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English citations of pluto, Pluto, plutoed, Plutoed, and plutoing

    • 1828, Harvard University, The Harvard Register - Page 213
      After opening sundry doors which led into the "cellar-way," butteries, bed-rooms, and closets, I at last succeeded in finding the portal of the kitchen, where the family were assembled, and from whence issued such volumes of smoke, such an unearthly jargon and confusion of tongues, mingled with the dulcet notes of the old "tabby," whose tail was under the pinching application of some youngster's fingers, that the scene altogether out Plutoed the regions of Pluto; and gave a far more vivid impression of his domain, than the diabolical representations of his majesty's ministers and the blue flame which I remember to nave seen exhibited in the pantomime of Don Juan.
    • 1848, A. A, Plot, A plot and a peerage (signed A.A.). - Page 97
      ...Maelopotatus, a classical tragedy, upon the model of Euripides; it was plutoed (and very properly) at Drury three season ago-you never read it?"
    • 2007 April 21, The Meerkat <the_meerkat@hotmail.com>, OT:Catholic Church ditches Limbo, aus.tv, Usenet.
      Limbo has been plutoed. No half way house any more. It's heaven or hell.
    • 2007, Andrew Swift, The Daily Iowan - Opinion Column
      Winter is dead. The break the university community has just returned from is ostensibly known as winter break. But those who stayed in the Iowa City area know the sad truth: The four seasons Midwesterners grew up with have been Plutoed.
    • 2007, Richard Davis, Courier Press - Entertainment Column
      I'm sure I looked really cool (or has that word been plutoed?) in my sneakers and old-fashioned Levis, next to jocks, Greek Life poster children, guys with Bluetooth headsets, and a young woman in ski boots and leotards that left little to the imagination.
    • 2007, Joanne Hansen, "Caucasians' dreams could use same help" in Arizona Central - Opinion Column Jan. 15, 2007 12:00 AM
      Except for athletes, male Caucasians in this country have been "plutoed" (devalued) by the educational system supported by their parents' taxes and the hard work of our citizens.
    • 2008 April 13, GET WISDOM! <sofatoye@sofatoye.com>, GET WISDOM! Understanding, GET WISDOM!, Usenet.
      As a result of...plutoing that class, I made room for another in-depth marketing class that will better serve me and you, my clients and readers.
    • 2015 Sarah Croco, Peace at What Price?, Cambridge University Press (2015) p. 189
      Other strategies include pivoting to a different conflict (e.g., Obama redirecting the focus from Iraq to Afghanistan); "plutoing" the mission by making the objective seem less important; acting on principle by offering a "concession based on a rule rather than the adversary's coercion; or "keeping control, claiming ... that retreat was the plan all along" ....