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From climate +‎ -gate, popularized by climate change denialist James Delingpole.

Proper noun



  1. A scandal involving the theft of computer records in November, 2009 which contained information about climate change research conducted at the University of East Anglia (UEA) in Norwich, England.
    • 2009 December 11, Laura Blenkinsop, “Climategate': A primer on the email scandal”, in National Post[1]:
      Over the Copenhagen climate conference lies the shadow of “Climategate,” emails and documents hacked from a server at the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in England.
    • 2019 November 9, Robin McKie, “Climategate 10 years on: what lessons have we learned?”, in The Guardian[2]:
      And that raises a critical question: did Climategate play a role in this failure to act? Some observers believe it did and, as an illustration, point to the fate of the Copenhagen climate summit [] which took place only a few weeks after the leaking of the CRU’s emails.
    • 2021 June 9, “University of East Anglia 'Climategate' scandal to be turned into film”, in BBC News[3]:
      The "Climategate" computer hacking scandal that rocked the scientific world is to be made into a BBC film.



See also


Further reading
