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This module contains the Swadesh list of basic vocabulary in Romanian.

local m = {}
m["nativename"] = "română"
m[1] = {{term = "eu"}}
m[2] = {{term = "tu"}}
m[3] = {{term = "el"}}
m[4] = {{term = "noi"}}
m[5] = {{term = "voi"}}
m[6] = {{term = "ei"}}
m[7] = {{term = "acesta"}}
m[8] = {{term = "acela"}}
m[9] = {{term = "aici"}}
m[10] = {{term = "acolo"}}
m[11] = {{term = "cine", notes = "interrogative"}}
m[12] = {{term = "ce", notes = "interrogative"}}
m[13] = {{term = "unde", notes = "interrogative"}}
m[14] = {{term = "când", notes = "interrogative"}}
m[15] = {{term = "cum", notes = "interrogative"}}
m[16] = {{term = "nu"}}
m[17] = {{term = "tot"}}
m[18] = {{term = "mulți"}}
m[19] = {{term = "niște"}}
m[20] = {{term = "puțin"}}
m[21] = {{term = "alt"}}
m[22] = {{term = "unu"}}
m[23] = {{term = "doi"}}
m[24] = {{term = "trei"}}
m[25] = {{term = "patru"}}
m[26] = {{term = "cinci"}}
m[27] = {{term = "mare"}}
m[28] = {{term = "lung"}}
m[29] = {{term = "larg"}}
m[30] = {{term = "gros"}}
m[31] = {{term = "greu"}}
m[32] = {{term = "mic"}}
m[33] = {{term = "scurt"}}
m[34] = {{term = "strâmt"}}
m[35] = {{term = "subțire"}, {term = "slab"}}
m[36] = {{term = "femeie"}, {term = "muiere"}}
m[37] = {{term = "bărbat"}}
m[38] = {{term = "om"}}
m[39] = {{term = "copil"}}
m[40] = {{term = "soție"}}
m[41] = {{term = "soț"}}
m[42] = {{term = "mamă"}}
m[43] = {{term = "tată"}}
m[44] = {{term = "animal"}}
m[45] = {{term = "pește"}}
m[46] = {{term = "pasăre"}}
m[47] = {{term = "câine"}}
m[48] = {{term = "păduche"}}
m[49] = {{term = "șarpe"}}
m[50] = {{term = "vierme"}}
m[51] = {{term = "arbore"}, {term = "copac"}}
m[52] = {{term = "pădure"}}
m[53] = {{term = "băț"}}
m[54] = {{term = "fruct"}}
m[55] = {{term = "sămânță"}}
m[56] = {{term = "frunză"}}
m[57] = {{term = "rădăcină"}}
m[58] = {{term = "scoarță"}}
m[59] = {{term = "floare"}}
m[60] = {{term = "iarbă"}}
m[61] = {{term = "sfoară"}, {term = "frânghie"}, {term = "coardă"}}
m[62] = {{term = "piele"}}
m[63] = {{term = "carne"}}
m[64] = {{term = "sânge"}}
m[65] = {{term = "os"}}
m[66] = {{term = "grăsime"}}
m[67] = {{term = "ou"}}
m[68] = {{term = "corn"}}
m[69] = {{term = "coadă"}}
m[70] = {{term = "pană"}, {term = "fulg"}}
m[71] = {{term = "păr"}}
m[72] = {{term = "cap"}}
m[73] = {{term = "ureche"}}
m[74] = {{term = "ochi"}}
m[75] = {{term = "nas"}}
m[76] = {{term = "gură"}}
m[77] = {{term = "dinte"}}
m[78] = {{term = "limbă"}}
m[79] = {{term = "unghie"}}
m[80] = {{term = "laba piciorului"}}
m[81] = {{term = "picior"}}
m[82] = {{term = "genunchi"}}
m[83] = {{term = "mână"}}
m[84] = {{term = "aripă"}}
m[85] = {{term = "burtă"}, {term = "vintre"}, {term = "foale"}, {term = "pântece"}}
m[86] = {{term = "măruntaie"}}
m[87] = {{term = "gât"}}
m[88] = {{term = "spate"}}
m[89] = {{term = "piept"}}
m[90] = {{term = "inimă"}}
m[91] = {{term = "ficat"}, {term = "mai"}}
m[92] = {{term = "a [[bea]]"}}
m[93] = {{term = "a [[mânca]]"}}
m[94] = {{term = "a [[mușca]]"}}
m[95] = {{term = "a [[suge]]"}}
m[96] = {{term = "a [[scuipa]]"}}
m[97] = {{term = "a [[borî]]"}, {term = "a [[vomita]]"}, {term = "a [[vărsa]]"}}
m[98] = {{term = "a [[sufla]]"}}
m[99] = {{term = "a [[răsufla]]"}, {term = "a [[respira]]"}}
m[100] = {{term = "a [[râde]]"}}
m[101] = {{term = "a [[vedea]]"}}
m[102] = {{term = "a [[auzi]]"}}
m[103] = {{term = "a [[ști]]"}}
m[104] = {{term = "a [[cugeta]]"}, {term = "a se [[gândi]]"}}
m[105] = {{term = "a [[mirosi]]"}}
m[106] = {{term = "a se [[teme]]"}}
m[107] = {{term = "a [[dormi]]"}}
m[108] = {{term = "a [[trăi]]"}}
m[109] = {{term = "a [[muri]]"}}
m[110] = {{term = "a [[ucide]]"}, {term = "a [[omorî]]"}}
m[111] = {{term = "a [[lupta]]"}}
m[112] = {{term = "a [[vâna]]"}}
m[113] = {{term = "a [[lovi]]"}}
m[114] = {{term = "a [[tăia]]"}}
m[115] = {{term = "a [[despica]]"}, {term = "a [[spinteca]]"}}
m[116] = {{term = "a [[înjunghia]]"}}
m[117] = {{term = "a [[zgâria]]"}}
m[118] = {{term = "a [[săpa]]"}, {term = "a [[excava]]"}}
m[119] = {{term = "a [[înota]]"}}
m[120] = {{term = "a [[zbura]]"}}
m[121] = {{term = "a [[merge]]"}}
m[122] = {{term = "a [[veni]]"}}
m[123] = {{term = "a [[zăcea]]"}}
m[124] = {{term = "a se [[așeza]]", notes = "action"}, {term = "a [[ședea]]", notes = "state"}}
m[125] = {{term = "a se [[scula în picioare]]", notes = "action"}, {term = "a [[sta]]", notes = "state"}}
m[126] = {{term = "a se [[întoarce]]"}}
m[127] = {{term = "a [[cădea]]"}}
m[128] = {{term = "a [[da]]"}}
m[129] = {{term = "a [[ține]]"}}
m[130] = {{term = "a [[strânge]]"}}
m[131] = {{term = "a [[freca]]"}}
m[132] = {{term = "a [[spăla]]"}}
m[133] = {{term = "a [[șterge]]"}}
m[134] = {{term = "a [[trage]]"}}
m[135] = {{term = "a [[împinge]]"}}
m[136] = {{term = "a [[arunca]]"}}
m[137] = {{term = "a [[lega]]"}}
m[138] = {{term = "a [[coase]]"}}
m[139] = {{term = "a [[număra]]"}}
m[140] = {{term = "a [[zice]]"}, {term = "a [[spune]]"}}
m[141] = {{term = "a [[cânta]]"}}
m[142] = {{term = "a [[juca]]"}}
m[143] = {{term = "a [[pluti]]"}}
m[144] = {{term = "a [[curge]]"}}
m[145] = {{term = "a [[îngheța]]"}}
m[146] = {{term = "a se [[umfla]]"}}
m[147] = {{term = "soare"}}
m[148] = {{term = "lună"}}
m[149] = {{term = "stea"}}
m[150] = {{term = "apă"}}
m[151] = {{term = "ploaie"}, {term = "udătură"}}
m[152] = {{term = "râu"}}
m[153] = {{term = "lac"}}
m[154] = {{term = "mare"}}
m[155] = {{term = "sare"}}
m[156] = {{term = "piatră"}}
m[157] = {{term = "nisip"}}
m[158] = {{term = "praf"}, {term = "pulbere"}}
m[159] = {{term = "pământ"}}
m[160] = {{term = "nor"}}
m[161] = {{term = "ceață"}}
m[162] = {{term = "cer"}}
m[163] = {{term = "vânt"}}
m[164] = {{term = "zăpadă"}, {term = "nea"}}
m[165] = {{term = "gheață"}, {term = "sloi"}}
m[166] = {{term = "fum"}}
m[167] = {{term = "foc"}, {term = "jar"}}
m[168] = {{term = "cenușă"}, {term = "scrum"}}
m[169] = {{term = "a [[arde]]"}}
m[170] = {{term = "drum"}, {term = "cale"}}
m[171] = {{term = "munte"}}
m[172] = {{term = "roșu"}}
m[173] = {{term = "verde"}}
m[174] = {{term = "galben"}}
m[175] = {{term = "alb"}}
m[176] = {{term = "negru"}, {term = "lai"}}
m[177] = {{term = "noapte"}}
m[178] = {{term = "zi"}}
m[179] = {{term = "an"}}
m[180] = {{term = "cald"}}
m[181] = {{term = "rece"}, {term = "frig"}}
m[182] = {{term = "plin"}}
m[183] = {{term = "nou"}}
m[184] = {{term = "vechi"}}
m[185] = {{term = "bun"}}
m[186] = {{term = "rău"}, {term = "prost"}}
m[187] = {{term = "putred"}, {term = "cariat"}}
m[188] = {{term = "murdar"}, {term = "jegos"}}
m[189] = {{term = "drept"}}
m[190] = {{term = "rotund"}}
m[191] = {{term = "ascuțit"}}
m[192] = {{term = "tocit"}, {term = "bont"}}
m[193] = {{term = "neted"}}
m[194] = {{term = "ud"}, {term = "umed"}}
m[195] = {{term = "uscat"}}
m[196] = {{term = "drept"}}
m[197] = {{term = "lângă"}, {term = "apropiat"}, {term = "aproape"}}
m[198] = {{term = "departe"}}
m[199] = {{term = "drept"}}
m[200] = {{term = "stâng"}}
m[201] = {{term = "la"}, {term = "în"}}
m[202] = {{term = "în"}}
m[203] = {{term = "cu"}}
m[204] = {{term = "și"}}
m[205] = {{term = "dacă"}}
m[206] = {{term = "deoarece"}, {term = "pentru că"}}
m[207] = {{term = "nume"}}
return m