English citations of tactualize
- 1918, Harry Franklin Covington, The Fundamentals of Debate, page 262:
- He should endeavor not only to visual- ize but also to auralize , to kinesthetize , to tactualize , to olfactorize , and to gustatorize . In such ways will he learn to make the in- visible visible , the inaudible audible , and to […]
- 2018 October 26, David Popenoe, Process of Aging: Social and Psychological Perspectives, Routledge, →ISBN, page 142:
- It is possible , of course , that the subjects tended to visualize the tactile forms or " tactualize " the visual ones , thus making the generality across modalities more apparent than real . In an attempt to shed some light on this […]
- 1889, Harvey L. Eads, Shaker Sermons: Scriptorational: Containing the Substance of Shaker Theology, page 141:
- If they are contradictory they can neither tactualize nor blend ; neither can one become the other . On the other hand , if spirit is not a distinct substance from matter , then God is matter , for God is spirit .
- 1992, Roy A. Sorensen, Thought Experiments, Oxford University Press, USA, →ISBN, page 92:
- ... be most easily retained in the mind if they are also conveyed to our minds by the mediation of the eyes..17 It is no accident that we almost always visualize the scenario rather than “auralize,” “tactualize,” or “odoriferize” it.
- 2008 November 1, Richard Hays Williams, Clark Tibbitts, Wilma Donohue, Process of Aging: Social and Psychological Perspectives, Transaction Publishers, →ISBN, page 142:
- It is possible, of course, that the subjects tended to visualize the tactile forms or "tactualize" the visual ones, thus making the generality across modalities more apparent than real. In an attempt to shed some light on this question, […]
- 1997 July 13, Robin Horton, Patterns of Thought in Africa and the West: Essays on Magic, Religion and Science, Cambridge University Press, →ISBN, page 119:
- They serve their purpose , on the one hand by helping people visualize , tactualize and auralize the more abstract and difficult - to - grasp aspects of such a theory , and on the other by bringing to bear emotional associations which […]
- 1981, Gene Fowler, Waking the Poet: Acquiring the Deep Seated Crafts Usually Called 'talents':
- He could visualize and tactualize a machine he was building up in his mind so that it was very much as if he was building it up in his lab or shop . And when he got it put together , he could set it running . Then comes the remarkable […]
- 1963, The New Outlook for the Blind:
- This is because he may , in time , be able to visualize or " tactualize " an im- aginary abacus and use it to work calcula- tions of moderate complexity . It is not expected that blind people will attain the speed of top - flight […]