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English citations of wincest

Noun: "(slang) incest viewed as a favorable act (from win + incest)"

ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2009 October 22, Onideus Mad Hatter [username], “Re: Tomba's pedo website ...ripe for hacking”, in[1] (Usenet):
    Oh I see, so if they were over the age of 18 you wouldn't be having "wincest" with them as you put it, huh?
  • 2009, Ashleigh Johnson, "Playboy steals the Internet's idea", The Daily Titan (California State University, Fullerton), Volume 85, Issue 27, 27 October 2009, page 6:
    5. Powerpuff Girls wincest (It's basically an act of hot sex between family members, which makes it WINcest according to