[edit]Formed by application of Latin rules, changing -us to -i for the plural form.
Proper noun
- plural of Jesus (male given name)
- 1998 October 19, Paul Legato, “Lots of Jesi? (Was: Anyone legally changed their name to "Jesus Christ"?)”, in (Usenet), message-ID <70gof6$i2m$>:
- As a side note, around the year 4 B.C. in Israel, were there lots of people running around with the name "Jesus", or was it fairly uncommon/unheard of?
- 2007 May 6, Joey DoWop Dee, “Re: Who is Jesus?”, in comp.sys.mac.system (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- [>>> Jesus [Jesús Sánchez] was born on Friday, October 11, 1974, in Nizao, Peravia, / >>> Dominican Republic. Jesus was 23 years old when he broke into the big / >>> leagues on March 31, 1998, with the Florida Marlins. /] >> No, no: he's my doorman. Nice try, though. / > / > Your doorman played for the Marlins? / > / > Kewl! / > / > / Oh, sorry. Different Jesus. Who knew there were so many Jesi?
- 2011 September 2, Athel Cornish-Bowden, “Re: WHO IS JESUS ????????????”, in alt.english.usage (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- >>> WHO IS JESÚS? / > / > / > Don't you know? He's the bloke down the road that sells firewood. He also / > drinks too much and gets into fights. / Yeah, but you live in Spain, don't you. Not a lot of Jesuses (Jesi?) around here.
- 2014 October 21, Your Name, “Re: Ebola and Climate Change”, in (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- I explained it above ... he obviously only appears every 4000 - 5500 years, so the fools still have another 2000+ years to wait for him to appear again. ;-) / Of course, there's probably hundreds of Jesuses (Jesi??) born every year in Spanish speaking countries, so even if the fictional fool did come back he'd need to use a different name ... maybe Zingnut-weeblebuster. ;-)
- A comune in Ancona province, Marche region, Italy.
- plural of Jesus (“the Christian savior”)
- 1992 November 12, Normand Arthur Beeline, “Answer FROM nabeel (was Re: Answer to nabeel)”, in talk.politics.mideast (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- The problem is that people have this myth that Emirs and VIPs are some kind of angels or Jesi (plural of Jesus Christ may peace be upon Muhammad and him.)
- 1994 May 9, Lowell Kaufman, “Re: Plastic Jesus”, in (Usenet), message-ID <2qk30e$>:
- The intro about the song [Plastic Jesus] says, / "Noone seems to know about the origin of this song, although many have tried to trace it. Broadside (NYC), from whom this version comes, reports that it apparently originated from a commercial jingle put on the radio in Georgia by a firm manufacturing plastic 'Jesi'." There are many versions with many verses, but it is a cool concept, and can't be THAT old, so I'm surprised the origins are difficult to trace.
- 1994 August 19, Robert W. Johnson, “PASSION PLAY "disaster"”, in (Usenet), message-ID <3331n9$>:
- The understudy took the place of the 1st Jesus so the play could continue. However -- the weight differential between the two Christs was not taken into account and, when the cross was supposed to rise up. Well. It went flying up into the flies. Members of the audience probably got whiplashed... The play did not go on that night because two Jesi were hospitalized.
- 1996 March 30, james taulbee, “Re: Lyric request: Plastic Jesus”, in (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- The song [Plastic Jesus] is printed in Volume 8 SING OUT (1965). The version is attributed to Ernie Marrs, although the notes indicate that no one really knows the origins of the song. Speculation is that it may have been an advertising jingle for someone selling plastic "Jesi"(?!).
- 1996 November 25, Organic Machinery, “Re: Alt.Atheism FAQ: Glad-bag babbles on....”, in alt.atheism (Usenet), message-ID <57cirl$>:
- "Personal encounters" with anything (gods, Jesi, UFO's, bigfeet) can hardly be classified as "irrefutable."
- 1997 June 1, George Byrd, “Re: Dashboard Buddha ?y”, in alt.buddha.short.fat.guy (Usenet), message-ID <5mve2c$3bt$>:
- The questions have become: / 1. Anybody ever heard of a batch of plastic dashboard Jesuses (Jesi?) that melted down in the sun to become plastic Hoteis (or something like that)?
- 1998 May 13, David Koppard, “Re: Christianity Incomplete...”, in alt.religion.gnostic (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- It seems to me, judging from the number of proto-Jesuses (Jesi?) that were milling about in the centuries before the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, that in the New Testament you have one representation of an archetypal story, a story which people of many different religious persuasions had probably been interpreting and reinterpreting for some time, whatever the name they chose to assign their saviour/healer person (be it Mithras, Dionysius, or whatever).
- 1998 August 25, König Preuße, GmbH, “Re: NENSLO, In the News”, in alt.slack (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- I heard a bit of news that has re-again destabilized my universe. I guess it has to do with virgins and immaculatti,[sic] but dna has been extracted from the Shroud of Turin. So, I'm wondering about the possibility an Second Immaculate conception and there being thousands of Jesi running around doing miraculous things like blinding prostitutes and causing the lame to talk.
- 1998 October 14, David H. Ellison, “Re: Gabriel”, in alt.religion.angels (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- > I can also be found at the St. Augustine Mental Health Department or Flagler Psychiatric / > Center. / Don't suppose I could meet a few Angels and Saviors while I was there? / > If you would like to make an appointment or have some issues that you would like / > to discuss please feel free to reply to this address and i will see what i can do for / > you. (Free of charge of course) / Thanks... nice offer, truly, though I wasn't really interested in proof. I pretty much take all of this at face value... my main problem with 20 Jesi (plural of Jesus) posting, would be trying to figure out who is talking...
- 1998 November 16, Zepp, “Re: This IS Why We Reject The Religious REICH”, in talk.politics.misc (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- >They also believe that Jesus isn't a Jew. Totally unBiblical. / No, that's the Nazis. The KKK'ers believe Jesus started out a Jew-boy, but overcame it. They don't like pictures of swarthy Jesi with Leventine noses, though.
- 1999 May 22, Bruce Morgen, “Re: The Paradox of Da Free John”, in alt.consciousness.mysticism (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- There's a wonderful new biography -- the guy was extraordinary, but it was quite clear his zeal and determination far exceeded his understanding of Jesus' life and work -- of course I'm referring to the Jesus who speaks in The Gospel Of Thomas rather than the various Jesi depicted in the canonical NT.
- 1999 August 1, ICEKNIFE, “Re: Jerry Lewis Threatens release of his movie”, in alt.slack (Usenet), message-ID <k_Vo3.390$>:
- >>look, just... wash yer forehead! / >> / >>ok, feel better? / > / >But...but...Jesus tole me NEVER EVER to wash it! I can't do a thing / >that he said NOT! / That wasn't THE Jesus, it was one of the many of Jesus's HELPERS. Y'know, the 10,000 Jesi.
- 1999 December 22, Dave, “Re: Futurama: Christmas episode: Dan T's comments - funny as sin.”, in (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- > What does Christ have to do with Christmas today? / If it wasn't for Christ, people would be running around stealing sheep from Nativity scenes across the country, instead of baby Jesuses (Jesi?), and how funny would that be? Not very.
- 2000 May 18, matthew ignoffo, “Re: I'll always be with you.”, in alt.rasap (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- 2000 August 3,, “Internet Oracularities Digest #1176”, in (Usenet), message-ID <8mcfnh$tb0$>:
- } Larger organizations are required to have at least one Buddha, one / } Allah, two Jesi (the plural of 'Jesus', of course), a Jehova, and / } a half-time Kilderkin; two Satans (if they're the wussy kind from / } the Book of Job) or just a half-time Satan (if they're the really / } nasty kind from the New Testament), a Cthulu, and a Shivering Jemmy. / } This was originally due to contract requirements, but has since been / } enshrined by Affirmative Action programs, which go on to state that / } one of the Jesi can be replaced by a Zarathustra in some states.
- 2000 August 13, Paul Filseth, “Re: did Nazareth exist?”, in alt.atheism.moderated (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- > It's more than a matter of degree. There were - maybe even STILL / > ARE - a lot of Jesuses if you need only 10 or 15%. / […] / The 15% Automort said was enough is also with respect to the important parts of the story. Nobody's counting whether potential Jesi were born in mangers.
- 2000 October 3, Amminadab, “Re: "The Journey Home" - by Ken Wapnick.”, in talk.religion.course-miracle (Usenet), message-ID <H2tC5.240$>:
- Now this is just stupid. He claims there is a difference between the historical Jesus and the biblical Jesus....... but we don't know anything about the historical Jesus. There are 27 different Gospels stories which give us a pretty good view of the historical Jesus which is the very same Jesus as when referring to the biblical Jesus. / There are not multiple Jesi.
- 2001 October 25, Peggy Rogers, “{NNOT} Re: Dan Defends LDS in a Sociology Class! Film at 11!”, in (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- I was reading with my children in Genesis 6, and we came to "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare [children] to them, the same [became] mighty men which [were] of old, men of renown." / My daughter said, "Sounds like there were a lot of Jesi in those days. Maybe it's where all the fake frozen Jesi come from."
- 2002 January 23, Arthur D. Hlavaty, “Re: Action Figures”, in rec.arts.sf.fandom (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- >> I realize that Biblical action figures are fairly common, but I had never / >> seen a Job action figure before! […] / I believe one can get Baby Jesi in White, Black, and Hispanic.
- 2002 May 26, Liz, “Re: Woooo! Atheists aren't gonna like this...”, in alt.atheism (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- >>>So if I hit bottom and call on my own resources and figure out for / >>>myself how to straighten myself out, then I'm Jesus. :-) / >> / >> / >> I'm a Jesus. You're a Jesus. He's a Jesus. She's a Jesus. / >> Wouldn't you like to be a Jesus, too? / > / >Hey, Jesus, lookin' good! Whattya doin' later on this evenin'? / > / >Wanna get together for some *worship*? ;-) / Mutual admiration society for the Jesi?
- 2002 May 29, Johnny Asia, “Re: I AM THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!!!”, in alt.native (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- Hey, come to think of it, maybe I'm not the Lord Jesus Christ after all. He was a wimp!! I challenge the bastard to fight me in a steel cage, in a "Battle of the Jesi"
- 2003 July 6, Vanilla Gorilla (Monkey Boy), “Re: Are Christians Crazy?”, in alt.tasteless.jokes (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- >> please die now. / > / >you can't kill jesus, you cant kill something that doesn't exist in / >the first place.... / Doesn't exist? There's 50,000 Jesi, just in L.A., alone.
- 2004 July 27, Christopher Nelson, “Re: you didn't notice i was gone :)”, in alt.religion.christian-teen (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- 2004 September 11, Dirk Hartog, “Re: Revelations notes”, in alt.religion.christian.last-days (Usenet), message-ID <yjD0d.3227$>:
- #1 Well we're discussing Jesus' quotations in the gospels, so Paul wasn't intended. But since you bring him up, exactly when did Paul meet Jesus? I mean not counting the magical Jesus in Paul's head. "Accurate" isn't a word you can meaningfully apply to quotations from magical Jesi in peoples' heads.
- 2005 June 25, Bob Pease, “Re: Quantum theories”, in (Usenet), message-ID <d9ifmq$>:
- One God, created one universe, sent his one only Son Cthulhu to eat you. Your choice to surrender to him should be one no-brainer. / How about if He created other planets in OUR universe that DID fall from grace? / Then there would have had to be multiple Jesi to save each Race from sin! / Making the Human Jesus not the ONLY son of God
- 2006 June 6, spiznet, “Desmond was Jesus!!”, in (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- I just saw a show where Desmond did a pretty convincing turn as the Son of Man in a well researched and close to the text version of the Gospels: I saw it from "Marriage at Cana" to "Stoning the Adultress". It was on a Christian programming channel where they regularly play Old & New Testament movies, etc. I did not catch a title, he may have been born in a manger & resurrected but I don't know... / He was as good as all those other Jesi!!
- 2006 July 23, No Name, “Re: I hope Jesus does come back”, in alt.conspiracy (Usenet), message-ID <44c375b0$0$31654$>:
- > I often ask my holyroller friends where Jesus would appear if he came / > back -- that is, would he show up: / […] / I wonder if they would ever recognise him at all. Has anyone considered a guy like Jiddu Krishnamurti to be like Jesus? Or maybe there are plenty Jesi walking around...
- 2007 February 2, Darklady, “Re: Vatican anger at Jesus fancy dress”, in alt.recovery.catholicism (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- I don't think the Vatican would have enjoyed my Sacred & Profane Polyween party this last October. We had a few Jesi, including my boyfriend, who posed with a big can of beer, thus answering the eternal question "What Would Jesus Drink?" Another Jesus had his own cross and a dotted line on his torso with the note "Insert Spear Here."
- 2007 February 23, Michael Gray, “Re: more proof that all WTC buildings were rigged with explosives...that's what brought them down”, in alt.religion.christian.baptist (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- I lost count of those who were convinced that they were Jesus, (including a handful of females). / They had a ward with 5 Jesi in it!
- 2007 July 11, Barbi Satin, “Re: Did Jesus Want Dumbfucks As Dumb As Dumbfuck AmeriKKKunts To Follow Him?”, in alt.politics.republicans (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- > Did Jesus Want Dumbfucks, As Dumb As Dumbfuck AmeriKKKunts, To Follow / > Him? / > / > I say Jesus was much smarter than that. / > / Of course Jebuzz wants Americans to follow. Never mind that there were many Jesi and never mind that there are thousands of Jayzus cults and they are all the "One true religion"!
- 2008 May 27, Vito, “Re: What would you take with you on the ultimate biking road trip,if you could make one ? - very OT”, in (Usenet), message-ID <483c285a$0$20188$>:
- What is dubious is that this individual is the devine[sic] Jesus Christ invented by Saul/Paul. / All of these "Jesi" were Jews and the God of Abraham does not go around impregnating teeny boppers.
- 2008 December 23, VampX, “Re: Merry Christmas Everyone! :-)”, in alt.guitar (Usenet), message-ID <01609894$0$20660$>:
- > In most creche scenes these days the part of the baby Jesus seems to / > be played by a 40 watt light bulb, and it's a hard road getting one of / > them to cry for any reason. / YOURE KIDDING!?! And there I was thinking that Baby Jesi (plural) would be the easiest part to fill.
- 2011, Bo Bennett, The Concept: A Critical and Honest Examination of God and Religion, →ISBN:
- It is important to realize that everyone creates their own Jesus in their mind as a result of what they are taught, what they read, what they see, what they imagine, and most importantly what they believe. Just like snowflakes, no two Jesi are the same.
- 2011 November 8, 6313 Dead, 1456 since 1/20/09, “Re: Fracking causes Oklahoma earthquakes”, in (Usenet), message-ID <j9a6jo$6qj$>:
- One of her neighbors went running out after the quake, which isn't exactly unusual behavior in a quake, but she ran out looking for Jesus. No Jesi in sight, though. Not even the cheap plastic Republican ones.
- 2011 December 19, Hope Simmers, “Re: Why do Atheists enjoy stealing Baby Jesus in Nativity Scenes across the country ?”, in alt.rv (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- I use them to decorate my 26-footer. I drive from town to town this time of year, collecting baby Jesuses (Jesi?). At last count, I'd rounded up 247 of 'em!
- 2017, Fred Sanders, The Deep Things of God: How the Trinity Changes Everything, Crossway Books, →ISBN:
- The union in the incarnation is not natural (the merging of two natures into one new one, which would make Jesus neither God nor man but a mixture of them) or interpersonal (the teaming up of two people, which would require two Jesi acting as one), but personal (one person, the eternal Son, having both the divine nature and the human nature).
- 2020, Phuc Tran, Sigh, Gone: A Misfit’s Memoir of Great Books, Punk Rock, and the Fight to Fit In, Flatiron Books, →ISBN:
- Lou and I walked around, examining the prayer cards for various saints—the trading cards of Catholicism. I wasn’t sure about their value, but how could you put a price tag on salvation? Did people trade these? Did you collect them? Was it a sin to trade three saints for a Jesus if you already had two Jesi? Or was it more like poker? Did Mary and four apostles make a full house of worship?
Usage notes
[edit]See the usage notes at Jesuses.
[edit]Proper noun
[edit]Jesi f
Derived terms
- English non-lemma forms
- English proper noun forms
- English plurals in -i with singular in -us
- English terms with quotations
- en:Municipalities of Italy
- en:Places in Marche
- en:Places in Italy
- English noun forms
- Italian terms inherited from Latin
- Italian terms derived from Latin
- Italian 2-syllable words
- Italian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Rhymes:Italian/ɛzi
- Rhymes:Italian/ɛzi/2 syllables
- Rhymes:Italian/ezi
- Rhymes:Italian/ezi/2 syllables
- Italian lemmas
- Italian proper nouns
- Italian terms spelled with J
- Italian feminine nouns
- it:Towns in Marche
- it:Towns in Italy
- it:Places in Marche
- it:Places in Italy