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English citations of selfawarewolf

Noun: "(Internet slang, derogatory or humorous) a person who recognizes their own flaws, mistakes, or faulty logic, but does not see them as a problem to be addressed or connect them to their own behaviour and beliefs"

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2018 October 2, Menace to Cisciety (@pacifistycuffs), Twitter[1]:
    The home secretary declaring that the conservatives "will fight hope with hate" must be the most r/selfawarewolves thing to have happened at a party conference
  • 2018 December 25, rory (@hexgrrrl), Twitter[2]:
    He's a selfawarewolf who almost realized his input was unwanted on a post about women.
  • 2019 July 15, Douglas Fruin (@MrFunnie), Twitter[3]:
    Such a selfawarewolf. God damn. Projection and denial right underneath our noses.
  • 2019 November 19, Czar (@HamAhoy), Twitter[4]:
    There is so much to unpack here. I enjoy how trump is such a selfawarewolf sometimes. "We have a corrupt media" yeah buddy, we have a corrupt EVERYTHING. 5 corporations control the fucking planet read a damn book!
  • 2019 December 30, Kevin (@Houstanity), Twitter[5]:
    Ah yes, fight socialism by pooling your small donations to help the billionaire [Donald Trump] defend himself...?
    Is it a full moon, because this selfawarewolf is very close to connecting the dots here...
  • 2020 February 23, Emily Fuchs (@BabyJaceDK), Twitter[6]:
    You’re so close it hurts. Just another selfawarewolf
  • 2020 March 13, The Red Sonia (@redsonia), Twitter[7]:
    I hope it’s obvious to people that I’m being a facetious selfawarewolf when I say shit like “in my expert opinion” about stuff like politics, economics and covid-19.
  • 2020 April 3, Fisher (@4444xS), Twitter[8]:
    I agree that blaming Harper about this situation is stupid but how many times do you post similar things about Trudeau? So close to being a selfawarewolf with this post.
  • 2020 July 19, NEW DONK WORLD (@memeguardian), Twitter[9]:
    pro capitalist posts that are so borderline to touching selfawareness u can hear the selfawarewolf almost howling in the distance
  • 2021 July 14, Angel (@angel_ponders), Twitter[10]:
    I think I’m getting over my initial shock and am settling into a more comfortable mental space now lol. I mean, I’m still a clown. I get that. But I’m a selfawarewolf at least.
  • 2021 September 6, Pylons (@Dangerpylons), Twitter[11]:
    He is using the evidence that some rural Americans don't have access to healthcare but can easily find vet medication.
    It's the peak selfawarewolf moment.
  • 2021 November 24, Self Aware Wolves (@SelfWolves), Twitter[12]:
    Selfawarewolf gets called out for being a bigot. After self reflection, rejects reality and whines in another subreddit
  • 2022 June 29, Leta Darnell (@TiCwriter), Twitter[13]:
    you don't have to repeat that you are a selfawarewolf about racism to me.
  • 2022 June 29, PG (@Pgreer3), Twitter[14]:
    A techno-utopian somehow cannot understand how technology and specifically libertarian technologists might cause income inequalities and dystopian futures.
    Sounds like a selfawarewolf to me.