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English citations of shamozzle

  • (Can we date this quote?), Ian O'Malley, The Irish Culture Book 1 - Activity Book, Lulu.com (→ISBN), page 33:
    Shamozzle is an example of a word sometimes used in Irish English that doesn't really translate into any other language. Look at the explanation. A shamozzle is a disagreement between a group of people that can involve pushing but is not as serious as one that involves punching or kicking. Can you think of at least two situations in which a shamozzle might happen? Have you ever been in a shamozzle? 3. Think about your own native language or a second language that you speak.
  • 1978, Canadian Paperworkers Union. Constitutional Convention, Proceedings, ... National Constitutional Convention"
    G. CALLAHAN (Local 1178): I can understand what you're saying but I'm the same as the brother from Region IV, Art Gruntman, we went through a real shamozzle, I was one of the delegates down here two and a half years ago when we got to this appeal and I just wondered if we're going to end up going through that big shamozzle again. I hope we are not because we will be down here for a long time. ACTING CHAIRMAN: That's what the rules have tried to detract from.
  • 2015, Xaviére Cristeau, The Observer Trilogy: The Brave Ulysses, BookBaby (→ISBN):
    All this shamozzle right now is just to buy them some time. Get the monkey off their back. About getting it done before the end of the decade. It's bollocks. They think they've just fallen a few months behind. They have no bloody idea. It can't be done right now. It's decades away. They still think they can make it, Paul. Sometime early next year. April. They wouldn't be doing any of this if they didn't believe it. The whole thing's been pre-taped in Nevada,” said Michael.