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Module:User:Crom daba

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary

local m_links = require("Module:links")

local export = {}

local interwiki_langs = {
	["nds-de"] = "nds",
	["nds-nl"] = "nds",
	["pdt"] = "nds",

local ignore_caps = {
	["ko"] = true,

-- The main entry point.
-- This is the only function that can be invoked from a template.
function export.show(frame)
    local params = {
		[1] = {required = true, default = "und"},
		[2] = {},
		[3] = {list = true},
		["alt"] = {},
		["sc"] = {},
		["tr"] = {},
		["lit"] = {},
    local args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame:getParent().args, params)
    local terminfo = {
    	lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode(args[1]) or error("The language code \"" .. args[1] .. "\" is not valid."),
    	sc = (args["sc"] and (require("Module:scripts").getByCode(args["sc"]) or error("The script code \"" .. args["sc"] .. "\" is not valid.")) or nil),
    	term = args[2] or (mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Template" and "term") or nil,
    	alt = args["alt"],
    	genders = args[3],
    	tr = args["tr"],
    	lit = args["lit"],
    	interwiki = frame.args["interwiki"],
	-- Translations must be for mainspace languages
	if terminfo.lang:getType() == "reconstructed" or terminfo.lang:getType() == "appendix-constructed" then
		error("Translations must be for attested and approved main-namespace languages.")
    -- Don't show the interwiki link if there is nothing to link to.
    if terminfo.term then
    	local wmlangs = {}
    	if interwiki_langs[terminfo.lang:getCode()] then
    		wmlangs = {require("Module:wikimedia languages").getByCode(interwiki_langs[terminfo.lang:getCode()])}
    		wmlangs = terminfo.lang:getWikimediaLanguages()
    	-- Don't show the interwiki link if the language is not recognised by Wikimedia
    	-- or if the term contains links (for SOP translations)
    	if terminfo.term:find("[[", nil, true) or #wmlangs == 0 then
        	terminfo.interwiki = false
    	if wmlangs[1] and ignore_caps[wmlangs[1]:getCode()] then
    		terminfo.term2 = mw.ustring.gsub(terminfo.term, "^%^", "")
    	if terminfo.interwiki then
        	terminfo.interwiki =
        		"<span class=\"" .. terminfo.interwiki .. "\">&nbsp;[[:" ..
        		wmlangs[1]:getCode() .. ":" ..
        		terminfo.lang:makeEntryName(terminfo.term2 or terminfo.term) ..
        		"|(" .. wmlangs[1]:getCode() .. ")]]</span>"
	if terminfo.lang and terminfo.lang:getCode() == 'yue' and terminfo.tr then
		terminfo.tr = mw.ustring.gsub(terminfo.tr, '([1-9])','<sup>%1</sup>')
		terminfo.tr = mw.ustring.gsub(terminfo.tr, '[-*]','⁻')
    return m_links.full_link(terminfo, nil, true)

return export