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Demerara +‎ -an



Demeraran (not comparable)

  1. Of or pertaining to Demerara.
    • 1876, William Gifford Palgrave, Dutch Guiana, London: Macmillan, page 260:
      Our little coasting-steamer — she is commanded by the same cheery, semi- Indian captain who last week had our river-craft in charge — will in a day more cast anchor by the Demeraran shore, off the busy wharfs of Georgetown; and Surinam ...
    • 1883, The Shipley collection of scientific papers, page 196:
      Another point in which the Demeraran form seems to differ from the other forms described is that the colour of the antennae is black. This point is not specially mentioned in the descriptions of the other American Peripati.
    • 1887, Zoological Society of London, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London:
      The colour of the Demeraran Peripatus is a dark brick-red above and pinkish below with a dark suffused median line on the dorsal surface, such as Ernst (25) described in his specimens. The antennae are very much darker than the rest []
    • 1913, International Sugar Journal:
      It is also not the less important that the rights of the Demeraran sugar manufacturers should be established even if only on a fresh basis consonant with the incidence of modern methods of manufacture, and that they should know exactly how ...
    • 1917, George Morrison Rolph, Something about Sugar: Its History, Growth, Manufacture and Distribution, page 178:
      It has also been proved that Demeraran cane is better able to resist damage by storms, so that taking it all in all it would appear that the newer varieties are quite likely to displace the older kinds.



Demeraran (plural Demerarans)

  1. A native or inhabitant of the region of Demerara.
    • 2013, Anthony Trollope, Australia and New Zealand, Cambridge University Press, →ISBN, page 457:
      I remember that it was insisted upon with absolute confidence in Barbadoes; that no Demeraran doubted it in British Guiana; that it was hinted at in Jamaica with as much energy as was left for any opinion in that unhappy island; and []
  2. Demerara rum.
    • 1981, MotorBoating, page 30:
      The 151 proof Demeraran is preferred for this drink, and the drink is appreciated by anyone coming in from bitter cold. []