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Gomez's Hamburger

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Gomez’s Hamburger as photographed by Hubble: optical data augmented with NICMOS infrared data for the protoplanetary disk



Named for its discoverer, Chilean astronomer and astrophotographer Arturo Gómez, and for its resemblance to a hamburger (its protoplanetary disk the dark “burger” and the far sparser starlight-illuminated dust on either side the light “buns”) when viewed edge-on from Earth.

Proper noun


Gomez’s Hamburger

  1. (astronomy) A young A0III-type star with an apparent magnitude of +14.4 in the constellation Sagittarius at a distance of 250 ±50 parsecs from Earth.
    Synonym: IRAS 18059-3211



See also


Further reading




Proper noun


Gomez’s Hamburger m

  1. (astronomy) Gomez’s Hamburger
    Synonym: IRAS 18059-3211

Further reading
