2002 October 20, Fin Fahey, “Re: Planet X Debate Enterprise2002 vs J.William Dell”, in alt.usenet.kooks[1] (Usenet):
It is irrelevant what his identity is - particularly since you have told us, in your little bit of tinfoilhattery above, that you refuse to reveal yours.
2007 November 1, N8N [username], “Re: They said it couldn't happen, now it's documented.”, in rec.autos.driving[2] (Usenet):
All of the people who have repeatedly stated that pointing out more and more government encroachment on civil rights is evidence of tinfoilhattery.
2008 October 7, Ed Pirrero, “Re: somewhat OT: militarized and federalized police”, in rec.autos.driving[3] (Usenet):
More weird spin on your part. Taking stuff that's not made up, then trying to cram it all together into something that is made up, that's tinfoilhattery.
2008 November 6, jablair, “Re: "Black Messiah" can't save America”, in alt.prophecies.nostradamus[4] (Usenet):
[snip tinfoilhattery]
2012 June 2, Davis, “Re: What do you think of the new Google Discussion Groups?”, in alt.religion.scientology[5] (Usenet):
I joined 'Why We Protest' a few years ago, and after making one or two posts, I got a private reply from one of the moderators, who declared that I was being put on probation for the crime of "tinfoilhattery" or some nonsense like that.
2014 April 14, Peter Waltenberg, “Re: AW: [openssl.org #3312] OpenSSL :: crypto/mem.c without "memset()" calls?”, in mailing.openssl.dev[6] (Usenet):
I dealt with the tinfoilhattery in our usage by explicitly testing that all sensitive objects freed were in fact cleaned up before release.
2014 July 31, Tim McDaniel, “Re: _Forsaking Home_ (The Survivalist Series) by Angery American”, in rec.arts.sf.written[7] (Usenet):
James was giving background on general tinfoilhattery; I gather that this book has only touched on a subset.