English citations of rapette
- 1993, Oliver Cyriax, Crime: An Encyclopedia, Andre Deutsch Limited:
- A leading QC, Helena Kennedy, dismisses the idea of a half-way house, a 'rapette' as it were, saying that there is no need to differentiate the crime: 'The varying seriousness is reflected in the sentencing.' On a more practical level, juries tend […]
- 2000, Sally A. Lloyd, Beth C. Emery, The Dark Side of Courtship: Physical and Sexual Aggression, SAGE (→ISBN), page 34:
- This perspective sees dating as a relationship of reciprocity and pleasure, whereas rape is about violence and powerlessness. Date rape, or "rapette," thus is portrayed as not as traumatic as an act perpetrated by a stranger […]
- 2000, Maria Bevacqua, Rape on the Public Agenda: Feminism and the Politics of Sexual Assualt, UPNE (→ISBN), page 155:
- Mary Koss and Sarah Cook (1993, 108) point out that date rape "comes to signify 'rapette' in many minds," that the act ...
- 2001 June, Mark Cowling, "Rape, and other sexual assaults: towards a philosophical analysis", in Essays in Philosophy, volume 2, issue 2, pp. 84-98:
- IV. 'Rapettes', Gropes and Male Victims
- If my arguments above […]
- Hence Mary Koss's need to repudiate the allegation that she is largely describing 'rapettes'. However, the evidence of the extent to which […]
- 2005, Donileen R. Loseke, Richard J. Gelles, Mary M. Cavanaugh, Current Controversies on Family Violence, SAGE (→ISBN), page 103:
- Rape or Rapette? The term "date rape" appears to be an oxymoron. Date connotes mutuality and pleasure, whereas rape implies powerlessness and humiliation. The juxtaposition of these words modifies the traditional sense of outrage ...
- 2010, Takuya Nakamura, Les tables - La grammaire du français par le menu: Mélanges en hommage à Christian Leclère, Presses univ. de Louvain (→ISBN), page 335:
- a less serious form of rape, like a rapette (rape = viol)
- that scandalette could hamper his presidential chances
- an inner torment that might materialise into a tantrumette (tantrum = crise de colère) […]
- 2014, C. Cohen, Male Rape is a Feminist Issue: Feminism, Governmentality and Male Rape, Springer (→ISBN)
- ... as well as in legitimizing a hierarchy of harm for male rape through categories not dissimilar to 'rapettes' – terminology trivializing the assault as 'mini-rapes' or ' not-really-rapes' – previously decried by feminist researchers in relation to women.