1972, R. A. Sommerfeld, F. Wolfe (Jr.), A centrifugal tensile tester for snow[1]:
A recording of the tachometer output provides an accurate and permanent record of the acceleration of the spin rate.
1982, C. D. Binnie, A. J. Rowan, T. H. Gutter, A Manual of Electroencephalographic Technology[2], page 1:
The electroencephalogram (EEG) is a recording of the electrical activity of the brain.
2010, Patrick Smallwood, Davin K. Quinn, Theodore A. Stern, “Patients with Disordered Sleep”, in Theodore A. Stern, editor, Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of General Hospital Psychiatry[3], page 289:
Electrocardiogram (ECG): A recording of heart rhythm. • Electromyogram (EMG): A recording of the activity of the left and right tibialis anterior muscles and the submental (chin) muscles.
2012, John C. Mallinson, The Foundations of Magnetic Recording[4], 2nd edition, page 198:
a recording of the 7.7 MHz ac bias waveform can be detected easily on a spectrum analyzer at tape speeds as low as 30 ips
Figure 7-12 shows such a recording of six doughs containing 0%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 5%, and 10% yeast, respectively. Other instruments that permit automatic recording of gas evolution have been available for some time
A holograph is a recording of the interference patterns formed between two beams of coherent light coming from a laser on a light-sensitive media such as a photographic film.
2014, George Demetrion, In Quest of a Vital Protestant Center[8], page 98:
It is Geschichte—focusing on the divine intrusion into historical events—rather than Historie—a recording of events as they appear to an objective observer.