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Borrowed from Ancient Greek Ὑροιάδης (Huroiádēs).



Proper noun


Hyroeadēs m sg (genitive Hyroeadis); third declension

  1. (New Latin) A male given name of historical usage, notably borne by Hyroeades, a Persian soldier
    • 1826, August Heinrich Matthias, Heinrich Apetz, editors, Herodoti historiarum libri IX, volume 2, page 287:
      defendi possit, si Hyroeadem Lydo illi oppositum dicas
      it is possible defend [this] if you were to say that Hyroeades was opposed to that Lydian



Third-declension noun, singular only.

Case Singular
Nominative Hyroeadēs
Genitive Hyroeadis
Dative Hyroeadī
Accusative Hyroeadem
Ablative Hyroeade
Vocative Hyroeadēs