1996 December 6, Leslie, “Re: Is there no safe place redux”, in alt.support.childfree[1] (Usenet):
The male parent kept trying to amuse the shriekling (love that word) by taking him for walks outside and through the restaurant, but Jr. wasn't playing along.
1997 May 9, Lisa B, “Goddamarama (rant)”, in alt.support.childfree[2] (Usenet):
In between the kid's shrieks, I started saying things like, "That's NOT necessary!" "They can TAKE HER OUT of here!" and shooting the parents baleful looks. They took the hint. Walked the little shriekling down the hall.
1998 December 1, BrassWoman [username], “Concert at the Church (rant)”, in alt.support.childfree[3] (Usenet):
Mommee stayed through all but the last three minutes of the first half of the concert and waited until the little shriekling was at maximum caterwaul before taking it out of the room.
2002 August 16, circusgirl [username], “ikea - managed to keep srongs occupied...”, in alt.support.childfree[4] (Usenet):
But, the nice people who designed the store, seem to have managed it that shrieklings are not to be heard there.