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English Wikipedia has an article on:



A pun combining Whetstone +‎ drystone.

Proper noun



  1. (computing) A microprocessor benchmark measuring primarily fixed-point arithmetic performance.
    Coordinate term: Whetstone



Dhrystone (plural Dhrystones)

  1. (computing) A measure of the Dhrystone benchmark, calibrated to some reference architecture.
    • 1991 April, Byte[1], volume 16, →ISSN:
      While the average Dhrystones per task decline rapidly after five, the total number of Dhrystones increases until the number of tasks []
    • 2001, Arnold S. Berger, Embedded Systems Design: An Introduction to Processes, Tools, and Techniques, CRC Press, →ISBN, page 27:
      Because a VAX 11/70 could execute 1,757 loops through the Dhrystone benchmark in 1 second, 1,757 loops became 1 Dhrystone.

Derived terms
