Old English citations of werewulf
- c. 1060 [c. 1021], Wulfstan II, Arcebisceop on Eoforwic, In nomine Domini. Ðis is seo gerædnes, þe witan geræddon ⁊ be manegum godum bisnum asmeadon; and þæt wæs geworden sona swa Cnút cyngc mid his witena geþeahte frið ⁊ freondscipe betweox Denum ⁊ Englum fullice gefæstnode ⁊ heora ærran saca ealle getwæmde. (CCCC MS. 201), in Felix Liebermann, editor, Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen [The Laws of the Anglo-Saxons], Erster Band: Text und Übersetzung [First volume: Text and translation], Halle a. S.: Max Niemeyer, published 1903, „I Cn … Cnut: Gesetze (25. Dec. 1027–34) I (kirchlich)“ [“I Cn … Cnut: Laws (25th Dec. 1027–34) I (ecclesiastical)”], page 306/3, § 26.3:
- Þonne moton þa hyrdas beon swyðe wacore ⁊ geornlice clepiende, þe wið þonne ðeodsceaðan folce sceolan scyldan: þæt syndan bisceopas ⁊ mæssepreostas, þe godcunde heorda bewarian ⁊ bewerian scylan mid wislican laran, þæt wodfreca werewulf to swiðe ne slyte, ne to fela ne abite of godcundre hearde.
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- c. 1070 [c. 1021], Wulfstan II, Arcebisceop on Eoforwic, Ðis is seo gerædnys, þe Cnut ciningc, ealles Englalandes ciningc ⁊ Dena cining mid his witena geþeahte gerædde, Gode to lofe ⁊ him sylfum to cynescipe ⁊ to þearfe; ⁊ þæt wæs on ðære halgan midewintres tide on Winceastre. (GB-Lbl Cotton MS. Nero A.i), in Felix Liebermann, editor, Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen [The Laws of the Anglo-Saxons], Erster Band: Text und Übersetzung [First volume: Text and translation], Halle a. S.: Max Niemeyer, published 1903, „I Cn … Cnut: Gesetze (25. Dec. 1027–34) I (kirchlich)“ [“I Cn … Cnut: Laws (25th Dec. 1027–34) I (ecclesiastical)”], page 306/1, § 26.3:
- Þonne moton þa hyrdas beon swyðe wacore ⁊ geornlice clypigende, þe wið þone þeodsceaðan folce sceolon scyldan: þæt syndan bisceopas ⁊ mæssepreostas, þe godcunde heorda bewarian ⁊ bewerian sceolon mid wislican laran, þæt se wodfreca werewulf to swyðe ne slite, ne to fela ne abíte of godcundre heorde.
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- c. 1120 [c. 1021], Wulfstan II, Arcebisceop on Eoforwic, Ðis is seo gerednes, þe Cnut cyningc mid his witena geþeahte geredde, Gode to lofe ⁊ hym sylfum to cynescipe ⁊ to þearfe; ⁊ þæt wæs on ðam halgan middewintres tid on Winceastre. (GB-Lbl Harley MS. 55), in Felix Liebermann, editor, Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen [The Laws of the Anglo-Saxons], Erster Band: Text und Übersetzung [First volume: Text and translation], Halle a. S.: Max Niemeyer, published 1903, „I Cn … Cnut: Gesetze (25. Dec. 1027–34) I (kirchlich)“ [“I Cn … Cnut: Laws (25th Dec. 1027–34) I (ecclesiastical)”], page 306/2, § 26.3:
- Ðonne moton ða hyrdas beon swiðe wácore ⁊ geornlice clypiende, ðe wið ðone ðeodscaðan folce sceal scyldan: ðæt synda[n] bisceopas ⁊ mæssepreostas, ðe godcunde heorda bewarian ⁊ bewerian sceolan mid wislicum laran, þæt se wodfréca werewulf to swiðe ne slite, ne to feola abíte of godcundre heorde.
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- c. 1125–1130 [c. 1021], Wulfstan II, Arcebisceop on Eoforwic, Anglo-Saxon Laws (Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 383)[1], folio 40, recto, lines 9–16:
- ðonne moꞇon ðahẏꞃꝺaꞅ beon ꞅƿıðe · ƿácoꞃe · ⁊ ᵹeoꞃnlıce clẏpıenꝺe ðe ƿıð ðone ðeoꝺ ꞅceaðan · ꝼolce ꞅceal ꞅcẏlꝺan · Ðæꞇ ꞅẏnꝺaꞅ bıꞅceopaꞅ · ⁊ mæꞅꞅe pꞃeoꞅꞇaꞅ · ðe ᵹoꝺcunꝺe heoꞃꝺa be ƿaꞃıan · ⁊ be ƿeꞃıan ꞅceolan · mıꝺ ƿıꞅlıcũ laꞃan · ꝥ ꞅe ƿoꝺ ꝼꞃéca ƿeꞃeƿulꝼ ꞇo ꞅƿıðe neꞅlıꞇe · ne ꞇo ꝼeola abíꞇe · oꝼ ᵹoꝺcunꝺꞃe heoꞃꝺe ·
- [Ðonne moton ða hyrdas beon swiðe, wácore, ⁊ geornlice clypiende ðe wið ðone ðeodsceaðan, folce sceal scyldan. Ðæt syndas bisceopas, ⁊ mæssepreostas, ðe godcunde heorda bewarian, ⁊ bewerian sceolan, mid wislicum laran, þæt se wodfréca werewulf to swiðe ne slite, ne to feola abíte, of godcundre heorde.]
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