English citations of ysterbos
- 1910: South Africa Department of Forestry, Bulletin, № 1–29, page 82 (Government Printing and Stationery Office)
- D. viscosa is from India. Our native D. thunbergii — the Yyster-bossie or Sand-olien — is very similar, and should prove […]
- 1980, Trees in South Africa: Volumes 32-35, published by the Tree Society of Southern Africa, Arboricultural Society of South Africa:
- The Renosterbos (Elytropappus rhinocerotis) is sometimes dominant here and the Ysterbos (Dodonea viscosa) is also abundant.
- 1988, Upstream, page 10:
- She bends over the bright feathery foliage to check, yes it is ysterbos, an infallible remedy for kidney disorders, and for something else, but she can't remember other than that the old people treasured their bunches of dried ysterbos.
- 1996, M Ferreira with K Charlton and L Impey, “Traditional medicinal use of indigenous plants by older coloureds in the Western Cape”, in Indigenous knowledge and its uses in southern Africa[1], page 95:
- Ysterbossie 5 1 (in a table of indigenous plants used as medicines)
- 1910: South Africa Department of Forestry, Bulletin, № 1–29, page 82 (Government Printing and Stationery Office)
Afrikaans citations of ysterbos
- 1966, Tydskrif vir Volkskunde en Volkstaal, volume 22, page 29:
- Ysterbossie kan op dieselfde manier behandel word en is goed vir 'n droë hoes. Dit kan ook vir ander inwendige kwale gebruik word.
- 2000, Wilna Meyer, Hoëveld, in Verskillende vensters, republished in X-Kit FET Graad 11&12 Afrikaans Huistaal, page 59:
- -------------Wat word van die Hoëveld waar dit-------------
- -------------oop is en die hemel wyd daar bo-------------
- julle staan wydsbeen
- oor golwende geel velde
- vorm hier en daar
- ysterbos staalbene
- stap diep spore in die
- grond slap kragdrade
- word van arm tot arm
- aangegee trek wit strepe
- op Hoëveld waar
- die ooptes versmag in mynstof
- die hemel in rook en armoede
- 1966, Tydskrif vir Volkskunde en Volkstaal, volume 22, page 29: