local levels_found = get_header_levels(data)
local header = ([[
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|+ Language headers in the mainspace from the %s dump
! rowspan="2" | name !! rowspan="2" | code !! colspan="%d" | count by<br>header<br>level<!-- !! rowspan="2" | non-ASCII<br>characters -->
]]):format(date, #levels_found == 1 and 1 or #levels_found + 1)
local output = Array()
output:insert(require "Module:TemplateStyles" "Template:User:Erutuon/language headers.css")
output:insert("! " .. levels_found:concat(" !! "))
if #levels_found > 1 then
output:insert(" !! total")
output:insert "\n"
for _, record in ipairs(data) do
output:insert '|- id="'
output:insert '"\n|'
output:insert " || "
local total = 0
for _, level in ipairs(levels_found) do
local count = record.counts[level - minimum_header_level + 1]
if not count then
mw.logObject(record, "record")
total = total + count
output:insert ' || class="count" | '
if #levels_found > 1 then
output:insert ' || class="count" | '
output:insert "\n"
output:insert "|}\n"
return output:concat()
return export