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From Russian Даманский (Damanskij).

Proper noun



  1. Synonym of Zhenbao: the Russian name.
    • 1971, Norman Barrymaine, The Time Bomb: A Veteran Journalist Assesses Today's China from the Inside[1], New York: Taplinger Publishing Company, →ISBN, →LCCN, →OCLC, page 189:
      The Chinese call it Chen Pao (Treasure). The Russians call it Damansky. Both claim the 6,200 square-yard, uninhabited island, located in the midst of the frozen Ussuri River that forms the common border of Russia and China.
    • 1974, Gerard H. Corr, The Chinese Red Army: Campaigns and Politics Since 1949[2], New York: Schocken Books, →ISBN, →LCCN, →OCLC, page 119:
      The suggestion implicit in the Russian version of the Damansky fighting is that the Soviet guards were killed as a result of Chinese deceit and trickery, the sort of thing one would expect of an Oriental. Moscow’s propaganda was directed mainly to Westerners and it was presented in such a way as to strike a responsive chord among those prepared to believe in stories of Asian duplicity.