2018, Kerry Ingram, "Top trends versus trends to trash", The Towerlight (Towson University), 17 April 2018, page 11:
And to put things quite simply: I'm shooketh.
2018, Jerry Chern, "Grossed out", Exeposé (University of Exeter), 21 May 2018, page 23:
Paramount aren't going to make an artsy film when they could throw another abhorrent Transformers film at us which will make £1 billion (I too am shooketh) at the box office.
To make things even more difficult, I had to make my raft out of recycled materials around campus. My wasteful ass was shooketh.
2018, Bianca Stevens, "Keeping up with the trends", Wapad (North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa), 18 October 2018, page 10:
Season three of Riverdale aired last week and I must say I am “shooketh.
2018, Kerry Ingram, "Beauty to get you in the spirit", The Towerlight (Towson University), 30 October 2018, page 11:
When this collection was first teased on Kylie Jenner's Instagram and Snapchat stories, viewers were shooketh everywhere (myself included).
2019, Leah Vernon, Unashamed: Musings of a Fat, Black Muslim, unnumbered page:
This is nuts. A refined website like CBS chose my story as the top. I was shooketh.
2019, Sabrina Chow, "'On the Basis of Sex' tells RBG's origin story", The Brandeis Hoot, 25 January 2019, page 14:
The greatest part of the film though was the final scene, where a young Ginsburg is seen running up the steps of the United States Supreme Court Building and a quick angle change sees the real Ginsburg climbing to the top. I was shooketh.
2020, C. H. Mitford, Cast of Riverdale: Issue #3, page 9:
Not only has Riverdale taken place, but everyone is shooketh! Peeps are devoted to this show, and we get it.
Verb: "(nonstandard, slang) past participle of shake"
2018, Kali Daniel, quoted in "The Case Of Star Wars V. Star Trek", SET Magazine (2018), Volume 6, Issue 4, page 18:
Amidala's headdress alone hath shooketh me to my core.
2020, Carson Tucker, "A J.D. in Imperfection", Columbus Bar Lawyers Quarterly, Winter 2020, page 59:
My entire world was "shooketh" when a wise mentor told me that I need to start treating myself like I treat other people.
2020, Sarah Selena, "Nostradamus Predictions for 2020", NUKS Magic, April 2020, page 11:
I hope you were sufficiently shooketh by them and let us hope that the poetry of an alternative facts dude in the 16th century holds no weight and rest easy friends!