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From a pre-Roman substrate of Iberia, perhaps from Proto-Celtic *kʷokʷo- (to bake), from Proto-Indo-European *pekʷ-.



Proper noun


Coporī m pl (genitive Coporōrum); second declension

  1. A tribe of Gallaecia, Hispania Tarraconensis



Second-declension noun, plural only.

Case Plural
Nominative Coporī
Genitive Coporōrum
Dative Coporīs
Accusative Coporōs
Ablative Coporīs
Vocative Coporī

Further reading

  • Copori in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
  • Prósper, Blanca María (2014) “Sifting the evidence: New interpretations on Celtic and Non-Celtic personal names of western Hispania in the light of phonetics, composition and suffixation”, in García Alonso, Juan Luis, editor, Continental Celtic Word Formation: The Onomastic Data[1], Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, pages 10-11