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This module contains the Swadesh list of basic vocabulary in Savi.

local m = {}
m[1] = {{term = "ma"}}
m[2] = {{term = "tu"}}
m[3] = {{term = "le", notes = "proximal"}, {term = "se", notes = "distal"}}
m[4] = {{term = "be"}}
m[5] = {{term = "tu"}}
m[7] = {{term = "le"}}
m[8] = {{term = "se"}}
m[11] = {{term = "ko"}}
m[12] = {{term = "ga"}}
m[13] = {{term = "kanee"}}
m[14] = {{term = "karee"}, {term = "kaaree"}}
m[22] = {{term = "yak"}}
m[23] = {{term = "du"}}
m[24] = {{term = "ɬaa"}}
m[25] = {{term = "čoor"}}
m[26] = {{term = "paanǰ"}}
m[27] = {{term = "ganu"}}
m[32] = {{term = "lawu"}}
m[36] = {{term = "ɬeeṛi"}}
m[37] = {{term = "maanuṣ"}}
m[47] = {{term = "kučuroo"}}
m[93] = {{term = "khuwaan"}}
m[107] = {{term = "suaan"}}
m[110] = {{term = "moraan"}}
m[122] = {{term = "yaan"}}
m[128] = {{term = "daan"}}
m[147] = {{term = "suri"}}
return m