2004, Christopher Negus & Thomas Weeks, Linux Troubleshooting Bible, Wiley Publishing, Inc. (2004), →ISBN, unnumbered page:
Between our long hours of work during the early years at Rackspace, I would try to get his wife to let him come to my ubergeeky LUG-ish user group here in town: X-otic Computer Systems of San Antonio (xcssa.org).
Then again, perhaps these game makers are among the legions of ardent fans who adore this quirky film about an ubergeeky Idaho boy and his painfully funny high school experiences.
The newest model from the willfully obfuscatory watch maker uses 42 white LEDs to tell the time in three different ways - displaying it in hours or minutes or, for the ubergeeky, in binary.
2008, Michael Harrison, "HOWTO Juggle", Wired, 7 June 2008:
Let’s get one thing straight: juggling is geeky. It’s ubergeeky.
5. The CIO is ubergeeky. Application developers respect a CIO who has deep technical knowledge, but your job is to lead, not to tell them how to architect systems, write code or tap an Ethernet coaxial cable. […]
Do-gooders vie to become America's next Spider-Man, Superman, or Wonder-Woman—star in their own comic book!—in the second season of this übergeeky Sci Fi Channel reality series.
2011, Leslie Simon, Geek Girls Unite: Why Fangirls, Bookworms, Indie Chicks, and Other Misfits Will Inherit the Earth, HarperCollins (2011), →ISBN, unnumbered page:
(I mean, did you hear her übergeeky giggle when she accepted the Best Actress Golden Globe for her role in Black Swan? That was a meme waiting to happen.)