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Initialism from the names Mulder and Krycek.

Proper noun



  1. (fandom slang) The ship of characters Fox Mulder and Alex Krycek from the television series The X-Files.
    • 1998 December 3, Woodinat, “Re: Feedback Experiences in general”, in alt.tv.x-files.creative[1] (Usenet):
      Last March, I posted my first ever fanfic, an M/K fic to X Slash, and it got lots of loving feedback. Lots and lots of feedback.
    • 1998 December 24, Sosoprano, “Slash list question”, in alt.tv.x-files.creative[2] (Usenet):
      I am a mostly M/K fan, but I'll read just about anything that is slashy and well-written...
    • 1999 July 8, Kipler, “Wacky Summer Translation Machine Fun (Was: Re: Fanfic in Spanish?)”, in alt.tv.x-files.creative[3] (Usenet):
      Anyone care to pass their latest M/K slash through the English/Swedish translator, and then back again? <g>
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:M/K.

