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Latest comment: 2 years ago by Libcub in topic Pages with badges

The following discussion was moved (copied) from Wiktionary:Special pages. The relevant history can be found in that page's history.

Special pages


Now that the new servers are set up (so I believe), can we try turning back on some or all of the special pages? I especially would like Special:Wantedpages since that tells us which words are linked to but not defined. It would also help us prune unnecessary links such as language names and parts of speech from older articles. If it is still too much of a burden to turn it on full-time, how about making the archive feature work (it did once) and just update it once a day, once every two days, once a week etc? Hippietrail 01:50, 3 Mar 2004 (UTC)

I very much agree. In my earliest days at Wikipedia I used that feature extensively. It's one of the most useful tools for newbies looking for something to do. Newbies who are overwhelmed by the size of the project go away very quickly if they feel that there is nothing that they can add. 35,000 entries is still quite small in the context of all words and expressions that exist, so we do need their help. Eclecticology 22:29, 3 Mar 2004 (UTC)
Me too! As a newb, I was thinking about asking if there was such a page. If a live version does really slow the system down too much, maybe it could be rationed in some way - one or two clicks per day? trunkie 08:21, 4 Mar 2004 (UTC)



I've started to expand this in the direction of wikipedia:Wikipedia:Special pages. I'm not sure if we need individual pages like Wiktionary:Special:DoubleRedirects (mostly useful for the accompanying talk pages, like Wiktionary talk:Special:DoubleRedirects) as is done on Wikipedia, but I think this page with its explanations (most yet to come) will be helpful. - dcljr 17:54, 31 December 2005 (UTC)Reply

Special pages talk


If this is indeed where we want people to discuss Special pages, could someone please add links to this talk page to the various Special pages themselves, in the manner of, say, w:Special:BrokenRedirects? - dcljr 19:15, 31 December 2005 (UTC)Reply

Sigh... well, it used to contain a link to a talk page.... - dcljr 09:38, 31 May 2006 (UTC)Reply

Pages with badges


Why does https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Special:PagesWithBadges?badge=Q17437798 (pages with good article badge) show 12 pages, when Wiktionary doesn't even have the notion "good article"? Libcub (talk) 07:09, 14 January 2023 (UTC)Reply