O, it's the only nourishing meat in the world. No marvel though that saucy, stubborn generation, the Jews, were forbidden it; for what would they have done, well pamper'd with fat pork, that durst murmur at their Maker out of garlick and onions? 'Slight! fed with it, the whoreson strummel-patch'd, goggle-eyed grumble-dories, would have gigantomachised—
My doxy I have by the Salomon a doxy, that carries a kinchin mort in her slat at her backe, besides my dell and my dainty wild del, with all whom I'le tumble this next darkmans in the strommel, and drinke ben bause, and eate a fat gruntling cheate, a cackling cheae, and a quacking cheate.
Yes, ye are a' altered: you'll eat the goodman’s meat, drink his drink, sleep on the strammel in his barn, and break his house and cut his throat for his pains!