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Citations:trans broken arm syndrome

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English citations of trans broken arm syndrome


2018 2019 2020 2021
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  • 2018, Ruth Pearce, Understanding Trans Health: Discourse, Power and Possibility, page 111:
    Trans Broken Arm Syndrome appears to be most common among mental health service providers, many of whom appear to regard trans people's mental health as relevant only in terms of or in relation to transition.
  • 2019, Miriam J. Abelson, Men in Place: Trans Masculinity, Race, and Sexuality in America, unnumbered page:
    This phenomenon is widespread and colloquially referred to as “trans broken arm syndrome,” meaning that a trans person seeking care for a broken arm is grilled by physicians and medical staff about their transgender history and, perhaps at the same time, the broken arm is somehow blamed on their being transgender.
  • 2019, Sam Hope, Person-Centred Counselling for Trans and Gender Diverse People: A Practical Guide, page 200:
    In the physical healthcare field, the term for this is 'trans broken arm syndrome', where any ailment, even a broken arm, is traced back to someone's trans status.
  • 2019, Eris Young, They/Them/Their: A Guide to Nonbinary and Genderqueer Identities, page 217:
    It would also reduce the incidence of 'trans broken arm syndrome', where doctors attribute every ailment we have to our transition, even completely unrelated things like the flu or a broken limb.
  • 2019, Damien W. Riggs, Working with Transgender Young People and their Families: A Critical Developmental Approach, page 126:
    Research by Pullen Sansfaçon et al. (2018) with transgender young people also reports on cisgenderism by commission in the form of what has been termed 'trans broken arm syndrome'.
  • 2020, Noah Adams & Bridget Liang, Trans and Autistic: Stories from Life at the Intersection, page 167:
    Article in PinkNews that discusses the phenomenon of “trans broken arm syndrome,” in which healthcare practitioners blame unrelated healthcare issues on one's transgender status, and fail to treat, or insufficiently treat, the presenting issue.
  • 2020, Kelly Underman, Feeling Medicine: How the Pelvic Exam Shapes Medical Training, page 246:
    I have been involved in medical education research on training medical students about transgender patients (Underman et al. 2016), and the evidence on “trans broken arm syndrome” is overwhelming.
  • 2020, Erin Waters, "Understanding Healthcare for the Transgender and Gender Non-Confirming Community", in Integrative Health Nursing Interventions for Vulnerable Populations (ed. Amber Vermeesch), page 104:
    Not doing so is known as the “trans broken arm syndrome,” in which a transgender patient presents with an issue such as a broken arm, but the provider asks questions related to gender-affirming surgery history which has no relevance to healthcare at hand.
  • 2021, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Trans Studies (eds. Abbie E. Goldberg & Genny Beemyn), unnumbered page:
    Trans people have used the term trans broken arm syndrome to refer to how health care providers tend to attribute any injury or illness to a patient's trans status no matter how irrelevant.
  • 2021, Dagoberto Heredia Jr., Tyson L. Pankey, & Cesar A. Gonzalez, "LGBTQ-Affirmative Behavioral Health Services in Primary Care", in LGBTQ+Health: An Issue of Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice (eds. Jessica Lapinski & Kristine Diaz), unnumbered page:
    Additionally, transgender patients navigate "trans broken arm syndrome" in medical appointments, wherein providers casually misattribute unrelated medical problems to their gender identity or aspects of their transition.