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This is a private module sandbox of AG202, for his own experimentation. Items in this module may be added and removed at AG202's discretion; do not rely on this module's stability.

local export = {}
local m_jje_utilities = require("Module:jje")
local m_data = mw.loadData("Module:jje-pron/data")

local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub
local match = mw.ustring.match
local sub = mw.ustring.sub
local char = mw.ustring.char
local codepoint = mw.ustring.codepoint

local function tidy_phonetic(original, romanised)
	local ori_index, rom_index, result = 1, 1, {}
	for i = 1, mw.ustring.len(romanised) do
		local romanised_syllable = mw.ustring.sub(romanised, rom_index, rom_index)
		local original_syllable = mw.ustring.sub(original, ori_index, ori_index)
		if romanised_syllable ~= original_syllable then
			-- Handle cases of non-precomposed choseong character changing
			if match(romanised_syllable, "[ᄀ-ᄒ]") then 
				-- Insert choseong
				table.insert(result, '<b>'..romanised_syllable..'</b>')
				-- Insert jungseong
				romanised_syllable = mw.ustring.sub(romanised, rom_index + 1, rom_index + 1)
				table.insert(result, '<b>'..romanised_syllable..'</b>')
				-- Check if next character is jongseong; if so, insert, if not end iteration
				-- and continue accoringly
				romanised_syllable = mw.ustring.sub(romanised, rom_index + 2, rom_index + 2)
				if match(romanised_syllable, "ᆨ-ᇝ") then 
					table.insert(w, '<b>'..romanised_syllable..'</b>')
					ori_index, rom_index = ori_index + 2, rom_index + 2
					if match(original_syllable, "[^ ]") then rom_index = rom_index + 1 end
					if match(romanised_syllable, "[^ ]") then ori_index = ori_index + 1 end
					ori_index, rom_index = ori_index + 1, rom_index + 1
					if match(original_syllable, "[^ ]") then rom_index = rom_index + 1 end
					if match(romanised_syllable, "[^ ]") then ori_index = ori_index + 1 end
			-- Handle cases of non-precomposed jongseong character changing
			elseif match(romanised_syllable, "[ᆨ-ᇝ]") then 
				-- Remove previous non-bold choseong & jungseong
				table.remove(result, #result - 1)
				table.remove(result, #result)
				-- Insert choseong character
				romanised_syllable_cho = mw.ustring.sub(romanised, rom_index - 2, rom_index - 2)
				table.insert(result, '<b>'..romanised_syllable_cho..'</b>')
				-- Insert jungseong character
				romanised_syllable_jung = mw.ustring.sub(romanised, rom_index - 1, rom_index - 1)
				table.insert(result, '<b>'..romanised_syllable_jung..'</b>')
				-- Insert jongseong character
				table.insert(result, '<b>'..romanised_syllable..'</b>')
				if match(original_syllable, "[^ ]") then rom_index = rom_index + 1 end
				if match(romanised_syllable, "[^ ]") then ori_index = ori_index + 1 end
			-- Handle precomposed characters per typical method
				table.insert(result, '<b>'..romanised_syllable..'</b>')
				if match(original_syllable, "[^ ]") then rom_index = rom_index + 1 end
				if match(romanised_syllable, "[^ ]") then ori_index = ori_index + 1 end
			table.insert(result, '<span>'..romanised_syllable..'</span>')
			ori_index, rom_index = ori_index + 1, rom_index + 1
	return table.concat(result)

function export.make(frame, scheme)
	return tidy_phonetic("ᄀᆞᇀ다 닷ᄀᆞ", "ᄀᆞᆮ따 닫ᄁᆞ") 

return export