1999 June 21, David Hines, “Re: Hmm...Willow and Angel?”, in alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer[1] (Usenet):
Kate Bolin cited the mellow, friendly, castrated Spike; another example would be the alternate universes which are popping up with increasing frequency these days: you know, the kind of almost-but-not-quite-uberfic where everything's so different from the show that the author has to literally reconceptualize about half the characters to get them all in so everyone up to and including Jonathan will have somebody to exchange bodily fluids with.
1999 June 24, damaged justice [username], “First known Uberfic sighting? (was Re: Season 2 Review: "The Xena Scrolls")”, in alt.tv.xena[2] (Usenet):
On a related topic, it occurred to me t'other day to wonder whether there was in fact any Uberfic in existence before "The Xena Scrolls".
2001 December 21, Rae, “Re: NEW TSU: Changing Minors... 1/1 [PG-13]”, in alt.startrek.creative.erotica.moderated[3] (Usenet):
It's in a state of quantum flux until Ellen looks at the stranger and collapses the wave form - she can have a tall, dark, handsome stranger from the TSU department of her choice at this point, plus a couple of spunky she-strangers taking refuge from XWP uberfic, depending on how adventurous she's feeling - and how her stamina holds out. ;)
2003 October 19, Shalon Wood, “Re: {ASSD} Hijacked! I feel like one of the gang now.”, in alt.sex.stories.d[4] (Usenet):
There are a few genres where you can get away with it (Xena/Gabrielle uberfic, for example -- S.X. Meagher's I Found My Heart In San Francisco series was repubished[sic] in a slightly different form; […]
Noun: "(fandom slang) an individual work of such fan fiction"