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English citations of speciest

  • 1978, Joyce Bloom, “Ahimsa: An Answer to Speciesism”, in The A-V., v 86–87, American Anti-Vivisection Society, p 6:
    The speciest is a racist of sorts.
  • 1996, Robert Lee and Derek Morgan, Death Rites: Law and Ethics at the End of Life, London: Routledge, p 140:
    However, it is problematic to allow moral status to hinge on the possession of caring relatives, and in any event in the usual speciest manner we ignore the distress which is routinely caused to animals by separation from their offspring.
  • 2000, “Advice & Dissent”, in E: The Environmental Magazine, v 11, n 5 (Sep/Oct), p 6:
    In future issues I hope to see more even-handed, less “speciest” coverage that brings back into view the non-human animals left out of the May/June issue.
  • 2006, Anthony C. Winkler, Dog War, New York: Akashic Books, p 158:
    From behind the door Precious would shriek what went without saying in any other country but in this mad America, “I am a decent woman! I am a Christian! De dog is out of order to grind me foot!” To which the mistress would cynically reply, “We all come from the same stone, Precious! Stop being so ridiculously speciest!”
  • 2009, Kelly Monroe Kullberg, Finding God Beyond Harvard: The Quest for Veritas, Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, p 99:
    According to Singer, not to believe in species equality was to be “a speciest.” [Singer spells speciesist]