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From mirror +‎ -verse.

Proper noun



  1. (fandom slang) The Mirror Universe of Star Trek, a dark parallel universe to the main setting of the franchise, in which humans are brutal, despotic conquerors.
    • 2004 March 18, ASC Awards - Stephen, “ASC Awards Comment Digest #132: DS9 Bashir Pairing”, in alt.startrek.creative[1] (Usenet):
      I love the subtle beginning to the fic, so that you don't realize it's Mirrorverse until the start of the third paragraph, where everything goes a bit askew.
    • 2009 May 18, Tim Bruening, “Re: Star Trek 11 Movie Spoilers”, in alt.tv.star-trek[2] (Usenet):
      Does the alternate Star Trek timeline created by Nero have a Mirrorverse 2 in which a Mirror Nero went back in time after the destruction of Mirror Romulus to destroy Mirror Vulcan as Mirror Spock watched?
    • 2020, Ina Batzke, “From Series to Seriality: Star Trek's Mirror Universe in the Post-Network Era”, in Mareike Spychala, Sabrina Mittermeier, editors, Fighting for the Future: Essays on Star Trek: Discovery[3], page 170:
      Besides the Klingon desire for cultural purity, humanity in the Mirrorverse is also shown as a fascistic tyranny (the Terran Empire) centered on racial purity.

