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Blend of Michigander +‎ gosling, because the young offspring of a gander (male goose) is a gosling.



Michigosling (plural Michigoslings)

  1. (uncommon, humorous) A child from Michigan, contrasted with a Michigander (man from Michigan).
    • 1947, H. L. Mencken, “Names for Americans”, in American Speech[1], volume 22, number 4, →DOI, →ISSN, →JSTOR, pages 241–256:
      The chief objection to Michigander is that it inspires idiots to call a Michigan woman a Michigoose and a child a Michigosling, but the people of the State have got used to this
    • 1982, Michigan Natural Resources Magazine, volumes 51-52, page 77:
      From Dale E. Pasco of Owosso: "My parents were both one room school teachers and they taught it this way: I'm a Michigander, my wife is a Michigoose, our kids are Michigoslins, so what is the use."
    • 2014 May 3, Jane Wallin Holt, “Would prefer you called section ‘Michiganian’”, in Lansing State Journal, Lansing, Michigan, Opinion, page A4:
      Gander is male goose. If you use “Michigander,” you should also include “Michigoose” (female) and “Michigosling” (child) in your title.

