English citations of straightsplain
- 2010 January 29, kumquat_of_doom, “Mansplaining: it's what's for dinner (comment)”, in The Sober Side of Wank[1], retrieved 2012-09-18:
- My parents like to straightsplain to me how all bisexual people are 'greedy'.
- 2010 May 31, Nancy, “How to deal with being racist”, in Sick Sad World[2], retrieved 2012-09-18:
- Don't mansplain, whitesplain, straightsplain, cissplain, etc. Respect people’s right to self-define.
- 2010 September 29, terrorvixen, “(untitled)”, in Zombie Playground[3], retrieved 2012-09-18:
- Dear straight people, Don't try to straightsplain my sexuality.
- 2011 July 26, bunnika, “You’ve Got Some ‘Splaining to Do: The Privileged Refusal to STFU”, in Bunnika's Blog[4], retrieved 2012-09-18:
- A friend recently posted to Facebook a great collection of photos that were gathered immediately after gay marriage was legalized in New York... And yet the first comment my friend earned on this uplifting post was pointlessly negative, criticizing the couples for their attire, stating that the couples weren’t appropriately formal in their choice of dress... I replied calmly but frankly that this was an event about love and justice, not fashion, and was greeted in return with defensiveness and “at least my only... problem with what is going on in these picures is what they are wearing.” And then it hit me: I was being straightsplained to. Clearly, I had no right to get my little rainbow undies in a bunch about his objections to an event that had no implications for him as a straight man... One of the most important things you must keep at the forefront of your mind as an ally is that it is not your place to jump on the ‘Splainin’ Train and straightsplain/mansplain/whitesplain/etc. away a minority’s objections to your words or behavior.
- 2012 June 15, crossfire, “Straight Cis White Christian Dudebro Appropriates "Being Gay," Writes Book to Straightsplain It All”, in ONTD Political[5], retrieved 2012-09-18:
- 2014 July 2, Rich Juzwiak, “A Field Guide to Straightsplaining”, in Gawker[6], retrieved 2016-10-19:
- There are several different degrees of straightsplaining. That word, inspired by the increasingly common "mansplaining," describes the practice of straight people explaining how gay people are, or what gay people do, or how gay people do what they do, or why. This second-hand information can range from being virtually benign to chronically malignant.
- 2016 February 12, Michelangelo Signorile, “Stop Straight-Splaining Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton to LGBT Voters”, in The Huffington Post[7], retrieved 2016-10-19:
- As a radio host and commentator, and as a gay man, I’m used to conservatives calling in or writing me to straight-splain the world to me. I apparently shouldn’t be defending Muslims against bigotry nor support allowing Syrian refugees into the country, for example, because ISIS throws gays off of buildings.
- 2016 April 12, Charlotte Alter, “Young Hillary Clinton Supporters Decry ‘Ideological Purity’”, in Time[8], retrieved 2016-10-19:
- He also says that his friends who support Sanders try to “straight-splain” Clinton to him, as if they can’t believe a gay man would willingly support Clinton, given her evolution on gay marriage.
- 2016 June 13, Lucas Grindley, “Don't Straight-splain This Attack to Us”, in The Advocate[9], retrieved 2016-10-19:
- Let the straight-splaining of this massacre begin... “It is one of the worst atrocities committed against LGBT people in the Western world for generations,” insisted Jones, before being interrupted by Mark Longhurst. “It’s something that’s carried out against human beings,” Longhurst corrected him.
- 2016 June 23, Alim Kheraj, “Let LGBT People Of Colour Speak For Themselves”, in Refinery29[10], retrieved 2016-10-19:
- Just hours after the shooting, white, openly gay journalist, author and political commentator Owen Jones stormed off Sky News during the channel’s newspaper review segment after host, Mark Longhurst, and fellow panellist, Julia Hartley-Brewer, both also white, attempted to deflect the fact that the shooter had deliberately targeted an LGBT establishment. What both Longhurst and Hartley-Brewer failed to notice was that, by trying to universalise the incident as an attack on, as they said, “the freedom of all people”, they were attempting to both whitewash and "straight-splain" Orlando... “BAME LGBTQ+ voices are woke,” says Dr Madison Moore. “The last thing we need in times of strength and community building is straightsplaining and whitesplaining.”
- 2016 July 8, William Hicks, “Oh My! George Takei Thinks Gay Sulu is ‘Unfortunate,’ Simon Pegg Disagrees”, in Heat Street[11], retrieved 2016-10-19:
- Simon Pegg, the film’s screenwriter who made Sulu gay, attempted to “straightsplain” his decision to Takei in a statement released to The Guardian.