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This module implements the reference template {{R:eu:Arau}}.

local export = {}

function export.show(frame)
	local args = frame:getParent().args
	local num = args[1]:gsub('0*', '', 1)
	local chapter_desc = ""
	local year = ""
	local cite_args = {
		work = "Euskaltzaindiaren Arauak", 
		publisher = "Euskaltzaindia",
	if num == "7" then
		entry_desc = "Zenbakien idazkeraz"
		cite_args["trans-entry"] = "Writing numerals"
		year = "1994"
	elseif num == "32" then
		entry_desc = "Espainako erresumako probintzia eta elkarte autonomoen izenak"
		cite_args["trans-entry"] = "Names of the provinces and autonomous communities of the Kingdom of Spain"
		year = "2006"
	elseif num == "38" then
		entry_desc = "Munduko estatuen izenak, herritarren izenak, hizkuntza ofizialak eta hiriburuak"
		cite_args["trans-entry"] = "Names of the states of the world, nationalities, official languages and capitals"
		year = "2019"
	elseif num == "57" then
		entry_desc = "Euskal herrialdeen, herritarren eta euskalkien izenak"
		cite_args["trans-entry"] = "Names of the Basque territories, inhabitants and dialects"
		year = "1996"		
	elseif num == "66" then
		entry_desc = "Santutegiko izen ohikoenak"
		cite_args["trans-entry"] = "Most common names in the calendar of saints"
		year = "2019"
	elseif num == "70" then
		entry_desc = "Mundu zabaleko uharte nagusiak"
		cite_args["trans-entry"] = "Main islands of the world"
		year = "1997"
	elseif num == "76" then
		entry_desc = "Latin eta greziar pertsona-izen klasikoak euskaraz emateko irizpideei buruzko erabakia"
		cite_args["trans-entry"] = "Decision on the Basque forms of classical Latin and Greek names"
		year = "1997"
	elseif num == "82" then
		entry_desc = "Grezia eta Erromako pertsonaia mitologikoak"
		cite_args["trans-entry"] = "Greek and Roman mythological characters"
		year = "1998"
	elseif num == "108" then
		entry_desc = "Lapurdiko udal izendegia"
		cite_args["trans-entry"] = "Municipal toponymy of Labourd"
		year = "2000"
	elseif num == "122" then
		entry_desc = "Nafarroa Behereko herri izendegia I"
		cite_args["trans-entry"] = "Toponymy of the villages of Lower Navarre I"
		year = "2022"
	elseif num == "125" then
		entry_desc = "San, santu, done eta besteren erabilera"
		cite_args["trans-entry"] = "Usage of ''san'', ''santu'', ''done'' and others"
		year = "2003"
	elseif num == "145" then
		entry_desc = "Bizkaiko herri izendegia"
		cite_args["trans-entry"] = "Toponymy of the villages of Biscay"
		year = "2005"
	elseif num == "147" then
		entry_desc = "Antzinetako hirien euskarazko izenak"
		cite_args["trans-entry"] = "Basque names of ancient cities"
		year = "2006"
	elseif num == "149" then
		entry_desc = "Euskal Herri inguruko exonimoak"
		cite_args["trans-entry"] = "Exonyms of the surroundings of the Basque Country"
		year = "2010"
	elseif num == "154" then
		entry_desc = "Europako eskualde historiko-politiko nagusiak"
		cite_args["trans-entry"] = "Main historical-political regions of Europe"
		year = "2008"
	elseif num == "155" then
		entry_desc = "Nafarroako udal izendegia"
		cite_args["trans-entry"] = "Municipal toponymy of Navarre"
		year = "2009"
	elseif num == "159" then
		entry_desc = "Europako toponimia fisikoa"
		cite_args["trans-entry"] = "Physical toponymy of Europe"
		year = "2010"
	elseif num == "162" then
		entry_desc = "Anatoliako eta Hego Kaukasoko toponimia"
		cite_args["trans-entry"] = "Toponymy of Anatolia and the South Caucasus"
		year = "2011"
	elseif num == "170" then
		entry_desc = "Amerikako toponimia"
		cite_args["trans-entry"] = "Toponymy of the Americas"
		year = "2012"
		error("Unsuported rule, you can add it to [[Module:R:eu:Arau]].")
	local num_w_zero = string.format("%04d", num)
	cite_args.entryurl = "https://www.euskaltzaindia.eus/dok/arauak/Araua_" .. num_w_zero .. ".pdf"
	cite_args.entry = num .. ".- " .. entry_desc
	cite_args.year = year

	return frame:expandTemplate {title = "cite-web",args = cite_args}

return export