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Larry Stylinson

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Blend of Louis Tomlinson +‎ Harry Styles.

Proper noun

Larry Stylinson

  1. (fandom slang) The real-person fiction ship of Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles of the band One Direction.
    • 2016, Bethan Jones, “'I Will Throw You off Your Ship and You Will Drown and Die': Death Threats, Intra-Fandom Hate, and the Performance of Fangirling”, in Lucy Bennett, Paul Booth, editors, Seeing Fans: Representations of Fandom in Media and Popular Culture, page 54:
      In the latter, I analyze the distinctions between the media’s response to Larry Stylinson shippers and fan responses, drawing on Matt Hills’s notion of inter-fandom antagonism.
    • 2018, Kate Leaver, The Friendship Cure: Reconnecting in the Modern World, unnumbered page:
      The sheer volume of Larry Stylinson erotica available online is astonishing.
    • 2018, Paola Brembilla, “Transmedia Music: The Values of Music as a Transmedia Asset”, in Matthew Freeman, Renira Rampazzo Gambarato, editors, The Routledge Companion to Transmedia Studies, unnumbered page:
      Beyond fanart and fanfiction, the Larry Stylinson "division" of the fandom became a safe space for LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bissexual, transgender, and queer) fans []


Further reading