1889 — William Robinson, The English Flower Garden: Style, Position, And Arrangement, John Murray (1899), page 291:
In the wild state the flowers are single—that is to say, only the outer florets are strap-shaped, and usually of a rosy-lilac tint, with yellowish disc florets; but under cultivation, all the florets have become ligulate or quilled […]
Adjective: "(of fabric) having small, rounded folds
Round the throat is a ruff of white muslin, quilled in large reverse plaids; […]
1909 — Henry C. Shelley, Inns and Taverns of Old London, L.C. Page and Company (1909):
He insensibly began to alter his appearance; his cravat seemed quilled into a ruff, and his breeches swelled out into a farlingale. I now fancied him changing sexes; and as my eyes began to close in slumber, I imagined my fat landlord actually converted into as fat a landlady.