2002 February 13, Matt Williamz, “Re: [OT] What's this about Digimon?”, in alt.fan.power-rangers[1] (Usenet):
This would be a very good thing for Digifans as Bandai Entertainment is generally considered one of the best anime producers out there.
2002 March 4, Eri-Bear [username], “Re: Regarding : (Spoilers) 3/2 Saturday Morning”, in alt.fan.power-rangers[2] (Usenet):
A big part of why most Digifans sicken me. They happily bitch about things "the dub ruined," without actually taking the time to do any of the research themselves.
2002 September 2, JMShearer, “Re: New here...”, in alt.fan.digimon[3] (Usenet):
Well, as has been repeated several times before, welcome, welcome, fellow Digifan.