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See also: delly



Proper noun



  1. Obsolete form of Delhi.
    • 1856, “Addenda. (India.)”, in Lewis Hertslet, Esq., editor, A Complete Collection of the Treaties and Conventions, and Reciprocal Regulations at Present Subsisting Between Great Britain and Foreign Powers: So Far as They Relate to Commerce and Navigation, the Slave Trade, Post-office Communications, Copyright, Etc. and to the Privileges and Interests of the Subjects of the High Contracting Parties, volume 9, London: 7, Fleet Street: Butterworths, published 1823 February 19, Engagement of the Sultan Panglima, of Delly, (section 11), page 896:
      ADVERTING to the letter from the Governor of Pulo Penang, brought by Mr. Anderson, I, Tanko Sultan Panglima, who govern the kingdom of Delly and its dependencies of Langkat, Bulu China, Perchoot, and other States, being extremely desirous to improve the commerce with Pulo Penang, and to preserve a friendly relation with the Governor of that place, make this engagement with the Governor of Pulo Penang.

See also
