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Blend of Harry +‎ Voldemort.

Proper noun



  1. (fandom slang) The ship of characters Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort of the Harry Potter series.
    Synonym: Tomarry
    • 2013 May 20, Inactive (@SamhainAndDean), Twitter[1]:
      I don't remember when I started shipping Harrymort. All I know is that I'm not sorry
    • 2013 October 28, Beth (@ bethancelia), Twitter[2]:
      So here I am, with 3 lines done of a 6 page essay and I'm reading harrymort fics....
    • 2023 February 18, Mirya (@Miryaelle), Twitter[3]:
      I'm gross and ship Harrymort. C'mon. Literal soulmates. That's about the only thing I seriously love in the book. They are brain mates! And soulmates!
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:Harrymort.