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This module implements the reference template {{R:be:NNP}}.

-- This module provides references to the books from the series
--     https://be.wikipedia.org/wiki/Назвы_населеных_пунктаў_Рэспублікі_Беларусь

local export = {}

local books = {
	["Брэстчына"] = {
		year = 2010,
		title = "Назвы населеных пунктаў Рэспублікі Беларусь: Брэсцкая вобласць <t:Names of settlements of the Republic of Belarus: Brest region>",
		isbn = "978-985-458-198-9",
		pageurl = "https://knihi.com/none/Nazvy_nasielenych_punktau_Respubliki_Bielarus_djvu.zip.html#NNP.Bierasciejskaja.djvu_"
	["Гомельшчына"] = {
		year = 2006,
		title = "Назвы населеных пунктаў Рэспублікі Беларусь: Гомельская вобласць <t:Names of settlements of the Republic of Belarus: Homiel region>",
		isbn = "985-458-131-4",
		pageurl = "https://knihi.com/none/Nazvy_nasielenych_punktau_Respubliki_Bielarus_djvu.zip.html#NNP.Homielskaja.djvu_"
	["Гродзеншчына"] = {
		year = 2004,
		title = "Назвы населеных пунктаў Рэспублікі Беларусь: Гродзенская вобласць <t:Names of settlements of the Republic of Belarus: Hrodna region>",
		isbn = "985-458-098-9",
		pageurl = "https://knihi.com/none/Nazvy_nasielenych_punktau_Respubliki_Bielarus_djvu.zip.html#NNP.Haradzienskaja.djvu_"
	["Магілёўшчына"] = {
		year = 2007,
		title = "Назвы населеных пунктаў Рэспублікі Беларусь: Магілёўская вобласць <t:Names of settlements of the Republic of Belarus: Mahiloŭ region>",
		isbn = "978-985-458-159-0",
		pageurl = "https://knihi.com/none/Nazvy_nasielenych_punktau_Respubliki_Bielarus_djvu.zip.html#NNP.Mahilouskaja.djvu_"
	["Міншчына"] = {
		year = 2003,
		title = "Назвы населеных пунктаў Рэспублікі Беларусь: Мінская вобласць <t:Names of settlements of the Republic of Belarus: Minsk region>",
		isbn = "985-458-054-7",
		pageurl = "https://knihi.com/none/Nazvy_nasielenych_punktau_Respubliki_Bielarus_djvu.zip.html#NNP.Mienskaja.djvu_"
	["Віцебшчына"] = {
		year = 2009,
		title = "Назвы населеных пунктаў Рэспублікі Беларусь: Віцебская вобласць <t:Names of settlements of the Republic of Belarus: Viciebsk region>",
		isbn = "978-985-458-192-7",
		pageurl = "https://knihi.com/none/Nazvy_nasielenych_punktau_Respubliki_Bielarus_djvu.zip.html#NNP.Viciebskaja.djvu_"

-- For the sake of consistency, allow only one way to specify the region. But give a hint
-- to the editor about how to rename it correctly.
local rename_hints = {
    ["Brest"] = "Брэстчына",
    ["Mogilev"] = "Магілёўшчына", ["Mahilyow"] = "Магілёўшчына", ["Mahiloŭ"] = "Магілёўшчына", ["Mahilioŭ"] = "Магілёўшчына",
    ["Gomel"] = "Гомельшчына", ["Homel"] = "Гомельшчына", ["Homiel"] = "Гомельшчына",
    ["Minsk"] = "Міншчына", ["Miensk"] = "Міншчына", ["Mensk"] = "Міншчына",
    ["Viciebsk"] = "Віцебшчына", ["Vitsyebsk"] = "Віцебшчына", ["Vitebsk"] = "Віцебшчына",
    ["Hrodna"] = "Гродзеншчына", ["Grodno"] = "Гродзеншчына",

-- Prepare tables
local AC = require("Module:string/char")(0x0301) -- acute =  ́
local consonants_set = {}
mw.ustring.gsub("БВГДЖЗКЛМНПРСТФХЦЧШбвгджзклмнпрстфхцчш", ".", function (c) consonants_set[c] = true end)
local jejojuja_default = {
    ["е"] = "je", ["ё"] = "jo", ["ю"] = "ju", ["я"] = "ja",
    ["Е"] = "Je", ["Ё"] = "Jo", ["Ю"] = "Ju", ["Я"] = "Ja",
local jejojuja_after_consonant = {
    ["е"] = "ie", ["ё"] = "io", ["ю"] = "iu", ["я"] = "ia",
    ["Е"] = "ie", ["Ё"] = "io", ["Ю"] = "iu", ["Я"] = "ia",
local jejojuja_after_l = {
    ["е"] = AC .. "e", ["ё"] = AC .. "o", ["ю"] = AC .. "u", ["я"] = AC .. "a",
    ["Е"] = AC .. "e", ["Ё"] = AC .. "o", ["Ю"] = AC .. "u", ["Я"] = AC .. "a",

-- The table from https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/4021251/files/E_CONF.101_CRP.2-EN.pdf
local tt = {
	["А"]='A', ["а"]='a',
	["Б"]='B', ["б"]='b',
	["В"]='V', ["в"]='v',
	["Г"]='H', ["г"]='h',
	["Д"]='D', ["д"]='d', 
	["Е"]='Je', ["е"]='je',
	["Ё"]='Jo', ["ё"]='jo',
	["Ж"]='Ž', ["ж"]='ž',
	["З"]='Z', ["з"]='z',
	["І"]='I', ["і"]='i', 
	["Й"]='J', ["й"]='j',
	["К"]='K', ["к"]='k',
	["Л"]='L', ["л"]='l',
	["М"]='M', ["м"]='m',
	["Н"]='N', ["н"]='n',
	["О"]='O', ["о"]='o',
	["П"]='P', ["п"]='p',
	["Р"]='R', ["р"]='r',
	["С"]='S', ["с"]='s',
	["Т"]='T', ["т"]='t', 
	["У"]='U', ["у"]='u',
	["Ў"]='Ŭ', ["ў"]='ŭ',
	["Ф"]='F', ["ф"]='f',
	["Х"]='Ch', ["х"]='ch',
	["Ц"]='C', ["ц"]='c', 
	["Ч"]='Č', ["ч"]='č',
	["Ш"]='Š', ["ш"]='š',
	["Ы"]='Y', ["ы"]='y',
	["Ь"]=AC, ["ь"]=AC,
	["Э"]='E', ["э"]='e', 
	["Ю"]='Ju', ["ю"]='ju',
	["Я"]='Ja', ["я"]='ja', 
	["’"]='', ["ʼ"]='', ["́́ʼ"] = '',
	-- Additional entries
	["Ґ"]='G', ["ґ"]='g',
	["И"]='I', ["и"]='i', -- present for Old Belarusian; FIXME, remove when we have a separate language code for this lang

function export.romanize(s, rules)
    local lacinka, palatalize
    if rules == "be-Latn-tarask" then
        lacinka = true
        palatalize = true
    elseif rules == "be-Latn-1959acad" then
        lacinka = true
    elseif rules == "UNGEGN" then
        lacinka = false
        error("Wrong romanization rules config: " .. rules)

    local prev_c = "." 
    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, ".", function(c)
        local jejojuja = jejojuja_default[c]
        if jejojuja then
            if consonants_set[prev_c] then
                if lacinka and (prev_c == "Л" or prev_c == "л") then
                    jejojuja = jejojuja_after_l[c]
                    jejojuja = jejojuja_after_consonant[c]
            prev_c = c
            return jejojuja
        prev_c = c
        return tt[c] or c

    -- recover the explicit palatalization where appropriate: https://knihi.com/storage/pravapis2005.html#texth2_8
    -- FIXME: there are still more cases to handle, such as "суддзя" -> "sudździa"
    if palatalize then
            local old_s = s
            s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "([Zz])([BbVvWwZzLlMmNnCc][" .. AC .. "i])", "%1" .. AC .. "%2")
            s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "([Zz])([Dd][Zz][" .. AC .. "i])", "%1" .. AC .. "%2")
            s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "([Ss])([BbVvWwLlMmNnPpFfCc][" .. AC .. "i])", "%1" .. AC .. "%2")
            s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "([Cc])([VvWwMm][" .. AC .. "i])", "%1" .. AC .. "%2")
        until s == old_s

    -- combine acute diacritics with their letters
    s = mw.ustring.toNFC(s)

    -- change "Ĺ" -> "L" and "L" -> "Ł"
    if lacinka then
        s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, ".", {["l"] = "ł", ["ĺ"] = "l", ["L"] = "Ł", ["Ĺ"] = "L"})

    -- done
    return s

function export.show(frame)
    local parent_args = frame:getParent().args
	local params = {
		[1] = {alias_of = "region"},
		[2] = {alias_of = "page"},
		[3] = {alias_of = "name"},
        ["region"] = {required = true},
        ["page"] = {type = "number"},
        ["name"] = {},
	local args = require("Module:parameters").process(parent_args, params)

	if not books[args.region] then
		if rename_hints[args.region] then
			error("The name of the region needs to be changed to: " .. rename_hints[args.region])
		local errmsg = "Invalid region name. Valid choices are:"
		for k, v in pairs(books) do
			errmsg = errmsg .. " " .. k

	local citation_args = books[args.region]

	-- The difference between the page numbers in DjVu and page numbers in the paper books
	local page_offs = 2

	-- Some of the pages are missing for Mahilyow :-(
	local Mahilyow_missing_pages = { 259, 262, 278, 279, 288, 295, 298, 299, 313, 321, 322 }
	if args.region == "Магілёўшчына" then
		for _, p in ipairs(Mahilyow_missing_pages) do
			if args.page == p then
				error("Page " .. tostring(args.page) .. " is missing in the scan of the book.")
			if args.page > p then
				page_offs = page_offs - 1

	citation_args[1] = "be"
	citation_args.editor = "[[w:be:Валянціна Пятроўна Лемцюгова|Valancina Lemciuhova]]"
	citation_args.location = "w:Minsk"
	citation_args.publisher = "[[w:be:Тэхналогія_(выдавецтва)|Тэхналогія]]"
	if args.page then
		citation_args.page = args.page
		citation_args.pageurl = citation_args.pageurl .. tostring(args.page + page_offs)

	local prefix = ""
    local name = frame.args.name or args.name
	if name then
        local name_lat = export.romanize(name, "be-Latn-tarask")
        local name_geo = export.romanize(name, "UNGEGN")
        if name_lat == name_geo then
            prefix = "\"" .. name .. "\" aka \"" .. name_lat .. "\"<sup>[[w:Łacinka|Łacinka]] / [https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/4021251?v=pdf UNGEGN]</sup> in "
            prefix = "\"" .. name .. "\" aka \"" .. name_lat .. "\"<sup>[[w:Łacinka|Łacinka]]</sup> or \"" .. name_geo .. "\"<sup>[https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/4021251?v=pdf UNGEGN]</sup> in "
    return prefix .. frame:expandTemplate {title = "cite-book", args = citation_args}

return export