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English citations of tinfoilhattery

Noun: "(slang, pejorative) the belief in and/or propagation of conspiracy theories"

2002 2007 2008 2012 2014
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2002 October 20, Fin Fahey, “Re: Planet X Debate Enterprise2002 vs J.William Dell”, in alt.usenet.kooks[1] (Usenet):
    It is irrelevant what his identity is - particularly since you have told us, in your little bit of tinfoilhattery above, that you refuse to reveal yours.
  • 2007 November 1, N8N [username], “Re: They said it couldn't happen, now it's documented.”, in rec.autos.driving[2] (Usenet):
    All of the people who have repeatedly stated that pointing out more and more government encroachment on civil rights is evidence of tinfoilhattery.
  • 2008 October 7, Ed Pirrero, “Re: somewhat OT: militarized and federalized police”, in rec.autos.driving[3] (Usenet):
    More weird spin on your part. Taking stuff that's not made up, then trying to cram it all together into something that is made up, that's tinfoilhattery.
  • 2008 November 6, jablair, “Re: "Black Messiah" can't save America”, in alt.prophecies.nostradamus[4] (Usenet):
    [snip tinfoilhattery]
  • 2012 June 2, Davis, “Re: What do you think of the new Google Discussion Groups?”, in alt.religion.scientology[5] (Usenet):
    I joined 'Why We Protest' a few years ago, and after making one or two posts, I got a private reply from one of the moderators, who declared that I was being put on probation for the crime of "tinfoilhattery" or some nonsense like that.
  • 2014 April 14, Peter Waltenberg, “Re: AW: [openssl.org #3312] OpenSSL :: crypto/mem.c without "memset()" calls?”, in mailing.openssl.dev[6] (Usenet):
    I dealt with the tinfoilhattery in our usage by explicitly testing that all sensitive objects freed were in fact cleaned up before release.
  • 2014 July 31, Tim McDaniel, “Re: _Forsaking Home_ (The Survivalist Series) by Angery American”, in rec.arts.sf.written[7] (Usenet):
    James was giving background on general tinfoilhattery; I gather that this book has only touched on a subset.