- The following documentation is located at Module:Cyrs-translit/documentation. [edit] Categories were auto-generated by Module:module categorization. [edit]
- Useful links: subpage list • links • transclusions • testcases • sandbox
This module will transliterate text in the Old Cyrillic script. It is used to transliterate Old Church Slavonic, Old East Slavic, Bulgar, Old Novgorodian, and Church Slavonic.
The module should preferably not be called directly from templates or other modules.
To use it from a template, use {{xlit}}
Within a module, use Module:languages#Language:transliterate.
For testcases, see Module:Cyrs-translit/testcases.
tr(text, lang, sc)
- Transliterates a given piece of
written in the script specified by the codesc
, and language specified by the codelang
. - When the transliteration fails, returns
local export = {}
local numbers = mw.loadData("Module:Cyrs-translit/numbers")
local ugsub = mw.ustring.gsub
local toNFC = mw.ustring.toNFC
local toNFD = mw.ustring.toNFD
local U = mw.ustring.char
local umatch = mw.ustring.match
local usub = mw.ustring.sub
local ulower = mw.ustring.lower
local acute = U(0x301)
local grave = U(0x300)
local circumflex = U(0x302)
local palatalization = U(0x0484)
local titlo = U(0x0483)
local dasia = U(0x0485)
local psili = U(0x0486)
local vzmet = U(0xA66F)
local breathing = psili .. dasia
local accent = "[" .. acute .. grave .. circumflex .. breathing .. "]*"
local vowels = "aAeEiIoOuUyY"
local vowel_or_soft = "[" .. vowels .. "ʹ]"
local common_letters = {
["А"] = 'A', ["а"] = 'a',
["Б"] = 'B', ["б"] = 'b',
["В"] = 'V', ["в"] = 'v',
["Г"] = 'G', ["г"] = 'g',
["Д"] = 'D', ["д"] = 'd',
["Е"] = 'E', ["е"] = 'e',
["Ж"] = 'Ž', ["ж"] = 'ž',
["Ѕ"] = 'Dz', ["ѕ"] = 'dz',
["З"] = 'Z', ["з"] = 'z',
["И"] = 'I', ["и"] = 'i',
["І"] = 'I', ["і"] = 'i', -- Contrastive with "И".
["Й"] = 'J', ["й"] = 'j',
["Ꙉ"] = 'Đ', ["ꙉ"] = 'đ',
["К"] = 'K', ["к"] = 'k',
["Л"] = 'L', ["л"] = 'l',
["М"] = 'M', ["м"] = 'm',
["Н"] = 'N', ["н"] = 'n',
["О"] = 'O', ["о"] = 'o',
["П"] = 'P', ["п"] = 'p',
["Р"] = 'R', ["р"] = 'r',
["С"] = 'S', ["с"] = 's',
["Т"] = 'T', ["т"] = 't',
["Ꙋ"] = 'U', ["ꙋ"] = 'u',
["У"] = 'U', ["у"] = 'u',
["Ф"] = 'F', ["ф"] = 'f',
["Х"] = 'X', ["х"] = 'x',
["Ѡ"] = 'O', ["ѡ"] = 'o', -- Contrastive with "О".
["Ѿ"] = 'Ot', ["ѿ"] = 'ot', -- Becomes "otŭ" as appropriate.
["Ѽ"] = 'Ô', ["ѽ"] = 'ô',
["Ц"] = 'C', ["ц"] = 'c',
["Ꙡ"] = 'Ć', ["ꙡ"] = 'ć', -- From a merger of "Ц" and "Ч" in Old Novgorodian.
["Ч"] = 'Č', ["ч"] = 'č',
["Ш"] = 'Š', ["ш"] = 'š',
["Щ"] = 'Št', ["щ"] = 'št',
["Ъ"] = 'Ŭ', ["ъ"] = 'ŭ',
["Ꙑ"] = 'Y', ["ꙑ"] = 'y',
["Ь"] = 'Ĭ', ["ь"] = 'ĭ',
["Ѣ"] = 'Ě', ["ѣ"] = 'ě',
["Ꙓ"] = 'Jě', ["ꙓ"] = 'jě',
["Ꙗ"] = 'Ja', ["ꙗ"] = 'ja',
["Ѥ"] = 'Je', ["ѥ"] = 'je',
["Ю"] = 'Ju', ["ю"] = 'ju',
["Ѫ"] = 'Ǫ', ["ѫ"] = 'ǫ',
["Ѭ"] = 'Jǫ', ["ѭ"] = 'jǫ',
["Ѧ"] = 'Ę', ["ѧ"] = 'ę',
["Ѩ"] = 'Ję', ["ѩ"] = 'ję',
["Ѯ"] = 'Ks', ["ѯ"] = 'ks',
["Ѱ"] = 'Ps', ["ѱ"] = 'ps',
["Ѳ"] = 'Θ', ["ѳ"] = 'θ',
["Ѵ"] = 'Ü', ["ѵ"] = 'ü',
["Ѷ"] = 'Ü', ["ѷ"] = 'ü', -- Contrastive with "Ѵ".
["Ҁ"] = 'Q', ["ҁ"] = 'q',
local variants = {
["ᲀ"] = 'в',
["Ґ"] = 'Г', ["ґ"] = 'г',
["ᲁ"] = 'д',
["Ꙣ"] = 'Д' .. palatalization, ["ꙣ"] = 'д' .. palatalization,
["Є"] = 'Е', ["є"] = 'е',
["Э"] = 'Е', ["э"] = 'е',
["Ꙃ"] = 'Ѕ', ["ꙃ"] = 'ѕ',
["Ꙅ"] = 'Ѕ', ["ꙅ"] = 'ѕ',
["Ꙁ"] = 'З', ["ꙁ"] = 'з',
["Ӥ"] = 'И', ["ӥ"] = 'и',
["Ї"] = 'І', ["ї"] = 'і',
["Ꙇ"] = 'І', ["ꙇ"] = 'і',
["Ꙥ"] = 'Л' .. palatalization, ["ꙥ"] = 'л' .. palatalization,
["Ꙧ"] = 'М' .. palatalization, ["ꙧ"] = 'м' .. palatalization,
["Ҥ"] = 'Н' .. palatalization, ["ҥ"] = 'н' .. palatalization,
["Ѻ"] = 'О', ["ѻ"] = 'о',
["Ꙩ"] = 'О', ["ꙩ"] = 'о',
["Ꙫ"] = 'О', ["ꙫ"] = 'о',
["Ꚛ"] = 'О', ["ꚛ"] = 'о',
["Ꚙ"] = 'О', ["ꚙ"] = 'о',
["Ꙭ"] = 'О', ["ꙭ"] = 'о',
["ꙮ"] = 'о',
["ᲂ"] = 'о',
["ᲃ"] = 'с',
["ᲄ"] = 'т',
["ᲅ"] = 'т',
["Ѹ"] = 'Ꙋ', ["ѹ"] = 'ꙋ', ["ᲈ"] = 'ꙋ',
["Ꙍ"] = 'Ѡ', ["ꙍ"] = 'ѡ',
["Ы"] = 'Ꙑ', ["ы"] = 'ꙑ',
["ᲆ"] = 'ъ',
["ᲇ"] = 'ѣ',
["Я"] = 'Ꙗ', ["я"] = 'ꙗ',
["Ꙕ"] = 'Ю', ["ꙕ"] = 'ю',
["Ꙛ"] = 'Ѫ', ["ꙛ"] = 'ѫ',
["Ꙙ"] = 'Ѧ', ["ꙙ"] = 'ѧ',
["Ꙝ"] = 'Ѩ', ["ꙝ"] = 'ѩ',
-- Letters converted to their iotated equivalents when word-initial.
local common_iotated_initial = {
["Ѣ"] = 'Ꙓ', ["ѣ"] = 'ꙓ',
-- Letters converted to their iotated equivalents after vowels or a
-- palatalization mark.
local common_iotated_after_vowel_or_soft = {
["Е"] = 'Ѥ', ["е"] = 'ѥ',
["Ѣ"] = 'Ꙓ', ["ѣ"] = 'ꙓ',
["Ѧ"] = 'Ѩ', ["ѧ"] = 'ѩ',
local lang_letters = {}
local lang_iotated_initial = {}
local lang_iotated_after_vowel_or_soft = {}
local uo_is_u = {}
-- Old East Slavic
lang_letters["orv"] = setmetatable({
["Щ"] = 'Šč', ["щ"] = 'šč',
}, {__index = common_letters})
lang_iotated_initial["orv"] = setmetatable({
["Е"] = 'Ѥ', ["е"] = 'ѥ',
["Ѧ"] = 'Ѩ', ["ѧ"] = 'ѩ',
}, {__index = common_iotated_initial})
-- Old Novgorodian
lang_letters["zle-ono"] = setmetatable({
["Ц"] = 'Ć', ["ц"] = 'ć',
["Ч"] = 'Ć', ["ч"] = 'ć',
["Щ"] = 'Ść', ["щ"] = 'ść',
}, {__index = common_letters})
lang_iotated_initial["zle-ono"] = lang_iotated_initial["orv"]
uo_is_u["zle-ono"] = true
-- Old Pskovian
lang_letters["zle-ops"] = setmetatable({ -- In addition to zle-ono above.
["Ж"] = 'Ź', ["ж"] = 'ź',
["Ѕ"] = 'Dź', ["ѕ"] = 'dź',
["З"] = 'Ź', ["з"] = 'ź',
["С"] = 'Ś', ["с"] = 'ś',
["Ш"] = 'Ś', ["ш"] = 'ś',
["Щ"] = 'Šk', ["щ"] = 'šk',
}, {__index = lang_letters["zle-ono"]})
lang_iotated_initial["zle-ops"] = setmetatable({ -- In addition to zle-ono above.
["Ѫ"] = 'Ѭ', ["ѫ"] = 'ѭ',
}, {__index = lang_iotated_initial["zle-ono"]})
lang_iotated_after_vowel_or_soft["zle-ops"] = setmetatable({
["Ѫ"] = 'Ѭ', ["ѫ"] = 'ѭ',
}, {__index = common_iotated_after_vowel_or_soft})
uo_is_u["zle-ops"] = true
local function handle_v(prev, v)
return prev .. (v == "Ѵ" and "В" or "в")
local function handle_ou(o, ac)
return (ulower(o) == o and "у" or "У") .. ac
local function handle_breathing(vowel, br)
-- Don't mark smooth breathing.
if br == psili then
return vowel
-- Mark rough breathing with "h".
local vowel_lower = ulower(vowel)
return (vowel_lower == vowel and "h" or "H") .. vowel_lower
function, lang, sc)
if not sc then
sc = require("Module:languages").getByCode(lang, nil, true):findBestScript(text):getCode()
if sc ~= "Cyrs" then
return nil
local input = text
-- Decompose any acute and grave accents.
text = ugsub(toNFD(text), "[^" .. acute .. grave .. "]+", toNFC)
-- Canonicalize any variants.
text = text:gsub(".[\128-\191]*", variants)
-- Transliterate the palatalization mark as prime.
text = text:gsub(palatalization, "ʹ")
-- Treat "Ѵ" as the consonant "В" (transliterated "V") in diphthongs that
-- correspond to Ancient Greek "αυ", "ευ" and "ηυ" (equivalent to "аѵ", "еѵ"
-- and "иѵ"). Note that "ιυ" ("іѵ") is not a diphthong, and "ου" ("оѵ") is
-- a long vowel. However, this doesn't apply to "Ѷ", as the diacritic means
-- it must be treated as a vowel.
text = ugsub(text, "([аАеЕиИꙗꙖѥѤ]" .. accent .. ")([ѵѴ])", handle_v)
local letters = lang_letters[lang] or common_letters
-- Convert "ѿ" to "ѡт" if followed by a non-iotated vowel (including those
-- which iotate only after vowels) or a palatalization mark, and "ѡтъ" in
-- all other cases.
text = ugsub(text, "([ѿѾ])(" .. accent .. ")()", function(ot, ac, loc)
ot = (ot == "Ѿ" and "Ѡ" or "ѡ") .. ac .. "т"
local nxt = toNFD(usub(text, loc, loc):gsub(".[\128-\191]*", letters))
if not umatch(nxt, "^" .. vowel_or_soft) then
ot = ot .. "ъ"
return ot
-- Handle any vowels which are iotated at the start of words.
local iotated_initial = lang_iotated_initial[lang] or common_iotated_initial
-- Not possible to input iotated_initial directly, as mw.ustring.gsub
-- doesn't respect metamethods...
text = ugsub(text, "%f[%w].", function(m)
return iotated_initial[m]
-- Handle any vowels which are iotated after another vowel or a
-- palatalization mark.
local iotated_after_vowel_or_soft = lang_iotated_after_vowel_or_soft[lang] or common_iotated_after_vowel_or_soft
text = ugsub(text, "()(" .. accent .. ")(.)", function(loc, ac, letter)
local iotated = iotated_after_vowel_or_soft[letter]
if iotated then
loc = loc - 1
local prev = toNFD((loc == 0 and "" or usub(text, loc, loc)):gsub(".[\128-\191]*", letters))
if umatch(prev, vowel_or_soft .. "%W*$") then
return ac .. iotated
-- Treat "ъі" as "ꙑ", and make "ъ" tense ("ŷ") before "и" or an iotated
-- vowel.
text = ugsub(text, "([Ъъ])(" .. accent .. ")()([иИіІ]?)", function(yer, ac, loc, i)
local nxt = toNFD(usub(text, loc, loc):gsub(".[\128-\191]*", letters)):match("^[iIjJ]")
if nxt ~= nil then
return (yer == "Ъ" and "Ꙑ" or "ꙑ") .. ((i == "і" or i == "І") and ac or circumflex .. ac .. i)
-- In some languages, treat "уо" ("uo") as "у" ("u").
if uo_is_u[lang] then
text = ugsub(text, "([уУѵѴѷѶ]" .. accent .. ")[оО]", "%1")
-- Treat "оу" ("ou") as "у" ("u").
text = ugsub(text, "([оО])(" .. accent .. ")[уУѵѴѷѶ]", handle_ou)
-- Substitute any numbers.
for key, repl in pairs(numbers) do
text = ugsub(text, key, repl)
-- Main substitution.
text = text:gsub(".[\128-\191]*", letters)
-- Handle any breathing marks.
text = ugsub(toNFD(text), "([" .. vowels .. "][" .. vowels .. "%W]-)([" .. breathing .. "])", handle_breathing)
if umatch(text, "[" .. breathing .. "]") then
error("Invalid breathing marks in input " .. mw.dumpObject(input))
-- Transliterate the titlo and vzmet as colon.
text = ugsub(text, "[" .. titlo .. vzmet .. "]", ":")
return toNFC(text)
return export