1995 February 4, Roberta Chi-Woon Kwong, “Re: MSTied fanfic (long)”, in alt.tv.x-files.creative[1] (Usenet):
The intent may not have been deliberately malicious; but it was negligent and in bad taste not to ask the author's permission first, which in no way precludes the MSTing from being hurtful.
2003 April 4, Andrew Mitchell, “Delurking”, in alt.fan.harry-potter[2] (Usenet):
I love all the discussions and especially enjoy reading MSTings of fan fiction.
2003 August 13, Fish Eye no Miko, “Re: Hermione in COS”, in alt.fan.harry-potter[3] (Usenet):
I once did a MSTing of the Power Rangers movie script, and there are MAJOR differences between it and what we see on screen.