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This module contains the Swadesh list of basic vocabulary in Tausug.

local m = {}

m["nativename"] = "bahasa Sūg"

m[1] = {{term = "aku", notes="nominative"}, {term = "ku", notes="genitive"}}
m[2] = {{term = "ikaw", notes="nominative"}, {term = "kaw", notes="nominative"}, {term = "mu", notes="genitive"}}
m[3] = {{term = "siya", notes="nominative"}, {term = "niya", notes="genitive"}}
m[4] = {{term = "kita", notes = "dual, nominative"}, {term = "kitaniyu", notes = "inclusive, nominative"}, {term = "kami", notes = "exclusive, nominative"}, {term = "ta", notes = "dual, genitive"}, {term = "natu'", notes = "inclusive, genitive"}, {term = "namu'", notes = "exclusive, genitive"}}
m[5] = {{term = "kamu", notes = "nominative"}, {term = "niyu", notes = "genitive"}}
m[6] = {{term = "sila", notes = "nominative"}, { term = "nila", notes = "genitive"}}
m[7] = {{term = "ini"}}
m[8] = {{term = "yan, yaun", notes = "far from speaker but closer to person being spoken to"}, {term = "yadtu", notes = "far from speaker and person being spoken to"}}
m[9]=  {{term = "dī"}, {term = "diy"}}
m[10] = {{term = "duun", notes = "far from speaker but closer to person being spoken to"}, {term = "didtu", notes = "far from speaker and person being spoken to"}}
m[11] = {{term = "hisiyu"}, {term = "siyu"}}
m[12] = {{term = "diin"}, {term = "unu"}}
m[13] = {{term = "hawnu"}, {term = "hariin"}, {term = "hāin"}}
m[14] = {{term = "ka'nu", notes = "past and present"}, {term = "ku'nu", notes = "future"}}
m[15] = {{term = "biya'diin"},{term = "biyariin"}}
m[16] = {{term = "bukun"}}
m[17] = {{term = "katān"}}
m[18] = {{term = "mabanus"}, {term = "mataud"}}
m[19] = {{term = "kaybanan"}}
m[20] = {{term = "hangkatiyu'"}}
m[21] = {{term = "dugaing"}}
m[22] = {{term = "hambuuk"}, {term = "isa"}}
m[23] = {{term = "duwa"}}
m[24] = {{term = "tū"},{term = "tuw"}}
m[25] = {{term = "upat"}}
m[26] = {{term = "lima"}}
m[27] = {{term = "dakula'"},{term = " malagku'"},{term = "maaslag"}}
m[28] = {{term = "mahaba'"}}
m[29] = {{term = "malakbang"}}
m[30] = {{term = "marakmul"}}
m[31] = {{term = "mabu'gat"}}
m[32] = {{term = "asibi'"}, {term = "manahut"}}
m[33] = {{term = "hawpu'", notes = "in length"}}
m[34] = {{term = "makiput"},{term = "masikut"} }
m[35] = {{term = "manipis", notes = "inanimate"}, {term = "makayug", notes = "animate"}, }
m[36] = {{term = "babai"}}
m[37] = {{term = "usug"}}
m[38] = {{term = "tau"}, {term = "mānusiya'"}}
m[39] = {{term = "anak"}, {term = "bata'"}, {term = "anak-bata'"}, {term = "bata'-bata'"}}
m[40] = {{term = "asawa"}}
m[41] = {{term = "bana"}}
m[42] = {{term = "ina'"}}
m[43] = {{term = "ama'"}}
m[44] = {{term = "binatang"}, {term = "sattuwa"}}
m[45] = {{term = "ista'"}}
m[46] = {{term = "manuk-manuk"}}
m[47] = {{term = "iru'"}}
m[48] = {{term = "kutu"}}
m[49] = {{term = "hās"}}
m[50] = {{term = "ūd"}, {term = "uwd"} }
m[51] = {{term = "kahuy"}}
m[52] = {{term = "gimba"}, {term = "kabbun"}}
m[53] = {{term = "bula'"}}
m[54] = {{term = "bungang-kahuy"},{term = "bunga"}}
m[55] = {{term = "bigi"}}
m[56] = {{term = "dahun"}}
m[57] = {{term = "ugat"}}
m[58] = {{term = "basbas"}}
m[59] = {{term = "sumping"}}
m[60] = {{term = "sagbut"}}
m[61] = {{term = "lubid"}}
m[62] = {{term = "pais"}}
m[63] = {{term = "unud"}}
m[64] = {{term = "dugu'"}}
m[65] = {{term = "bukug"}}
m[66] = {{term = "babat"}}
m[67] = {{term = "iklug"}}
m[68] = {{term = "tanduk"}}
m[69] = {{term = "ikug"}}
m[70] = {{term = "bulbul"}}
m[71] = {{term = "buhuk"}}
m[72] = {{term = "uw"}, {term = "ū"}}
m[73] = {{term = "taynga"}}
m[74] = {{term = "mata"}}
m[75] = {{term = "ilung"}}
m[76] = {{term = "simud"}}
m[77] = {{term = "ipun"}}
m[78] = {{term = "dila'"}}
m[79] = {{term = "kuku"}}
m[80] = {{term = "siki"}}
m[81] = {{term = "paa"}}
m[82] = {{term = "tuhud"}}
m[83] = {{term = "lima"}}
m[84] = {{term = "pikpik"}}
m[85] = {{term = "tiyan"}}
m[86] = {{term = "lungun-lungun"}}
m[87] = {{term = "liug"}}
m[88] = {{term = "taykud"}}
m[89] = {{term = "duru'"}}
m[90] = {{term = "jantung"}}
m[91] = {{term = "atay"}}
m[92] = {{term = "inum", notes = "minum"}}
m[93] = {{term = "kaun", notes = "kumaun"}}
m[94] = {{term = "kutkut", notes = "kumutkut"}}
m[95] = {{term = "supsup", notes = "sumupsup"}}
m[96] = {{term = "lura'", notes = "lumura'"}}
m[97] = {{term = "suka", notes = "sumuka"}}
m[98] = {{term = "huyup", notes = "humuyup"}}
m[99] = {{term = "napas", notes = "numapas"}}
m[100] = {{term = "katawa", notes = "kumatawa"}}
m[101] = {{term = "kita'", notes = "kumita'"}}
m[102] = {{term = "dungug", notes = "dumungug"}}
m[103] = {{term = "ingat", notes = "umingat"}}
m[104] = {{term = "tali'", notes = "tumali'"}, {term = "pikil", notes = "namikil"}}
m[105] = {{term = "hamut", notes = "humamut"}}
m[106] = {{term = "buga'", notes = "muga'"}}
m[107] = {{term = "tuwg", notes = "matuwg"}, {term = "tūg", notes = "matūg"}}
m[108] = {{term = "buhi'", notes = "mabuhi'"}}
m[109] = {{term = "patay", notes = "mapatay"}}
m[110] = {{term = "patay", notes = "mamatay"}}
m[111] = {{term = "atu", notes = "umatu"}}
m[112] = {{term = "panhut", notes = "mamanhut"}}
m[113] = {{term = "kugdan",  notes = "kumugdan"}}
m[114] = {{term = "utud",  notes = "umutud"}}
m[115] = {{term = "bahagi'",  notes = "bahagiun"}}
m[116] = {{term = "dugsu'", notes = "dumugsu'"}}
m[117] = {{term = "katul",  notes = "kumatul"}}
m[118] = {{term = "kali'",  notes = "kumali'"}}
m[119] = {{term = "languy",  notes = "lumanguy"}}
m[120] = {{term = "lupad",  notes = "lumupad"}}
m[121] = {{term = "panaw", notes = "manaw"}}
m[122] = {{term = "kari", notes = "mari"}}
m[123] = {{term = "kulang", notes = "kumulang"}}
m[124] = {{term = "lingkud",  notes = "lumingkud"}}
m[125] = {{term = "tindug",  notes = "tumindug"}}
m[126] = {{term = "ligut",  notes = "lumigut"}}
m[127] = {{term = "hulug",  notes = "humulug"}}
m[128] = {{term = "dihil'",  notes = "dumihil"}}
m[129] = {{term = "ulin",  notes = "umulin"}, {term = "hulid", notes = "humulid"}}
m[130] = {{term = "puga'",  notes = "mamuga'"}}
m[131] = {{term = "sapu-sapu",  notes = "sumapu-sapu"}}
m[132] = {{term = "hugas",  notes = "humugas"}}
m[133] = {{term = "pahid",  notes = "mamahid"}}
m[134] = {{term = "utung",  notes = "umutung"}}
m[135] = {{term = "tuwd, tūd",  notes = "tumuwd, tumūd"}}
m[136] = {{term = "tilu'",  notes = "tumilu'"}}
m[137] = {{term = "hukut",  notes = "humukut"}, {term = "baggut",  notes = "maggut"}}
m[138] = {{term = "tahi'",  notes = "tumahi'"}}
m[139] = {{term = "itung",  notes = "umitung"}}
m[140] = {{term = "iyan, bayta'",  notes = "umiyan, mamayta'"}}
m[141] = {{term = "kalang", notes = "kumalang"}}
m[142] = {{term = "panayam", notes = "manayam"}}
m[143] = {{term = "lantup", notes = "lumantup"}}
m[144] = {{term = "anud", notes = "umanud"}}
m[145] = {{term = ""}}
m[146] = {{term = "hubag", notes = "humubag"}}
m[147] = {{term = "suga"}}
m[148] = {{term = "bulan"}}
m[149] = {{term = "bituun"}}
m[150] = {{term = "tubig"}}
m[151] = {{term = "ulan"}}
m[152] = {{term = "sapa'"}}
m[153] = {{term = "lanaw"}}
m[154] = {{term = "dagat"}}
m[155] = {{term = "asin"}}
m[156] = {{term = "batu"}}
m[157] = {{term = "buhangin"}}
m[158] = {{term = "bagunbun"}}
m[159] = {{term = "gumi"}, {term = "lupa'"}}
m[160] = {{term = "gabun"}}
m[161] = {{term = ""}}
m[162] = {{term = "langit"},{term = "āyan"} }
m[163] = {{term = "hangin"}}
m[164] = {{term = ""}}
m[165] = {{term = "ays"}}
m[166] = {{term = "asu"}}
m[167] = {{term = "kāyu"}}
m[168] = {{term = "abu"}}
m[169] = {{term = "sunug"}}
m[170] = {{term = "dān"}}
m[171] = {{term = "būd"},{term = "buwd"}}
m[172] = {{term = "pula"}}
m[173] = {{term = "gaddung"}}
m[174] = {{term = "biyaning"}}
m[175] = {{term = "puti'"}}
m[176] = {{term = "itum"}}
m[177] = {{term = "dūm"}}
m[178] = {{term = "adlaw"}}
m[179] = {{term = "tahun"}}
m[180] = {{term = "mahag-mahag"}}
m[181] = {{term = "mahaggut"},{term = "mahagpay"}}
m[182] = {{term = "hipu'"}}
m[183] = {{term = "ba'gu"}}
m[184] = {{term = "daan", notes="inanimate"}, {term = "gulang", notes="animate"}}
m[185] = {{term = "marayaw"}}
m[186] = {{term = "mangiy'"}}
m[187] = {{term = "halu'"}}
m[188] = {{term = "malummi'"}}
m[189] = {{term = "buntul"}}
m[190] = {{term = "mabuntal"}, {term = "tibulung"}}
m[191] = {{term = "mahāit"}}
m[192] = {{term = "pundul"}}
m[193] = {{term = "kutad"}}
m[194] = {{term = "basa'"}}
m[195] = {{term = "tahay"}, {term = "ganggang"}}
m[196] = {{term = "amu"}}
m[197] = {{term = "masuuk"}, {term = "daig, haraig"} }
m[198] = {{term = "malayu'"}}
m[199] = {{term = "tuu"}}
m[200] = {{term = "lawa"}}
m[201] = {{term = "ha"}}
m[202] = {{term = "halawm"}}
m[203] = {{term = "iban"}, {term = "iban"} }
m[204] = {{term = "iban"}}
m[205] = {{term = "apabiyla"}, {term = "bang"}}
m[206] = {{term = "pasal"},{term = "pasālan"}}
m[207] = {{term = "ngān"}}

return m